German Shepherds By: Stella Blum, 7th grade, Christ Lutheran School in Big Bend WI
German Shepherd’s height and weight The height of male German Shepherds ● ,, can grow as tall as 2 ft.2 in. which isn’t ,,very tall at all. The height of female German Shepherds ● ,,only grow up to 1 ft. 10 in.- 2 ft. Wow, ,, that’s even shorter.
The Popularity and Life Expectancy of German Shepherds ● German Shepherds ranks two out of one hundred-ninety four. ● And did you know they can live 7-10 years maybe longer or shorter, you never know.
Alert and Awake ● German Shepherds are awake and strong dogs, they are great police dogs and can smell and sense things very easily. ● They are very common dogs but are still very popular to a lot of people in the world.
My Mom and her dog’s ● Her first German Shepherd’s name was Jenny. She was such a sweet dog. She used to let birds walk onto her food dish and snitch some of her food. ● Her second German Shepherd’s name was Tina. She was a good girl too. She was very loyal and loving. My Mom was upset when she passed away.
Comments about them ● They are graceful and loyal, and they’re so much more. ● You can train them to be majestic dogs and perform tricks.
THE ENDING I hope you liked it because I did. Have a great day!
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