growing community interest in preservation through

Growing Community Interest in Preservation through Cultural Resource - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Growing Community Interest in Preservation through Cultural Resource Surveys Jefferson County Historical Commission 15 th Annual Historic Preservation Symposium May 19, 2018 Background Historic Preservation Plan: October 2012 Historic

  1. Growing Community Interest in Preservation through Cultural Resource Surveys Jefferson County Historical Commission 15 th Annual Historic Preservation Symposium May 19, 2018

  2. Background ▪ Historic Preservation Plan: October 2012 ▪ Historic Preservation Ordinance: December 2012 ▪ Historic Preservation Commission: August 2013 ▪ City of Lakewood became CLG: March 2014

  3. Historic Lakewood: 1860- 1938 Historic Lakewood: 1939-1952 W. 26th Ave . W. Colfax Ave . W. 6th Ave . Kipling

  4. Historic Northeast Lakewood

  5. Cultural Resource Survey of Historic NE Lakewood January 2004

  6. Cultural Resource Survey of Historic NE Lakewood January 2004 ▪ Grassroots effort by NE Lakewood and Two Creeks Neighborhood Organizations ▪ To identify and raise awareness of the remaining historic properties ▪ 93 properties surveyed; 84 recommended for designation

  7. Cultural Resource Survey of Historic NE Lakewood January 2004 ▪ Recommendations Implemented: o Conduct surveys in other neighborhoods o Apply for Certified Local Government status o Integrate preservation component into Comprehensive Plan o Create database of survey information

  8. West Colfax Ave. Historic Resources Survey November 2016

  9. West Colfax Ave. Historic Resources Survey November 2016 ▪ Grassroots effort by 40 West Arts District – 28 volunteers ▪ Redevelopment pressures from light rail ▪ 511 properties surveyed ▪ 57 recommended for designation

  10. West Colfax Ave. Historic Resources Survey November 2016 ▪ Recommendations: o Further survey in adjacent neighborhoods with development pressure o Create school programs to teach about Lakewood’s history o Develop walking, biking, driving tour of local architecture/history ▪ Strong partnership opportunities

  11. West Colfax Ave. Historic Resources Survey November 2016

  12. Eiber Neighborhood Cultural Resources Survey June 2018

  13. Eiber Neighborhood Cultural Resources Survey June 2018 ▪ Interest grew from W. Colfax survey & Eiber Neighborhood ▪ Concern with pressure from light rail o 303 properties surveyed o 31 at intensive level o 272 at reconnaissance level

  14. Eiber Neighborhood Cultural Resources Survey June 2018 ▪ Recommendations o Designation & possible down zoning o Research on 1930s growth in the neighborhood o Interpretation & sharing (walk & talks) with neighborhood

  15. Morse Park Survey Plan

  16. Morse Park Survey Plan ▪ Large lots & infill development ▪ Developed over time ▪ Interest from diverse areas

  17. Survey – Then What ▪ Keep the community engaged ▪ Implement recommendations in survey plans ▪ Follow-up with property owners



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