glyphosate resistant palmer amaranth response to weed

GlyphosateResistant Palmer amaranth response to weed management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

GlyphosateResistant Palmer amaranth response to weed management programs in Roundup Ready and Liberty Link cotton Culpepper, York, Kichler, MacRae Glyphosateresistant Palmer Amaranth Confirmed 06 07 06 07 05 Georgia counties sampled

  1. Glyphosate­Resistant Palmer amaranth response to weed management programs in Roundup Ready and Liberty Link cotton Culpepper, York, Kichler, MacRae

  2. Glyphosate­resistant Palmer Amaranth Confirmed 06 07 06 07 05

  3. Georgia counties sampled for glyphosate­ resistant Palmer amaranth. 2005 2006 2007 (more sites being tested) Confirmed in 83 of 149 fields sampled

  4. WeatherMax 88 oz at 1 inch WeatherMax 88 oz at 4 inch WeatherMax 88 oz at 12 inch

  5. Objective � Determine if Ignite­based programs were more effective than Roundup­based programs in managing glyphosate­ resistant Palmer amaranth in DRYLAND cotton production

  6. 2007 Experiment Location: 2 Studies in Macon County

  7. Greater than 98% of population is resistant WeatherMax 66 oz/A WeatherMax 264 oz/A Palmer less than 2” when treated

  8. Experiment 1: LL vs RR Systems Plot size: 2 rows by 30 feet Split Plot/Factorial Design 2 technologies 6 herbicide systems 2 tillage practices

  9. RR Herbicide Systems* DP 555 BRR PRE Prowl H 0 or Prowl H 0 + Reflex 2 2 POT 1 POT 2 WMax WMax WMax + Dual Mag. WMax WMax + Staple WMax *Direx + MSMA applied at layby for each herbicide program. Non­treated control included. Prowl = 2 pt/A; Reflex = 1 pt/A; WMax = 22 oz/A; Dual Magnum = 1 pt/A; Staple LX = 1.7 fl oz/A

  10. LL Herbicide Systems* FM 1735 LLB2 PRE Prowl H 0 or Prowl H 0 + Reflex 2 2 POT 1 POT 2 Ignite Ignite Ignite + Dual Mag. Ignite Ignite + Staple Ignite *Direx + MSMA applied at layby for each herbicide program. Non­treated control included. Prowl = 2 pt/A; Reflex = 1 pt/A; Ignite = 23 oz/A; Dual Magnum = 1 pt/A; Staple LX = 1.7 fl oz/A

  11. Cultivated 10 d after POT 1 and POT 2 Applications

  12. Weed and Cotton Size PRE: no rain for 17 days POST 1: 1 lf cotton, 2­4 inch Palmer no rain for 21 d POST 2: 6 lf cotton, 2 inch Palmer (new flush)

  13. Percent glyphosate­resistant Palmer amaranth control at harvest. Macon Co., GA. 2007.* 100 80 78 74 70 60 a a a 40 30 20 0 0 b c c 0 POT1 Wmax + Dual + Staple + Staple Ignite + Dual POT2 Wmax Wmax Ignite Wmax Ignite Ignite Prowl PRE Direx + MSMA directed over entire trial area.

  14. WeatherMax 22 oz + Staple LX 2.5 oz/A + NIS 35 DAT, 2” when treated

  15. WeatherMax 44 oz + Staple LX 5.0 oz/A + NIS 35 DAT, 2” when treated

  16. WeatherMax 88 oz + Staple LX 10.0 oz/A + NIS 35 DAT, 2” when treated

  17. WeatherMax 176 oz + Staple LX 15.0 oz/A + NIS 35 DAT, 2” when treated

  18. Percent glyphosate­resistant Palmer amaranth control at harvest. Macon Co., GA. 2007.* 100 * 80 * * 78 74 70 60 a a a 40 * 30 20 0 0 b c c 0 POT1 Wmax + Dual + Staple + Staple Ignite + Dual POT2 Wmax Wmax Ignite Wmax Ignite Ignite Prowl + Reflex Direx + MSMA directed over entire trial area. * denotes improved control by adding Reflex.

  19. Percent glyphosate­resistant Palmer amaranth control at harvest. Macon Co., GA. 2007.* 100 * * * 80 78 74 * 70 60 a a a 40 30 20 0 0 b c c 0 POT1 Wmax + Dual + Staple + Staple Ignite + Dual POT2 Wmax Wmax Ignite Wmax Ignite Ignite Prowl + Cultivation Direx + MSMA directed over entire trial area. * denotes improved control by adding Reflex.

  20. Prowl + Reflex PRE and Glyphosate POST. Rainfall 17 d after PRE No Cultivation Cultivation

  21. Prowl + Reflex PRE and Ignite POST. Rainfall 17 d after PRE No Cultivation Cultivation

  22. Prowl + Reflex PRE; WMax or Ignite + Staple POST 1; WMAX or Ignite POST 2; Direx + MSMA Layby WMAX system Ignite System

  23. Percent glyphosate­resistant Palmer amaranth control at harvest. Macon Co., GA. 2007.* 100 * * * 80 78 74 * 70 60 a a a 40 * 30 20 0 0 b c c 0 Wmax + Dual + Staple + Staple Ignite + Dual Wmax Wmax Ignite Wmax Ignite Ignite Prowl + Reflex + Cultivation Direx + MSMA directed over entire trial area. * denotes improved control by adding Reflex.

  24. Seed cotton yield in RR and LL weed management programs. Macon Co., GA. 2007.* 1200 1133 1113 a 1012 a 900 a 600 300 0 0 0 b b b 0 Wmax + Dual + Staple + Staple Ignite + Dual Wmax Wmax Ignite Wmax Ignite Ignite Prowl Direx + MSMA directed over entire trial area.

  25. Seed cotton yield in RR and LL weed management programs. Macon Co., GA. 2007.* 1600 + + + 556 484 400 1200 1133 1113 a 1012 a 800 + a 831 400 0 Wmax + Dual + Staple + Staple Ignite + Dual Wmax Wmax Ignite Wmax Ignite Ignite Prowl + Cultivation Direx + MSMA directed over entire trial area. * denotes improved control by adding Reflex.

  26. Exp 2: Evaluating large scale Ignite­ based programs Plot size: 12 rows by 1200 feet; 4 reps Treatments PRE POT1 POT2 None Ignite Ignite Reflex Direx + Reflex Layby Pro + MSMA directed over entire trial area.

  27. Glyphosate­resistant Palmer Amaranth Infesting RR Cotton 2006 – Glyphosate based program in dryland production

  28. Percent glyphosate­resistant Palmer amaranth control at mid­season. Macon Co., GA. 2007.* 100 98 97 80 a a 60 56 40 b 20 0 Direx + Reflex None Reflex Ignite POT 1

  29. Percent glyphosate­resistant Palmer amaranth control at mid­season. Macon Co., GA. 2007.* 100 99 99 a 80 88 a b 60 40 20 0 Direx + Reflex None Reflex Ignite POT 1 and POT 2 Layby Pro + MSMA directed

  30. Glyphosate­resistant Palmer Amaranth 2007 – Ignite based program in dryland production Non­treated Direx + Reflex PRE Ignite 2” POST 1 Ignite 2” POST 2 LaybyPro + MSMA layby

  31. Conclusions 1. Morningglory controlled > 98% by all programs in both experiments. 2. Greater control of glyphosate­resistant Palmer amaranth was noted with Ignite­ based programs. Limitations to LL system adoption: • Cultivar Selection • Spraying Palmer 2 inch or less

  32. Conclusions 3. Cultivation important for RR & LL programs. 4. LL programs with cultivation provided greatest control, and greatest yields. 5. DP 555 BR ­ tillage, new herbicide chemistry, or the ability to manage water …... 6. With 555 BR being removed from the market place after 2009….cotton tolerant to Ignite looks very promising!

  33. Comments? Efforts supported by GA Cotton Commission, Cotton Incorporated, Cotton Foundation, and Industry


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