gta east

GTA East Local Advisory Committee Introductory Meeting March 10, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

GTA East Local Advisory Committee Introductory Meeting March 10, 2016 Presentation Outline Role of the Local Advisory Committee Regional Electricity Planning Process Summary of Findings from Regional Planning Activities in GTA

  1. GTA East Local Advisory Committee Introductory Meeting March 10, 2016

  2. Presentation Outline • Role of the Local Advisory Committee • Regional Electricity Planning Process • Summary of Findings from Regional Planning Activities in GTA East • Engaging the Community on a Long-Term Electricity Strategy for the Region • Discussion 2


  4. Role of the Local Advisory Committee • Provide input on planning initiatives and priorities (economic development, downtown intensification, community energy plans, etc. ) in the GTA East Regional area • Share information on local electricity supply preferences • Provide input in the design of engagement approaches related to regional electricity planning

  5. Meetings are a Forum for Information Sharing • Updates on progress and results from the Pickering Ajax Whitby Area Working Group • A venue for a broader energy dialogue and a bridge between regional planning cycles for the region

  6. Planning and Engagement – Timeline Scoping Assessment Municipal IESO (90 Meetings First LAC IRRP days to complete) Meeting Posted Start Establish Second Continue Needs IRRP LAC for LAC work on Screening Region Meeting planning Hydro Pickering for long- One (60 -Ajax- term days to Whitby needs complete) 6


  8. A Typical Electric Power System 8

  9. Key Participants in Ontario’s Electricity Sector Ministry of Energy System Operation, Planning and Regulation Procurement Ontario Energy Board Ontario Electricity System and its Customers Generation Distribution Transmission Ontario Power Generation (OPG) and other generators Local Distribution Companies (LDCs), Hydro One Distribution and other Hydro One, Great Lakes distribution customers Power Transmission, Five Nations and others 9

  10. What is Regional Electricity Planning? • A process for identifying and addressing local electricity needs • Link between provincial bulk system planning (led by the IESO) and local distribution system planning (led by LDCs) • Objective of maintaining a safe, reliable and economic electricity supply • Operates in the context of existing criteria and frameworks – Applies the IESO’s reliability standards – Aligns with provincial/municipal planning policies, and where possible, with local interests • Either an integrated approach (considers conservation, generation, wires and other innovative solutions) led by the IESO, for studies with more expansive needs; or for studies with “wires only” solutions, led by Hydro One or other Transmitters. 10

  11. Context for Regional Electricity Planning

  12. Overview of the Electricity Planning Process Planning Community Decision Implementation Process Engagement Making • Data gathering • Regulatory approvals for Dialog with community Working group • Technical studies wires projects members on options to recommendations based on • Options for integrated • Programs, procurement or address longer-term needs planning criteria and solutions other mechanisms for non- consideration of • Trigger projects to address wires alternatives community input near-term needs Outcomes • Needs Screening, Input on preferences A plan consisting of Solutions are in and/or IRRP for longer-term wires project(s) place in time to meet • Identification of the Region’s electricity supply and/or non-wires needs and options options alternatives electricity needs 12

  13. GTA East Region 13

  14. The primary power system facilities serving this region are Pickering NGS and four 500 / 230 kV transformers at Cherrywood TS. Load in south Durham Region is almost 900 MW, growing at about 1% to 1.5% per year.

  15. Transformation relief required for Transformation relief required for Cherrywood TS once Pickering NGS retires. Cherrywood TS once Pickering NGS Local supply reliability in the area also retires. needs improvement. Local supply reliability in the area also needs improvement. 15

  16. Clarington TS relieves overloads at Cherrywood Clarington TS relieves overloads at Cherrywood TS TS and also provides local reliability and also provides local reliability improvements. improvements. 16

  17. The GTA East Region • This Area is supplied primarily by Pickering NGS and four 500/230 kV transformers at Cherrywood TS • Sources of local supply include: – Renewable FIT and microFIT – CHP, EFW • Peak electricity demand for the region was about 770 MW (summer peaking) in 2015 • This region is expected to continue developing as targets for the greater golden horseshoe are pursued 17

  18. Background • The Regional Participants have been examining the electrical needs in the GTA East Region since 2014.This group consists of the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), Hydro One Networks (Transmission and Distribution), Veridian Connections Inc, Whitby Hydro Electric Corporation and Oshawa PUC Networks Inc. • The Region was divided into two sub-regions: Pickering-Ajax-Whitby and Oshawa-Clarington based on the types of needs identified: – Needs in the Oshawa-Clarington sub-region were assessed by a Hydro One led Local Planning Working Group in 2015. This report is now complete and can be found on Hydro One’s website – An Integrated Regional Resource Plan (IRRP) for the Pickering-Ajax-Whitby Area is currently underway. This plan will assess the needs and recommend integrated solutions to meet the identified needs. • The recommendations resulting from these planning processes lay the foundation for continued planning to address future needs as they arise. 18

  19. Local Planning for the Oshawa-Clarington sub-region • Local Planning Report for this sub-region was completed by Hydro One in May 2015 • A new transformer station is recommended for the area to address near- term capacity needs • An agreement between Oshawa Hydro, Hydro One Distribution and Hydro One Transmission is under development for this transformer station. 19

  20. Integrated Planning for the Pickering-Ajax- Whitby Area Near-Term Needs • CAPACITY: Additional transformer capacity required to be in-service by 2018 to support urban and Greenfield growth in Pickering • RESTORATION: Rationale for meeting restoration criteria for rare failure events 20

  21. Integrated Planning for the Pickering-Ajax- Whitby Area Options Considered for Meeting Capacity Needs 1. A new transformer station near the community of Seaton and reinforcement of existing line 2. New 27.6 kV distribution feeders from other transformer stations 3. A combination of the above 21

  22. 22

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  24. Integrated Planning for the Pickering-Ajax- Whitby Area Details of Option 1-Reinforcement of Existing Circuits Approximate portions of circuit to be reinforced (dependent on the preferred site) Existing tower type: single circuit 24

  25. Integrated Planning for the Pickering-Ajax- Whitby Area Options Considered for Restoration 1. Do Nothing, because the risk does not justify the cost. 2. Establish distribution infrastructure and process for transferring load between distribution stations during these unlikely failure events. 3. Install remote control motorized switches on the 230 kV circuits to isolate the faults from the rest of the Region’s system. 25

  26. Integrated Planning for the Pickering-Ajax- Whitby Area Status of Near-Term Needs and Options • Capacity: – Economic analysis comparing the three different options is complete, and a new 230/27.6 kV transformer station which is option 1 is recommended – Given the near-term nature of the need, implementation of the recommendation is under development • Restoration: – Economic analysis is underway to compare the cost and benefits of the status quo versus motorized switches or distribution load transfers – Results of this analysis to be shared at the next LAC meeting 26

  27. The GTA East Region - Plan for Meeting Near term Growth • Continued implementation of conservation and distributed generation initiatives • Implementation of the near-term solutions for new transformer stations in the Pickering-Ajax-Whitby and Oshawa-Clarington areas • The regional participants will work with the LAC, municipal planners, other communities and stakeholders to establish long terms needs and local preferences on options to supply longer term electrical demand. • This input will help shape the mid and long term elements of this IRRP 27

  28. Approaches to Addressing Longer-Term Needs Conservation & Small-Scale, Distributed Resources Community Self-Sufficiency Larger, Localized Final plan may have Wires elements from each Generation of the approaches Centralized Local Deliver Provincial Resources Resources 28

  29. Community Self Sufficiency: Conservation and Demand Management • Energy Efficiency: switching to more efficient lights and appliances • Automation: Increasing use of technology to automate energy management based on customer preferences (Intelligent thermostats, smart plugs, smart charging for electric vehicles…) • More user friendly and timely reporting: Customers expecting more user friendly and timely information and tips relating to energy management • Behaviour Modification: Exploring pricing rate structure other than TOU to promote customer behaviour modification 29


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