fy2020 preliminary

FY2020 Preliminary Operating and Capital Budgets Board of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FY2020 Preliminary Operating and Capital Budgets Board of Directors May 2, 2020 Agenda Item # 10 Key Assumptions Increasing baseline service costs Concerns about ridership Costs of PTC implementation Minimal additions

  1. FY2020 Preliminary Operating and Capital Budgets Board of Directors May 2, 2020 Agenda Item # 10

  2. Key Assumptions  Increasing baseline service costs  Concerns about ridership  Costs of PTC implementation  Minimal additions to staffing  Work with members on Operating and Capital funding 2

  3. Approach to the FY20 Budgets Focus on:  Delivering status quo service efficiently  Mitigating impact of budget increases on riders  Bridge to electrification Requesting additional member funding for Operations  $4.5 million additional, total of $29.9 million Requesting maintained member funding for Capital of $22.5 million 3

  4. Farebox & OPEX ( per Passenger ) $8.00 $6.79 $7.00 $6.25 $6.54 $6.00 $5.00 $5.35 $5.36 $4.00 $3.87 $3.00 $2.00 Operating Expense Farebox $1.00 $- FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020  FY11-FY18 Actuals, FY19 Forecast, and FY20 Preliminary Budget  FY16 and FY18 OPEX were abnormally low due to release of insurance reserves 4

  5. Farebox and Contribution ( per Passenger ) $6.00 $5.35 $5.36 $5.00 $3.87 $4.00 $2.77 Contributions Farebox $3.00 $2.00 $1.31 $1.51 $1.00 $- FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020  FY11-FY18 Actual, FY19 Forecast, and FY20 Preliminary Budget 5

  6. Operating Contribution ( in millions ) $40.0 $35.1 $33.5 $35.0 $29.9 $25.3 $30.0 $25.4 $25.0 $17.2 $19.8 $19.7 $20.4 $20.4 $20.0 $15.0 Total Contributions $10.0 $5.0 $- FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 6

  7. FY20 Preliminary Revenues (in $ millions) Fares $106.0 19% 5% Parking 5.5 1% 1% Shuttles 2.9 2% 68% Rental Income 2.1 4% Other Income 1.6 AB434 & Grants 7.2 Member Agencies 29.9 Fares Parking Shuttles Total Revenue $155.1 Rental Income Other Income AB434 & Grants Member Agencies 7

  8. FY20 Preliminary Expenses (in $ millions) Rail Ops & PTC $93.3 Security Services 6.5 8% Shuttle Services 10% 5.7 Fuel 11.0 16% Timetables & Tickets 0.1 59% Insurance 5.5 7% Facilities and Equip Maint 3.5 Utilities 2.1 Maint & Services 1.6 Administrative 25.6 Rail Ops & PTC Fuel & Lubricants Long-term debt 2.6 Other Operating Expense Other Admin Expense Total Expenses $157.6 Wages and Benefits 8

  9. FY20 Preliminary Budget Outlook (in $ millions) FY19 FY19 FY20 Prelim Budget Forecast Budget Revenue $151.5 $147.1 $155.1 Expense 152.7 148.0 157.6 Surplus/Deficit $ $(1.2) $(0.9) $(2.5) 9

  10. Key Expense Drivers Rail Operator Service  Built in salary increases in the TASI labor contracts  Contractual increase in General & Administration rate from 6.0% to 7.5% PTC Operating Expenses  FY20 – maintenance contract with TASI, hiring and training of 5 additional FTEs  BCCF lease for 3 months preceding the purchase of BCCF facility; FY20- Del Secco Menlo Park ROW lease for full year Diesel Fuel  FY20 budget assumes $2.10/gallon (without taxes)  Current invoice price is $2.18/gallon and has ranged between $1.67 and $2.38 10

  11. Key Expense Driver – Agency Staffing  2.4 annualized FY19 new FTEs  2.6 new operating FTE requests in FY20 spread across 8 positions  Adjustments in wages and fringe benefits  Vacancy factor of 4% 11

  12. Staff Allocation for Caltrain FU JPB Full-Time FUNCTION FTE allocated to JPB Personnel OPERATING CAPITAL Rail, Calmod, & Bus Divisions 34.6 53.4 63 Grants and Administration* 15.4 23.7 10 Marketing, Communications and Customer Service 16.4 - - Total 66.4 77.1 73 *includes Finance, Contracts & Procurement, and Safety & Security 12

  13. Caltrain’s Fiscal Challenges Preliminary FY20 Budget is nearly balanced  Gap closing measures will be included in the June Proposed Budget FY21 is expected to be more challenging  Continued growth in Baseline expenditures  Increasing PTC operating expenses  Dependence on farebox revenue  Financial constraints of member agencies Continued lack of a dedicated funding source 13


  15. Overview of FY20 Preliminary Program Costs (in $ millions ) 10% 17% SOGR Stations & Intermodal Access $7.0 16% Right of Way/ Signals & 35% Communications 25.8 Rolling Stock 15.4 21% Legal Mandates 0.5 1% Operational Improvements/Enhancements 11.7 Planning/Studies 12.5 Stations & Intermodal Access Right of Way/ Signals & Communications Total $72.9 Rolling Stock Legal Mandates Operational Improvements/Enhancements Planning/Studies 15

  16. FY2020 Preliminary Funding Sources (in $ millions) 33% Federal Grants $13.7 State & Regional Grants 5.8 54% JPB Member Agency Contribution 22.5 14% Total $42.0 Federal Grants State & Regional Grants JPB Member Agency Contribution *Assumes $7.5M contribution from each member 16

  17. Next Steps  Continue working with members to finalize the operating and capital investments for FY2020  Based on input from the Board and finalized investments, develop budgets for presentation in June  Continue to work with the Board and members to study and address the funding gaps for FY2021 and beyond 17


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