gene haas foundation

Gene Haas Foundation Presented by Toni Neary Director of Education - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Gene Haas Foundation Presented by Toni Neary Director of Education Morris Group Inc. - Haas Division History In 1999 Gene Haas founded the Gene Haas Foundation. Growing up with a strong social conscience instilled by his family, Haas

  1. Gene Haas Foundation Presented by Toni Neary Director of Education Morris Group Inc. - Haas Division

  2. History In 1999 Gene Haas founded the Gene Haas Foundation. Growing up with a strong social conscience instilled by his family, Haas initially formed the foundation to fund the needs of the local community. Haas Automation is now a billion dollar company and this extraordinary growth has all come in an era when Americans were being told that the US doesn’t manufacture anything anymore. Those perceptions and decisions have led to dire statistics in our vocational educational system. The focus of the foundation has shifted with this to the current outreach and methodology. Gene Haas Foundation – Manufacturing Education Grants

  3. Purpose ∗ Introduce students to careers in machine technology & manufacturing ∗ To build skills in the machining industry ∗ To help military veterans enroll in programs that train them to become skilled machinists Gene Haas Foundation – Manufacturing Education Grants

  4. Goals ∗ PRIMARY - To provide scholarship funding for students pursuing CNC machining training. Grants are between $1,000-2,500 per student. ∗ SECONDARY – To provide students with the opportunity to achieve NIMS credentials. ∗ TERTIARY – Promote a competitive spirit with students in programs via Skills USA and robotic competitions. Gene Haas Foundation – Manufacturing Education Grants

  5. Rules ∗ Grants are for scholarships, sponsorship of approved manufacturing competitions & NIMS credentials ∗ Grant funds cannot be used for machines or capital equipment ∗ Grant checks are only payable to a public school or a 501c3 organization ∗ Grant checks cannot be payable to individuals ∗ Grant funds must be used/disbursed within 2 years Gene Haas Foundation – Manufacturing Education Grants

  6. How do you apply? ∗ Go to ∗ Schools can apply one time per year ∗ For returning applicants please apply in the same quarter as previous applications ∗ Enter the information about your program (one-page form) ∗ Submit your grant application ∗ You will receive a check with terms & conditions within 3 months ∗ Grant deadline is October 31 st , 2017 – all grants must be received by then. Gene Haas Foundation – Manufacturing Education Grants


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