genes environment amp gene environment interplay the

Genes, Environment, & Gene-Environment Interplay The Future - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Genes, Environment, & Gene-Environment Interplay The Future of Mental Health Treatment? Christopher P Monceaux , Master of Biomedical Sciences Counseling Psychology Graduate Student, LSU in Shreveport Email:

  1.  Genes, Environment, & Gene-Environment Interplay The Future of Mental Health Treatment? Christopher P Monceaux , Master of Biomedical Sciences Counseling Psychology Graduate Student, LSU in Shreveport Email: Meredith Nelson , PhD, LPC, LMFT, NCC Associate Professor, LSU in Shreveport Email: Louisiana Counseling Association 2013 Conference September 17, 2013

  2. Outline  Biology of Mental Health  Environmental Effects on Mental Health  Gene-Environment Interplay  Mental Health Treatment Implications

  3. The Biology of Mental Health

  4. Central Dogma of Molecular Biology  DNA  RNA  Protein  What is a gene?

  5. Mutations  “Heritable change in the nucleotide sequence of a chromosome” ( Alberts et al., 2002, p. G:23).  What causes changes in the DNA sequence?  Spontaneous changes of bases  Reactive metabolites  Environmental chemicals  UV radiation  Recombination

  6. Molecular Biology & Mental Health  Genetic mutations and dysfunctional cellular signaling play some role in the etiology of disorders  Schizophrenia  ADHD  Mood disorders  Anxiety disorders & PTSD  The genetic and signaling components of mental health often overlap, including multiple genes and signaling pathways. links-with-autism-genome-study-shows/

  7. Environmental Effects on Mental Health

  8. Gene-Environment Interplay

  9. What exactly is gene-environment interplay?  Three categories (Brendgen et al., 2009; Rutter, Moffitt, & Caspi, 2006)  Interaction between specific genes and environment (GXE)  Epigenetics  Gene-environment correlations (rGE)

  10. Gene-Environment Interactions  Works via three mechanisms (Brendgen et al., 2009)  Diathesis-stress  Compensation  Control  Evidence/Examples  Anxiety and depressive disorders (Petersen et al., 2012)  Schizophrenia (van Winkel et al., 2010)

  11. Epigenetics  DNA  RNA  Protein  Regulations above the level of genetic code lead to alterations in gene expression  Exposure to certain environments can change the regulation (Champagne & Mashoodh, 2009)

  12. Epigenetics (Ctd) Nucleus Cytoplasm Inactive mRNA 5 1 2 3 RNA mRNA DNA mRNA transcript 4 Inactive protein 1. Transcriptional Control protein 6 2. RNA Processing Control 3. RNA Transport & Localization Control 4. Translation Control 5. mRNA Degradation Control 6. Protein Activity Control

  13. Gene-Environment Correlations (rGE) Parent’s Genes Exposure to Particular Environments Individual’s Genes  Three types:  Passive, Active, & Evocative (Rutter, Moffitt, & Caspi, 2006)

  14. Interplay Between Different Types  Different types of gene- environment interplay can occur at the same time  Example  Peer acceptance/rejection and depressive behavior (Brendgen et al., 2009)

  15. Resilience  Genetics  Environment  Gene-environment interplay

  16. Implications for Counseling/Mental Health Treatment

  17. Implications for Treatment  Main clinical benefit will likely be from an understanding of the biological pathways of the interactions (Rutter, 2010).  Once understood, drug treatments could be used for environmentally insensitive individuals and psychotherapy used for environmentally sensitive individuals (Rutter, 2010).  Understanding the form of gene- environment interplay at work in a disorder could help pick prevention and intervention strategies (Jaffee & Price, 2007).  Overall, will help to further tailor the treatment to each individual.

  18. Ethical Considerations  Fatalism  Privacy and confidentiality  Environmental conditions

  19. Hope or Hype  Epigenetics is not “all or none.”  Depends on many factors, including cell type, differentiation, etc.  Changeable

  20. Changes in Classification  NIMH Research Domain Criteria Project  “facilitate translation of modern molecular biology, neuroscience, and behavioral approaches toward explicating the pathophysiology of disorders (Cuthbert & Insel, p. 1062)” why-insel-got-it-right-and-what-it-means-sexology

  21. Conclusions

  22. Conclusions  Both genes and the environment play an important role in mental health.  One mechanism by which this may take place is gene- environment interplay.  Interplay can occur in different forms that may often be at work together.  Learning more about these interactions could lead to the development of tailored treatment options.

  23. References & Recommended Readings  Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., & Walter, P. (2002). Molecular Biology of the Cell . (4 th ed.). New York: Garland Science.  Bagdy, G., Juhasz, G., & Gonda, X. (2012). A new clinical evidence-based gene-environment interaction model of depression. Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica: a Magyar Pszichofarmakológiai Egyesület lapja = official journal of the Hungarian Association of Psychopharmacology , 14 (4), 213 – 220.  Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F., Boivin, M., Girard, A., Bukowski , W. M., Dionne, G.,… Perusse, D. (2009). Gene-environment interplay between peer rejection and depressive behavior in children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50 (8), 1009-1017. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2009.02052.x  Champagne, F. A., & Mashoodh, R. (2009). Genes in context: gene-environment interplay and the origins of individual differences in behavior. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 18 (3), 127-131.  Craddock, N., & Sklar, P. (2013). Genetics of bipolar disorder. Lancet , 381 (9878), 1654 – 1662. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(13)60855-7  Doherty, J. L., O’Donovan, M. C., & Owen, M. J. (2012). Recent genomic advances in schizophrenia. Clinical genetics , 81 (2), 103 – 109. doi:10.1111/j.1399-0004.2011.01773.x  Heinrich, A., Nees, F., Lourdusamy, A., Tzschoppe, J., Meier, S., Vollstädt- Klein, S., … The IMAGEN consortium. (2013). From gene to brain to behavior: schizophrenia -associated variation in AMBRA1 alters impulsivity-related traits. The European journal of neuroscience . doi:10.1111/ejn.12201  Ikegame, T., Bundo, M., Murata, Y., Kasai, K., Kato, T., & Iwamoto, K. (2013). DNA methylation of the BDNF gene and its relevance to psychiatric disorders. Journal of human genetics . doi:10.1038/jhg.2013.65  Jaffee, S. R., & Price, T. S. (2007). Gene-environment correlations: a review of the evidence and implications for prevention of mental illness. Molecular Psychiatry, 12 , 432-442.  Kim-Cohen, J., & Gold, A. L. (2009). Measured Gene – Environment Interactions and Mechanisms Promoting Resilient Development. Current Directions in Psychological Science (Wiley-Blackwell) , 18 (3), 138 – 142. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8721.2009.01624.x  Klengel, T. (2013). Gene-Environment Interactions in Major Depressive Disorder. Interactions gène-environnement dans le trouble dépressif majeur. , 58 (2), 76 – 83.  Logue, M. W., Solovieff, N., Leussis, M. P., Wolf, E. J., Melista , E., Baldwin, C., … Miller, M. W. (2013). The ankyrin -3 gene is associated with posttraumatic stress disorder and externalizing comorbidity. Psychoneuroendocrinology . doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2013.04.013

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