gnss ocean reflected signals

GNSS Ocean Reflected Signals Per Heg DTU Space Technical - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

GNSS Ocean Reflected Signals Per Heg DTU Space Technical University of Denmark Content Experimental setup Instrument Measurements and observations Spectral characteristics, analysis and retrieval method 2 Experiment

  1. GNSS Ocean Reflected Signals Per Høeg DTU Space Technical University of Denmark

  2. Content • Experimental setup • Instrument • Measurements and observations • Spectral characteristics, analysis and retrieval method 2

  3. Experiment Altitude: > 3000 meters Year: 2004 60 3

  4. GNSS Ocean Reflected Signals • GNSS ocean reflected signals describe the height and the roughness of the ocean • The characteristics of the reflected signal depend on the scattering properties of the sea surface and the footprint of the reflection zone • The footprint size and shape in turn depends on the signal incidence angle and the relative velocities of transmitter and receiver • Scattering properties of the sea surface (the roughness parameter) relates to the ocean wave characteristics 60 4

  5. Motivation • Studies of Sea Surface Height Processes • GEROS on the ISS Columbus Module 5

  6. Ocean Sea Surface Height Processes Oceanic observations carry signals of a wide range of related processes. The observed fingerprints of these processes have temporal time scales from 1 hour to thousands of years and spatial scales from ten to tens thousands of kilometres. The figure illustrates the spatial and temporal scales for these processes and indicates phenomena, which can be investigated with GEROS- ISS data complementary to and distinct from the planned NASA SWOT mission and ESA and NASA radar altimetry missions (Revised from Zuffada et al., 2005). 6

  7. Power Spectrum of Sea Surface Heights (SSH) 500 km The black SSH power spectrum is for reference based on Jason altimeter observations (pass 132). The red curve gives the error spectrum of the NASA SWOT mission. The solid black line is the expected spectral continuation. The intersection of the spectral signal with the noise floor at 10km determines the resolving capabilities for the SWOT instrument (JPL, NASA, 2009). 7

  8. Experiment Azimuth-Elevation (2004-10-4 19:34:0 p:\p-roft\m-functions\almanacs\yuma267.txt) 30 4 10 19 26 16 25 25 20 Elevation (2004-10-5 0:0:0 p:\p-roft\m-functions\almanacs\yuma267.txt) 24 30 15 26 Elevation (deg) 25 31 19 10 20 14 16 17 5 7 15 4 0 Elevation (deg) 25 10 18 13 6 15 24 21 27 21 8 -5 10 23 28 27 22 1 8 23 22 5 15 13 6 30 1 20 28 5 -10 -175 -170 -165 -160 -155 -150 -145 -140 -135 -130 -125 -120 31 Azimuth relative North (deg) 0 20 17 Azimuth (deg) 7 5 14 -5 30 18 -10 0 5 10 15 20 Time UTC (hours) Time of day (hours) 8

  9. Experiment Antenna Command and Data Storage Front-End Receiver 9

  10. Instrument CODE LOOP Dot Prod. NCO / GEN FILTER Discrim. Code Code Phase Phase Front End   Meas. CCSDS E/P/L E/P/L Punctual I/Q Packaging Data OL: 1 kHz 1 , 10 ms Carrier NCO Carrier Phase CL CARRIER LOOP arctan NCO FILTER Discrim. OL ON-BOARD 30 DOPPLER MODEL Closed Loop tracking: 6.9 Carrier Phase is phase locked to 6.85 25 the received signal. 6.8 Doppler [km/s] 6.75 20 Open Loop tracking (raw mode): Tangent height (km) 6.7 Carrier Phase is measured 6.65 relative on-board Doppler model 6.6 15 6.55 6.5 10 6.45 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Time [s] 5 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Atmospheric Doppler (Hz) 10

  11. Instrument (Navigation Data De-modulation) Amplitude [-] 0.2 0.1 0 24.76 24.78 24.8 24.82 24.84 24.86 24.88 24.9 24.92 0.3 1 Amplitude 0.2 ] 0.5 l Phase [ 0 0.1 20 ms -0.5 20 ms 0 -1 24.76 24.78 24.8 24.82 24.84 24.86 24.88 24.9 24.92 24.74 24.76 24.78 24.8 24.82 24.84 24.86 24.88 24.9 24.92 Time [s] Time [s] 4 x 10 4 200 3 100 Amplitude 2 0 Q -100 1 -200 0 -50 0 50 -200 0 200 Frequency [Hz] I 11

  12. Measurements (De-trended Power Spectra) Background signal frequency drift are removed using a least squares fit parabola to the main phase. 12

  13. Measurements (Power Spectra at Different Elevation Angles) Power spectra as function of frequency difference (f-f 0 ) from the main signal peak f 0 . Clock related spectral slope of f -2 . No clock correction has been applied. 13

  14. Measurements (Trend Analysis) Variation of the slope in the frequency region 1 - 5 Hz of the power spectrum, as function of elevation angle. The red straight line is the linear least squares fit to the curve in the elevation angle interval, 0-5 degrees. 14

  15. Spectral Analysis Direct signal h/sin  c os2    h/sin  Ocean reflected signal h  h / sin  cos2  Path length difference: 15

  16. Spectral Analysis 16

  17. Meteorological Conditions 12 10 Wind speed (m/s) 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Day of October 2004 29 Temperature (deg C) 28 27 26 25 24 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Day of October 2004 1016 Pressure (mbar) 1014 1012 1010 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Day of October 2004 17

  18. Particle Filtering Method The State Model Tracking the position of a reflection point can be viewed as estimation of the state of the dynamical system based on sets of measurements. We assume that the state (parameterized by its position, height and velocity) is a first - order Markov process of the form (time-varying stochastic process):      F G W  k k k 1 k k 1  𝑞 𝑙 is the reflection point state vector at the time k 𝜄 𝑙 = K 𝑤 𝑙 W is the unknown system noise input k Here, the state vector consists of the 3-dimensional position and velocity vectors   2 t     I t I  I    M M M   F and G 2 The discrete time matrices:   k k   O I    M M   t I M 18

  19. Particle Filtering Method The Observation Model The system has M received signals and a single GNSS transmitter. The time-variant m th received signal in the k th snapshot is given as:     y ( ) t x ( ) t z ( ) t ( ) t m k , m k , m k , m k ,       ( 2 j f ( )) t x ( ) t ( ) ( t u t ( )) t e c m k , The signal component: m k , m k , m k ,   2 m k t , ( ) is the complex zero-mean Gaussian noise process with spectral height   m k t , ( ) denotes the complex amplitude of the wave propagation path f u t ( ) carrier frequency, the transmitted signal c  m k t , ( ) the delay of the signal received from the m th received signal at time t in the k th observation window 19

  20. Particle Filtering Method The Particle Filtering Algorithm A sequential Bayesian estimation method is used to estimate recursively  p y the conditional probability density function y k k 1: 1: and denote respectively, a sequence of observations and state vectors, from the 1 st to the k th measurement cycle   i p The proposed particle filter technique makes use of k   a fixed number of particles, where each particle i  v     i k is associated with a state vector   k i   k    i   k Steps for each new observation: 1) Predict the states of particles and calculate the weights 2) Re-sampling 3) Estimate the power density function 20

  21. Sea Surface Reflection Zone 200 100 0 -100 -200 -200 -100 0 100 100 -200 -100 0 100 100 Horizontal probability density functions at the reflection location (in meters) 21

  22. Conclusions • The spectral variances are driven by the atmospheric physical conditions, sea surface roughness and wind dynamics. • Spectral noise characteristics follows a power distribution related to the clock noise and the receiver amplitude estimation. • Estimated spectral variances link directly to the turbulence structure function constant of the measured atmosphere region. 22

  23. Thank you ! 23

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