ValorSabio GreenLine GreenLine Ev ery Drop.... Ev ery Drop.... ..........Pu re W ater ..........Pu re W ater VALORSABIO,LDA Urb. Pisão, Lote 2, lj-I Santa Cruz 2560-042 A-DOS-CUNHADOS PORTUGAL Tel: +351261936077 Fax:+351261936079
ValorSabio GreenLine is a photobioreactor where photosynthetic microorganims ( microalgae) uptake nutrients, organic matter and other recalcitrant elements, by simply using sunlight. GreenLine GreenLine - Heavy metals and recalcitrant compounds removal. - Residual organic matter removal. - Silmultaneous Nitrogen and Phosphorous removal.
ValorSabio GreenLine aplication fields are: Wastewater treatement and reuse. GreenLine GreenLine Ground water bioremediation. Heavy metals and radioactive elements removal from soil. Microalgae production. Carbon capture, etc.
ValorSabio GreenLine GreenLine Results ( Partial Secondary & Tertiary Wastewater treatment). Inflow CQO in CBO5 in SST in N in P in 140 26 44 40 7,9 Outflow CQO out CBO5 out SST out N out P out 30 4 4,3 1,6 0,2 Note: All units in mg/L. Operational data obtained in continuous flow, with 3 hours hydraulic retention time.
ValorSabio vs. oth er Treatm en ts (n itrogen rem oval) GreeLine vs. oth er Treatm en ts (n itrogen rem oval) GreeLine Treatment operation or process Removal of total nitrogen entering process(%) Conventional treatment Primary 5-10 Secondary 10-30 Biological processes Bacterial assimilation 30-70 Denitrification 70-95 of nitrates Harvesting algae 50-80 Nitrification 5-20 Oxidation ponds 20-90 Chemical processes Breakpoint chlorination 80-95 of amonia and organic nitrogen Chemical coagulation 20-30 Carbon adsorption 10-20 Selective ion exchange for ammonium 70-95 of ammonia Selective ion exchange for nitrate 70-90 of nitrates Physical Operations Filtration 20-40 Air Stripping 50-90 of ammonia Electrodialysis 40-50 Reverse Osmosis 80-90 GreenLine Up to 95
ValorSabio vs. oth er Treatm en ts (ph osph orou s rem oval). GreeLine vs. oth er Treatm en ts (ph osph orou s rem oval). GreeLine Treatment Phosphorous removal ( %) Primary 10-20 Activated-sludge 10-25 Trickling-filter 8-12 Rotating biological contactors 8-12 Biological phosphorous removal only Mainstream treatment ( A/O ) 70-90 Sidestream treatment ( PhoStrip ) 70-90 Combined biological nitrogen and phosphorous removal 70-90 Chemical Removal Precipitation with metal salt 70-90 Precipitation with lime 70-90 Physical Removal Filtration 20-50 Reverse Osmosis 90-100 Carbon adsorption 10-30 GreenLine Up to 97
ValorSabio v s. oth er Treatm en ts ( Desin g an d operation ). GreeLine v s. oth er Treatm en ts ( Desin g an d operation ). GreeLine Typical design in form ation for com bin ed rem ov al of Typical design in form ation for com bin ed rem ov al of n itrogen an d ph osph orou s by biological processes n itrogen an d ph osph orou s by biological processes Process Design parameter and A 2 /O operation Units Bardenpho UCT VIP GreenLine Retention time h 4,5-8,5 9,5-23 9-22 4,5-8 3-6 Solids Retention d 4-27 10-40 10-30 5-10 1-8 Oxygen Production No No No No Yes Needs air supply Yes Yes Yes Yes No Return activates sludge % influent 20-50 50-100 50-100 50-100 0-25 Chemicals Addition Yes Yes Yes Yes No
ValorSabio unique advantages GreenLine unique advantages GreenLine Competitive capital cost- Less than 50% the conventional options. Low energy consumption – uses sun as main energy source. Vertical installation – foot print area reduced in comparison with conventional microalgae lagoons. Optimised solar exposure – increased yield compared to conventional microalgae lagoons. Standard modules installation in parallel rows. GREEN, ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY, OXYGEN RELEASE, NO ODORS, AESTETICALLY APEALING, XXI CENTURY CONCEPT.
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