Grand Rapids Blood Lead Data A P R ES E N TAT I O N O F B LO O D L EA D D ATA I N T H E C I T Y O F G R A N D R A P I D S , M I . P R E PA R E D F O R T H E L EA D F R E E K I D S G R A N D R A P I D S A D V I S O RY C O M M I T T E E M E E T I N G , F E B R UA RY 5 T H , 2 0 1 9 BY D A N A L B R I G H T, D E PA RT M E N TA L S P EC I A L I ST, M D H H S C H I L D H O O D L EA D P O I S O N I N G P R E V E N T IO N P RO G R A M
Objectives Understanding CLPPP and what we do Grand Rapids Blood Lead Data
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP) Mission Statement To prevent childhood lead poisoning through surveillance, outreach and health services Vision Statement No child in Michigan suffers from Lead Poisoning Values Accountability Accuracy Competency Effective communication Statewide support Transparency
CLPPP Data Surveillance: Overview Blood is drawn and analyzed Test Result reported by testing lab to CLPPP Results imported into MICLPS MICLPS populates HHLPSS and provides the weekly HD uploads Results sent to MDHHS Data Warehouse Linked with MCIR Reports and data requests are pulled from the warehouse
CLPPP Data Surveillance Providers: 8000+ Order lead test to be performed by clinical laboratory LeadCare Many PCP, Local Health Departments, WIC clinics and other community groups perform in office Capillary screening using the Leadcare2 machines Laboratories: 400+ Clinical labs, hospital labs, nationwide labs and Leadcare users Receive blood samples from providers Can do both Capillary and Venous tests
CLPPP Data Surveillance: Weekly Process Import all test results into surveillance database (MICLPS) Ensure all data is accurate and complete Address validation Check for missing patient information (Name, DOB) Check date logic 1 page sheet is sent to provider or lab to get information before it is included in the weekly file Produce weekly reports Healthy homes section ABLES program HHLPSS database Local Health Departments Data Warehouse
CLPPP Data Surveillance: Data Outputs Weekly reports Annual Reports Local Health Departments CLPPP Annual (Provisional/Final) Partner agencies Legislative report Monthly reports CDC Executive Report Data Requests Quarterly CDC Public Housing Authorities DUAs
CLPPP EBL Nursing Case Management CLPPP oversees the nursing case management activities performed by the Local Health Departments throughout Michigan Includes: outreach to the family/guardian of each child, nursing assessment of the child and the child’s home environment, service/referral planning, and resource identification Reimbursement for in-home nursing case management to LHDs $201.58 per home visit Children must be Medicaid-enrolled, under 6 y/o, confirmatory venous test Most recent numbers – July September 2018 252 children received 353 in- home nursing case management visits throughout MI, of these visits 46 took place in Kent County for 28 children
Table 1: Children <6 in City of Grand Rapids 5-year trends, 2013-2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total Total Percent Total Total Percent Total Total Percent Total Total Percent Total Total Percent Tested EBL EBL Tested EBL EBL Tested EBL EBL Tested EBL EBL Tested EBL EBL GRAND RAPIDS 6378 466 7.3% 6376 399 6.3% 6303 524 8.3% 6633 531 8% 6441 370 6% 49503- 49508 5074 444 8.8% 4801 377 7.9% 4718 485 10.3% 4950 503 10.2% 4885 347 7.1% Michigan 148639 5743 3.9% 144099 5089 3.5% 141509 4815 3.4% 157813 5668 4% 150068 4711 3%
Figure 1: Total Number of Children <6 Tested, 2013-2017 7000 6633 6441 6378 6376 6500 6303 6000 Children Tested, <6 5500 Grand Rapids 5074 Zip 49503-49508 4950 4885 5000 4801 4718 4500 4000 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Year
Figure 2: Total Number EBL Children <6, 2013-2017 600 531 524 500 466 503 485 399 444 400 370 EBL Children 377 347 300 Grand Rapids Zip 49503-49508 200 100 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Year
Figure 3: Percent of Children <6 tested with an EBL, 2013-2017 12.0% 10.3% 10.2% 10.0% 8.8% 7.9% 8.0% 8.3% 7.1% 8.0% Percent EBL 7.3% 6.0% 6.3% Grand Rapids 5.7% Zip 49503-49508 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Year
Table 2: Children 1-2 in City of Grand Rapids 5-year trends, 2013-2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total Total Percent Total Total Percent Total Total Percent Total Total Percent Total Total Percent Tested EBL EBL Tested EBL EBL Tested EBL EBL Tested EBL EBL Tested EBL EBL GRAND RAPIDS 5034 354 7.0% 5055 308 6.1% 5072 420 8.3% 5220 394 7.5% 5158 274 5.3% 49503-49508 3963 342 8.6% 3750 288 7.7% 3753 381 10.2% 3820 373 9.8% 3833 253 6.6% Michigan 88386 3569 4.0% 87640 3102 3.5% 87723 3027 3.5% 95219 3470 3.6% 93173 2858 3.1%
Figure 4: Total Number of Children 1-2yrs Tested, 2013-2017 5500 5220 5300 5158 5072 5055 5034 5100 4900 Children Tested 4700 4500 Grand Rapids 4300 Zip 49503-49508 4100 3963 3833 3820 3900 3753 3750 3700 3500 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Year
Figure 5: Total Number EBL Children 1-2yrs, 2013-2017 450 420 394 400 354 381 350 373 308 342 300 274 EBL Children 288 250 253 Grand Rapids 200 Zip 49503-49508 150 100 50 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Year
Figure 6: Percent of Children 1-2yrs tested with an EBL, 2013-2017 12.0% 10.2% 9.8% 10.0% 8.6% 7.7% 8.0% 8.3% 6.6% Percent EBL 7.5% 7.0% 6.0% Grand Rapids 6.1% 5.3% Zip 49503-49508 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Year
Table 3: 2017 Zip code data for Children <6 years Total Tested Zip Total EBL Zip Total Tested Code Rank* Total EBL Zip Code Rank* Percent EBL 49503 847 20 73 17 8.6% 49504 798 26 56 20 7.0% 49505 564 68 30 43 5.3% 49506 516 75 33 33 6.4% 49507 1334 13 134 1 10.0% 49508 826 23 21 57 2.5% *Out of 1538 zip codes in Michigan
Contact Information Dan Albright Departmental Specialist, CLPPP 517-584-4791 CLPPP website;
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