grmf project

GRMF PROJECT IN REPUBLIC OF DJIBOUTI Presented by Eng. Abdo - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

INTRODUCTION OF GRMF PROJECT IN REPUBLIC OF DJIBOUTI Presented by Eng. Abdo Mohamed Ismael 1 1 I. General Introduction II. Current GRMF Project 1. Objective of ARTA Surface Study 2. Human ressource & Equipment 3. Schedule of

  1. INTRODUCTION OF GRMF PROJECT IN REPUBLIC OF DJIBOUTI  Presented by Eng. Abdo Mohamed Ismael 1 1

  2. I. General Introduction II. Current GRMF Project 1. Objective of ARTA Surface Study 2. Human ressource & Equipment 3. Schedule of planned activites 4. Financial aspect of the Project III. GRMF Planning Project 1. Surface study Project 2. Drilling Project 2

  3. Funded ded by:  African Union Commission (AUC)  German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)  EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU ITF) via KfW  UK Department for International Development (DFID) History: y:  Launched in April 2012  The 3 rd Application Round completed by end of 2015.  The 4 th Application Round was launched in June 2016 3

  4. To encourage Public and private investment and the mobilization of funds for the development of Geothermal Power Plants in the countries of East Africa. Lists of Initial members countries: Ethiopia, Kenya , Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania News members s countries ries: Burundi di, Comoros, s, Djibouti ti, Eritre rea, DRC, Zambia GRMF Instrument Drilling Program Surface Study Infrastructure Program program  40% of approved  80% of approved  20% of approved allowable costs for the allowable costs allowable costs for exploration drilling and (excluding infrastructure infrastructure required testing programme for costs). for eligible surface geothermal test wells studies and eligible (excluding infrastructure drilling programmes costs) (e.g. access roads, water supply, etc) 4

  5.  Previous study done in ARTA Geothermal site: GEOTHERMICA ITALIA (1982) Geological mapping  Gravity survey (915 points)  Water Analysis (15 samples)  JICA (2014) Satellite image analysis  Rock sampling with XRF and XRD  Geochemical Survey: the geo-thermometer indicated  a range of temperature between 200-250 °C 5

  6. Arta is evaluated as one of the best Geothermal Site 1. by JICA (2014) as well as Nord-Goubet. 6

  7. ARTA  Location of Arta 7

  8. 1.1 Objective  Prepare geothermal conceptual model  Evaluate geothermal resources  Decide drilling target  Design exploration wells and drilling program 1.2 Methodology  Geology: XRD analysis (100 samples)  Geophysics : Gravity, MT/TEM.  Socio-environmental: Scoping and pre-assessment 8

  9.  Overview of Arta Geothermal site: Color of the rock is changed yellow by alteration zone. 9

  10.  Fumaroles in Arta Geothermal site 10

  11.  Alteration zone in Arta Kaolinite vain indicates acidic geothermal fluid 11

  12. 2. Human ressource & Equipment In this project, all the project members are from ODDEG side and from the Sub-contractor Nippon Koei (Japanese company): ODDEG PROJECT TEAM 21 Project Manager Sub-contractor Staffs and Deputy Management team Project Manager Socio – Geosciences staff: Geosciences staff : Environnemental ( 6 experts) + 1 (11 staffs) staff: (2 seniors Drilling Expert experts) 12

  13. 3.1 Schedule of the project The Arta geothermal site was submitted for Surface study program for  the third round of the GRMF in 2015.  After processing of Documents submitted to the GRMF, the Agreement is planned on September 2017. Notification for Expression of Full Application Grant Signature grant submitted Interest submitted in will be sign in in December Submitted in September 2017 July 2015 January 2015 2015 13

  14.  3.2 Schedule of the activities 14

  15. 4. Financial aspect of the Project The payment arrangement Total cost of the project : will follow the African Union procurement guideline. 1.2 M USD Djibouti Government GRMF contribution 80% 20% 15

  16.  1. Surface study Project For the Fifth round of the GRMF, ODDEG will submit two (2) geothermal sites for surface study program: North and North Est Ghoubhet geothermal  prospect 16

  17. North-Ghoubhet North Est Ghoubhet  Location 17

  18. North – Ghoubhet East geothermal prospect is located around 50 km away from Djibouti city.  Previous survey: Some survey done by Aquater (Italian company) , analysis of a hot spring and conceptual diagram shows the source of heat in the dorsal of the Ghoubbet located in the vicinity of the coasts, with volcano shield on the axis. Expected low- salinity fluid (meteoric water and seawater).  Planned activities: complementary surface exploration (Geology, geochemistry, geophysics , reservoir modelling and EIA). Also news methods like seismic will be useful. 18

  19. 2. Drilling Project of Arta  Soon after the surface survey is conducted, drilling project is planned at Arta by GRMF project.  ODDEG will submit an application to GRMF on January 2019 for drilling on;  North-east Asal geothermal site  South-east Ghoubhet geothermal site  North-east Ghoubhet geothermal site 19


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