global drylands assessment gda

Global Drylands Assessment (GDA) Agadir, Morocco March 20 th 24 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Global Drylands Assessment (GDA) Agadir, Morocco March 20 th 24 th , 2017 Using Collect Earth Tools and Opportunities for Forest Restoration Results in the Mediterranean Region 1 Pablo 1 Fernando Martn-Ortega, Luis G.

  1. Global Drylands Assessment (GDA) Agadir, Morocco March 20 th – 24 th , 2017 Using Collect Earth Tools and Opportunities for Forest Restoration Results in the Mediterranean Region 1 Pablo 1 Fernando Martín-Ortega, Luis G. García-Montero, García-Robredo, 1 Cristina Pascual et al . 2 1 Dpto. de Ingeniería y Gestión Forestal y Ambiental (U.D. Análisis Ambiental) E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Montes, Forestal y del Medio Natural Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid (Spain) Contact: 2 FAO, Forestry Department, Rome (Italy)

  2. 1. Main Results of the Global Drylands Assessment (GDA) in the Mediterranean Region 2. Map of Opportunities for Forest Restoration in the Mediterranean Region

  3. Global Drylands Assessment (GDA) Source: FAO 2016

  4. Definition of drylands Aridity index P/PET < 0,65 Source: UNEP-WCMC (2007)

  5. 0,5 Ha Source: Bey et al ., 2016

  6. 1. Main results of the Global Drylands Assessment (GDA) in the Mediterranean region

  7. 1. Main results of GDA in the Mediterranean region • The area surveyed in this GDA assessment included part of Europe, Middle East and Northern Africa • Drylands of the Mediterranean Basin account for 147.540.202 Ha in countries around the Mediterranean sea. • Drylands account for 17,26 % of all area of the Mediterranean Countries Area per aridity zones Drylands category Plot Count Area (Ha) Hyperarid 5 236.225 Arid 769 19.916.099 Semiarid 3.846 76.906.906 Dry subhumid 2.341 50.480.972 Total 6.961 147.540.202

  8. 1. Main results of GDA in the Mediterranean region • Area of Mediterranean drylands as % of total dryland areas in similar regions Relative area 18 (%) 16 14 12 10 8 6 3,5 % 4 2 0 Regions

  9. 1. Main results of GDA in the Mediterranean region % Plots per aridity zones Hyperarid (5) 0,16% Arid 6.961 plots (769) 13,5% Dry subhumid (2.341) 34,2% Semiarid (3.846) 52,3%

  10. 1. Main results of GDA in the Mediterranean region Drylands East Southern West Central Middle SouthWest South North Global Mediterranean category Africa Africa Africa Asia East Asia America America Hyperarid 17.97 0.16 18.73 2.47 31.58 4.77 51.97 2.32 4.61 0.38 (%) 40.09 + Arid (%) 23.22 13.50 32.70 17.01 38.76 30.97 27.18 8.00 12.20 Semiarid 35.89 52.13 33.05 51.64 29.66 42.53 14.27 39.63 46.39 56.46 (%) Dry Subhumid 22.92 34.22 15.53 28.89 19.11 21.73 6.58 17.95 41.00 30.95 (%)

  11. 1. Main results of GDA in the Mediterranean region Area per FAO Global Ecological Zones (8 GEZ) Extension of FAO GEZ within the region Subtropical dry forest Subtropical steppe Subtropical mountain… Tropical desert Temperate continental… Subtropical desert Temperate mountain… Area (HA) Source: FAO GEZ 2010 Water 0 20,000,000 40,000,000 60,000,000 80,000,000

  12. 1. Main results of GDA in the Mediterranean region • Index of FAO Global Ecological Zones (GEZ) by relative size of total dryland area GEZ index 18 16 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

  13. 1. Main results of GDA in the Mediterranean region 21 Ecoregions out of 825 (2,54%) Source: Olson et al ., 2001

  14. 1. Main results of GDA in the Mediterranean region Extension of the 21 Olson et al . 2001 Ecoregions Mediterranean woodlands and forests Mediterranean dry woodlands and steppe Iberian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests Eastern Mediterranean conifer-sclerophyllous-broadleaf forests Mediterranean acacia-argania dry woodlands and succulent… Aegean and Western Turkey sclerophyllous and mixed forests Tyrrhenian-Adriatic Sclerophyllous and mixed forests Southern Anatolian montane conifer and deciduous forests Anatolian conifer and deciduous mixed forests Southwest Iberian Mediterranean sclerophyllous and mixed… Iberian conifer forests Northeastern Spain and Southern France Mediterranean… Northwest Iberian montane forests Pindus Mountains mixed forests Cyprus Mediterranean forests Italian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests Crete Mediterranean forests South Appenine mixed montane forests Canary Islands dry woodlands and forests Area (HA) Southeastern Iberian shrubs and woodlands Corsican montane broadleaf and mixed forests 0 10,000,000 20,000,000 30,000,000

  15. 1. Main results of GDA in the Mediterranean region • Index of Ecoregions (Olson et al ., 2001) by relative size of total dryland area 7 6,4 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

  16. 1. Main results of GDA in the Mediterranean region % of plots 45 40 35 30 25 18,91% 20 15 10 5 0

  17. 1. Main results of GDA in the Mediterranean region IPCC Land use change in the region 2001-2014 • Settlements increased by 12.06% • Croplands increased by 0.69% • Wetlands decreased by 3.41% • Otherlands decreased by 1.38% • Grasslands decreased by 1.28% • Forests decreased by 0.81%

  18. 1. Main results of GDA in the Mediterranean region IPCC Forest land use change in the region 2001-2014 • 97,71% of the forests present in 2001 have remained until 2014. • Net overall decrease of 0,81% • Net overall increase or “ Greening ” of 1,50 % Source: FAO 2017

  19. 1. Main results of GDA in the Mediterranean region Trees according to IPCC land categories by dryland category • Average tree cover (%) in Human environments Cropland 29.78% (Spain) Settlement 53.96% (Morocco) Source: Google Earth

  20. 1. Main results of GDA in the Mediterranean region Forests according to Forest Resources Assesment definition (FRA) FAO FRA classes Other Other land Inland water Forest wooded with tree Other land Total bodies land cover Area (Ha) 23.720.568 5.672.845 10.934.447 105.767.293 1.361.887 147.540.202 % 16,09 3,85 7,42 71,73 0,92 100 27,36% Area covered of woody vegetation

  21. 1. Main results of GDA in the Mediterranean region Number of Trees Drylands in the Mediterranean region Total area (Ha) with trees 54.662.716 Number of trees per area 17 (Ha) Source: FAO 2013 Tree cover (%) Drylands Total area Total area with tree Total area with Total area of the tree Total area of the category (Ha) canopy (ha) tree canopy (%) canopy (Ha) tree canopy (%) Hyperarid 236.225 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Arid 19.916.100 2.675.521 13,4 534.697 2,6 Semiarid 76.906.907 27.468.722 35,7 9.451.655 12,2 Dry subhumid 50.480.973 25.122.938 49,7 10.874.919 21,5 Total 147.540.202 55.267.181 37,4% 20.861.271 14.1%

  22. 1. Main results of GDA in the Mediterranean region 2 to 49 % 50 to 100 %

  23. 2. Map of opportunities for forest restoration in the Mediterranean region

  24. 2. Map of opportunities for forest restoration in the Mediterranean region • Which areas show opportunities for restoration? • Human Footprint Index (HFP) (Venter et al ., 2016) • HFP: Built environments, population density, roads, croplands, pasture lands, railways …

  25. 2. Map of opportunities for forest restoration in the Mediterranean region

  26. 2. Map of opportunities for forest restoration in the Mediterranean region

  27. 2. Map of opportunities for forest restoration in the Mediterranean region

  28. 2. Map of opportunities for forest restoration in the Mediterranean region • Did tree cover increased in areas that reduced their Human Footprint index in the last 16 years? Tree cover % HFP HFP increase decrease

  29. 2. Map of opportunities for forest restoration in the Mediterranean region

  30. 2. Map of opportunities for forest restoration in the Mediterranean region

  31. Total: 856.433.582 Ha Restoration: 147.284.945 Ha (17,19%)

  32. Total: 199.104.150 Ha Restoration: 80.054.780 Ha (40,2%)

  33. Thank you very much!!! Merci beaucoup!!!


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