Housekeeping o All attendees will be placed on mute for the duration of the webinar o If you have questions throughout the webinar, please use the question function through the webinar platform o The webinar is being recorded and will be posted to the MHDC website COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
Agenda I. CI General Information II. Program Overview III. Application Guidance IV. Applicant Requirements V. Grant Administration VI. Application Submission VII. Timeline VIII. Questions COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
General Information Community Initiatives Department “To connect Missourians to stable housing through collaborative partnerships, meaningful strategies and lasting solutions.” Steve Whitson CI Manager Cassie Wilson Aidan Rich Caty Field Denise Hoss Cassie Sipos-Haas Grants Admin/DRF Grant Specialist (ESG- MHTF & MoHIP CI Compliance Officer ESG Administrator Administrator Administrator CV) COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
Program Overview MHTF Grant Types Housing Emergency Operating Assistance Assistance Funds Home Construction Administration Repair /Rehab COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
Program Overview MHTF Grant Types Housing Assistance o Purpose o Provide short- to medium-term assistance for literally homeless households and those fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence in order to obtain and maintain permanent housing o Eligible uses o Rental Assistance, Arrears (up to six months), Deposits o If rental assistance is provided to clients living in a property owned by the grantee, a LURA binding the use and transfer of the property is required to be executed. o Last Month’s Rent o Utility Assistance, Arrears (up to six months), Deposits o Hotel/Motel o Essential Items COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
Program Overview MHTF Grant Types Emergency Assistance o Purpose o Provide short- to medium-term assistance for households at risk of homelessness, eviction or foreclosure and/or those fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence. o Eligible uses o Rental arrears (up to six months), deposits, assistance o If rental assistance is provided to clients living in a property owned by the grantee, a LURA binding the use and transfer of the property is required to be executed. o Last Month’s Rent o Utility arrears (up to six months), deposits, assistance o Hotel/Motel o Mortgage assistance (up to six months) o Emergency home repair (up to $1,000) o Essential Items COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
Program Overview MHTF Grant Types Operating Funds o Purpose o Support employee costs associated with housing-related activities/programs o Eligible uses o Staff salaries and benefits o Salaries/benefits paid by MHTF must cover staff time only for households served at or below 50 percent AMI COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
Program Overview MHTF Grant Types Home Repair o Payment of repairs/modifications for homeowner occupied, single family homes up to $10,000 o Eligible uses o Energy Improvements o Accessibility o Costs to meet local codes o Remediation of environmental hazards o Repair/Replacement of septic system o Repair/Replacement/Upgrade of existing wells COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
Program Overview MHTF Grant Types Construction/Rehabilitation o Available to organizations that provide housing for the payment costs of new construction, modifications, or rehabilitation of existing facilities o Eligible uses o Rehabilitation o New Construction o 18 Year Land Use Restriction Agreement (LURA) o Must serve households at or below 50 percent AMI for 18 years COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
Program Overview Administrative Expenses HA, EA, and HR applicants may apply for up to ten percent of the total grant request for administrative costs necessary for grant administration. Administrative funds will only be available for those that apply. Administrative Eligible Expenses o Salaries/benefits o Services contracted third parties o Maintenance, general legal, accounting, auditing services o Office supplies, equipment o Mileage costs associated w/ assisted MHTF clients COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
Program Overview Notice of Funding Availability (NoFA) o FY2021 estimated amount available: $3 million o Application deadline: January 8, 2021, 5:00 p.m. CDT o Applications will be submitted via the MHDC Online Grant Interface https://www.grantinterface.com/Home/Logon?urlkey=m hdc o Application period will close and will be unavailable for submission after the deadline has passed COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
Program Overview Allocation Plan Specifies priorities and distribution of MHTF o Grant Types o Housing Assistance o Emergency Assistance o Operating Funds o Home Repair or Modifications o Construction/Rehabilitation o Administration COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
Program Overview Allocation Plan Geographic Allocation Distribution Allocation Area Percentage St. Louis Metro 21% KC Metro 16% North Region 16% Central Region 19% South Region 28% Cap on Funds Requested o Applicants can request up to $150,000 per grant type with a maximum of $300,000 per region. COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
Application Guidance Application Materials Located on MHDC’s website: http://www.mhdc.com/housing_trust_fund/index.htm o Notice of Funding Availability o Allocation Plan o Application Guidance o MHDC Online Grant Interface Log On Instructions o Link to the MHDC Online Grant Interface Application located on the MHDC Online Grant Interface: o https://www.grantinterface.com/Home/Logon?urlkey=mhdc COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
Application Guidance Proposal Information o MHTF Region o Select the MHTF Region your organization is applying for o Complete separate applications for each region o Requests by Grant Type o Enter total amounts being requested by grant type o If not requesting funds in a grant type, please enter ‘0’ o Administration o Applicants are able to apply for up to 10 percent of the total request o Administration funds will only be available for applicants that apply o Please address how your organization will spend the administration funds COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
Application Guidance Proposal Information o Coordinated Entry • Explain how your organization participates with your CoC’s Coordinated Entry System • If not currently participating, explain how your organization will meet this requirement o HMIS or Comparable Database o Select yes or no depending on your use of an HMIS or Comparable Database o If not currently entering into either, explain how your organization will meet this requirement o Need and Data Explanation o Demonstrate the need for MHTF funding using data o Explain what that data means in effectively utilizing MHTF funding COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
Application Guidance Attachments (All Grantees) o Board of Directors o A complete list of organization’s current board or governing members o Sources and Uses o MHTF budget- revenue uses and sources of that funding o Program Guidelines o Not the organization’s internal policies and procedures o Detailed out in Application Guidance Appendix A o Letters of Support o Two letters that demonstrate the support of the MHTF program COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
Application Guidance Attachments (All Grantees) o Certificate of Good Standing o Current within 60 days of application due date o 501 (c) (3) Verification o Audit/Financials o Only include the independent auditor’s report, not the entire audit COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
Application Guidance Attachments (Construction/Rehab) o Work Write-Up/Architectural Drawings o Construction Cost Breakdown o Details the costs of the project, specifically the MHTF portion o Financial Commitments o Letters from all committed sources of funding o Must list amount, time period and eligible expenses on official letterhead o Time Frame/Construction Schedule o Includes anticipated start and end date and the phases of the project o Photographs o Existing building and areas intended to be renovated or of the new site o Site Plan o Proof of Site Control o Vesting deed or purchase agreement COMMUNITY INITIATIVES DEPARTMENT, MISSOURI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION
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