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GSCB-Workshop on Ground Segment Evolution Strategy N. Hanowski, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

GSCB-Workshop on Ground Segment Evolution Strategy N. Hanowski, EOP-G, Ground Segment and Operations Department, 24 September 2015 ESA UNCLASSIFIED For Official Use - Slide 1 EO Ground Segment Evolution Strategy

  1. GSCB-Workshop on Ground Segment Evolution Strategy N. Hanowski, EOP-G, Ground Segment and Operations Department, 24 September 2015 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use - Slide 1

  2. EO Ground Segment Evolution Strategy ESA/MS GS-Evolution Big Data Initiatives • driven by desire to enable • driven by challenge of US current and new users; part IT commercial providers of ESA EO Strategies Common Subjects: • EC led • Preserving & fostering - Technical architecture, Europe’s EO Data and Knowledge standards, I/F • ESA Programme - Data & information policy • MS Programmes - Industrial management & partnership schemes - Funding schemes National Sentinels The Pillars Collaborative GS of European Copernicus Space Component Right-scoping GS Evolution EO Ground • driven by ambition to stimulate new services in driven by needs of Copernicus • Segment MS beyond core services services • Cooperation Agreements follows EC/ESA management process • Evolution ESA-MS/ESA EC/ESA Copernicus Agreement • ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use - Slide 2

  3. EO Ground Segment Evolution Strategy The vision is an overall architecture that ensures coherence between the pillars of the European EO Ground Segment - Bottom-up approach - Evolution of 4 architectural building blocks ESA/MS GS-Evolution • driven by desire to enable - enabling users using new ICT capabilities (exploitation platforms) current and new users; part - introducing missions concept to explore heritage data wealth of ESA EO Strategies - improving the core GS functionality incl. Data Preservation • Preserving & fostering - harmonisation, standardisation and coordination Europe’s EO Data and Knowledge - Contracts evolution towards “Services” • ESA Programme - Focus on data, knowledge, competences & exploitation assets ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use - Slide 3

  4. EO Ground Segment Evolution Objectives 1. Assure availability of data & associated information for future working practices of the growing geo-information user communities. 2. Provide modular architecture for high-volume & high-diversity data preservation, access, management, processing, fusion & exploitation. 3. Harness new opportunities and tools to derive information (based on accessible and reliable data). 4. Integrate EO data utilisation development into innovation/information technology community (as in the US). 5. Increase flexibility of Core GS functions to cope with evolving data demands in this environment. 6. Foster and coordinate existing mission & data management competences and reduce operations cost. ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use - Slide 4

  5. EO Ground Segment Evolution Strategy HIGHLIGHTS In the future, the EO-Innovation Europe will make possible • the federation of the stake holders assets of European EO ecosystem. This should avoid duplication of means, insure autonomy and • will bring the users to the data to foster the development of downstream services. Data policy, industrial propriety rights, and governance to be • taken into account. Canada, as an ESA Member State, is hosting a Copernicus • Core Ground Segment Ground Station. Canadian industry will work with ESA and European • companies to evolve the ESA Ground Segment. Canadian EO data infrastructure has been upgraded and will • be interoperable with ESA. ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use - Slide 5

  6. EO Ground Segment Evolution Strategy HIGHLIGHTS Be flexible, avoid single source solutions & services; keep control over • your assets Consider long term consequences, long term data, beyond mission • duration; beyond commercial interest Beware of and keep the „EO Know How“, also in the ground segment • Finally, EO is sensor technology & Earth science, not just bits & bytes • EUMETSAT’s infrastructures are directly tailored to the data access • needs of our Member States (true real time data distribution). EUMETSAT will continue as part of its roadmap continuously • improving its core GS functionality including the access and data preservation to its valuable meteorological EO datasets. EUMETSAT recognises the notion of "Users to the data" as just one • pillar in the broad range of data access scenarios. EUMETSAT will further participate and support with the • harmonisation, standardisation and coordination of EO data. ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use - Slide 6

  7. EO Ground Segment Evolution Strategy HIGHLIGHTS UK Sentinel Data Access Service web portal allows access to • Copernicus data (could be expanded) and hosted processing for commercial and public use. Governance is in place to which takes into account academic • and commercial interests supported by public and private sector actors. ESA EO Evolution Strategy should align with EC Copernicus • programme and reuse assets and exploit capabilities already in place. ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use - Slide 7


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