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Getty Images For intellectual property issues, you are only allowed - PDF document

Young Cyber Lions Competition - Notes to competitors Registration Please ensure you pick up your badge before the Creative Briefing allowing extra time as the Registration Desk is often very busy. The Registration Desk opening times are as

  1. Young Cyber Lions Competition - Notes to competitors Registration Please ensure you pick up your badge before the Creative Briefing allowing extra time as the Registration Desk is often very busy. The Registration Desk opening times are as follows: Saturday 14 June 12:00 - 18:00 Level -1, Palais des Festivals Sunday 15 June - Friday 20 June 08:30 - 18:00 Level -1, Palais des Festivals Competition Timetable Creative Briefing/Training Monday 16 June 16:00 Level -1, Young Lions Briefing Room Cyber Competition Tuesday 17 June 08:30 - 20:00 Level -1, Young Lions Competition Room Judging/Winners’ announcement Wednesday 18 June 10:00 Level -1, Young Lions Briefing Room Competition overview Teams will be briefed by the client to create an integrated social media campaign, explaining how the use of social media answers the brief in a creative way. The objective is to show how the power of social media technology can answer the client’s brief and provide a creative solution aligned to the technological evolution of social media. Deliverables Teams will be provided with a simple content management system where they can edit and upload their submission. This results to the creation of a presentation page that will be judged by the Cyber Lions jury and must include the following: 1. The use of 3 social media platforms (in JPEG format, one JPEG for each platform) 2. Written submission of the campaign including: • Campaign summary • Creative insight - How can creativity help solve the problem using social media platforms and technology? • What is your solution? - The platforms, technology and tools used and why? • How does will work? - How will the social media solution help answer the brief and solve the problem faced by the client? Each part should be no more than 150 words 3. An image summarising the campaign (in JPEG format) Equipment Teams will be provided with a booth in the Competition Area which will be equipped with the following: Hardware: iMac, Wacom Intuos5 pen tablet Software: Adobe Creative Suite 6.0 Please familiarise yourself with the software prior to the Competition. 1 | P a g e

  2. Getty Images For intellectual property issues, you are only allowed to use content (images, videos, sound) from the Getty Images website: A free download facility from this website will be made available in Cannes for every team. The website is in English, French, German and Spanish. We advise you to make yourself familiar with the website search facilities before the competition. Staff will be on hand in Cannes to assist you. You will be asked to create a ‘lightbox’ which will store the images you use in your deliverables. Your ‘lightbox’ might be checked if needed post-Festival. Banned items To provide an equal opportunity to all, you will be required to use the hardware, software and content authorised by the Festival Organisers and the Sponsors. Personal laptops, digital cameras, hard drives, USB drives or other input devices are not allowed. The only network connections allowed will be to the Getty Images website (it will be the home page of your Web browser). Please note all computer screens are checked via a Remote Desktop Server Judging and winners • All team members should be waiting outside of the Young Lions Briefing Room for the winners’ announcement. Once a decision has been reached, teams will be asked into the room. • The jury will announce a Gold, Silver and Bronze winning Team. The Gold winning Team will receive their medals onstage while the rest of the winners will receive their medals after the Festival. • If you win, please remain in the Young Lions Briefing Room for photos and press interviews • Gold winners will be presented with their medals at the Press, Design, Radio & Cyber Lions Awards Ceremony on Wednesday 18 June at 19:30. Other Instructions • All work created as part of the Young Lions Cyber Competition remains the property of Lions Festivals • Submissions are anonymous. Do not indicate your names, name of your country or company you work for on the presentation page • For your own security, please keep all the other work files in your “work” booth number folder. Do not change the folder names provided and do not leave any work files on the Mac’s desktop • You must ensure a member of the Festival staff has confirmed your final files work correctly before you leave the area • Do not leave any printed documents/briefings/personal belongings in the booths overnight • Please be respectful of your fellow competitors and keep mobile phones on silent. If you make or receive a call, please do so outside of the Young Lions Competition Area We look forward to a great competition - good luck! 2 | P a g e

  3. SUMMARY SLIDE INTEGRATED SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN SUMMARY (max 150 words) Anis quisin pos as modi voluptia illania est quid es ab- orehe ntotatur reicim et volupta ectatus ni susande dior- rumqui sit, sitio modit dendaecti tendunt landa velesti te dolenimi, simi, offjcim usciis voloreium quist, int quam quam is consent, eum reri simetur, te num quuntib usapel- lam sincto cus quam, comni destia prat expliqui odipisc iducipsae ration conse offjci ad quam que voloria volorios excepedit offjcim quam, idissitaqui alias et autem re et a ni quam es eicil ium utatiur, non pelita que nonsene volum earchilitae ius voloritat peditiundae conseque ipsaes experro beatistem. Ugitae corrum voluptat estemolupti untempor rae dic tenis similitis id estoreh enectemodi ut dollab idit, tem. To omnis et qui tem et asse lic temporiae aturiti con ped que voluptis sum rescipsam quid quunt ut et ligeniscit aut offjci voluptiis estiaes atem ius dolorro que sime eostium ipsae nobiti veliquid explique elignima sit et rae. Id qui arum expliquunt. WRITTEN SUBMISSION Creative insight What is your solution? How will it work? (max 150 words) (max 150 words) (max 150 words) Anis quisin pos as modi voluptia Anis quisin pos as modi voluptia Anis quisin pos as modi voluptia illania est quid es aborehe ntotatur illania est quid es aborehe ntotatur illania est quid es aborehe ntotatur reicim et volupta ectatus ni susande reicim et volupta ectatus ni susande reicim et volupta ectatus ni susande diorrumqui sit, sitio modit dendaecti diorrumqui sit, sitio modit dendaecti diorrumqui sit, sitio modit dendaecti tendunt landa velesti te dolenimi, tendunt landa velesti te dolenimi, tendunt landa velesti te dolenimi, simi, offjcim usciis voloreium quist, int simi, offjcim usciis voloreium quist, int simi, offjcim usciis voloreium quist, int quam quam is consent, eum reri sim- quam quam is consent, eum reri sim- quam quam is consent, eum reri sim- etur, te num quuntib usapellam sincto etur, te num quuntib usapellam sincto etur, te num quuntib usapellam sincto cus quam, comni destia prat expliqui cus quam, comni destia prat expliqui cus quam, comni destia prat expliqui odipisc iducipsae ration conse offjci odipisc iducipsae ration conse offjci odipisc iducipsae ration conse offjci ad quam que voloria volorios exce- ad quam que voloria volorios exce- ad quam que voloria volorios exce- pedit offjcim quam, idissitaqui alias pedit offjcim quam, idissitaqui alias pedit offjcim quam, idissitaqui alias et autem re et a ni quam es eicil ium et autem re et a ni quam es eicil ium et autem re et a ni quam es eicil ium utatiur, non pelita que nonsene volum utatiur, non pelita que nonsene volum utatiur, non pelita que nonsene volum earchilitae ius voloritat peditiundae earchilitae ius voloritat peditiundae earchilitae ius voloritat peditiundae conseque ipsaes experro beatistem. conseque ipsaes experro beatistem. conseque ipsaes experro beatistem. Ugitae corrum voluptat estemolup- Ugitae corrum voluptat estemolup- Ugitae corrum voluptat estemolup- ti untempor rae dic tenis similitis id ti untempor rae dic tenis similitis id ti untempor rae dic tenis similitis id estoreh enectemodi ut dollab idit, tem. estoreh enectemodi ut dollab idit, tem. estoreh enectemodi ut dollab idit, tem. To omnis et qui tem et asse lic tempo- To omnis et qui tem et asse lic tempo- To omnis et qui tem et asse lic tempo- riae aturiti con ped que voluptis sum riae aturiti con ped que voluptis sum riae aturiti con ped que voluptis sum rescipsam quid quunt ut et ligeniscit rescipsam quid quunt ut et ligeniscit rescipsam quid quunt ut et ligeniscit aut offjci voluptiis estiaes atem ius aut offjci voluptiis estiaes atem ius aut offjci voluptiis estiaes atem ius dolorro que sime eostium ipsae nobiti dolorro que sime eostium ipsae nobiti dolorro que sime eostium ipsae nobiti veliquid explique elignima sit et rae. Id veliquid explique elignima sit et rae. Id veliquid explique elignima sit et rae. Id qui arum expliquunt. qui arum expliquunt. qui arum expliquunt.

  4. SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS Platform 1 Platform 2 Platform 3 DISCLAIMER Please note all computer screens are checked via a Remote Desktop Server All content should be downloaded from the Getty Images website Social media logos are allowed to be downloaded from the internet You are required to use the hardware, software and content authorised by the Festival Organisers and the Sponsors. Personal laptops, digital cameras, hard drives, USB drives or other input devices are not allowed All work created as part of the Young Lions Cyber Competition remains the property of Lions Festivals


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