fy2011 budget presentation board of selectmen s goals


Town of Norfolk March 31, 2010 FY2011 BUDGET PRESENTATION BOARD OF SELECTMENS GOALS & PRIORITIES BOARD OF SELECTMEN S GOALS & PRIORITIES Maintain Services Maintain Services Explore cost saving strategies Encourage

  1. Town of Norfolk March 31, 2010 FY2011 BUDGET PRESENTATION

  2. BOARD OF SELECTMEN’S GOALS & PRIORITIES BOARD OF SELECTMEN S GOALS & PRIORITIES � Maintain Services � Maintain Services � Explore cost saving strategies � Encourage sustainable practices E g t i bl ti � Improve Communications to residents � Develop strategies to enhance commercial development FY FY11 Budg Budget Prese Presentation on

  3. TOWN OF NORFOLK BUDGET TREND TOWN OF NORFOLK BUDGET TREND 35 s Million Million $28,680,080 $28,614,857 $28,518,197 30 $26,818,611 25 25 $26,038,572 $27,529,061 $28,942,522 20 FY10 – 15 15 Reduced in January 10 5 0 FY06 FY06 FY07 FY07 FY08 FY08 FY09 FY09 FY10 FY10 FY10 5 FY10.5 FY11 FY11 FY1 FY11 Budge Budget Presentati Presentation on

  4. FY10 BUDGET RECAP FY10 BUDGET RECAP � FY08 Budget = $27.5 Million 2.5% Increase � FY08 Budget $27.5 Million 2.5% Increase � FY09 Budget = $28.7 Million 4.1% Increase � FY10 Budget = $28.6 Million 1.0% Reduction FY10 B dg t $28 6 Milli 1 0% R d ti � FY11 Budget = $28.5 Million 1.5 %Reduction FY11 Fixed Costs ----- Up 7% Fi d C t U 7% Departmental Budgets (Average) ----- Down 3% (Down 4% excluding King Philip) FY1 FY11 Budge Budget Presentati Presentation on

  5. STATE AID STATE AID 4.6 ns Million Millio 4.4 4.2 4 3 8 3.8 3.6 3.4 3 4 3.2 FY01 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY10 FY11 FY11

  6. STATE AID – WITH PRISON MITIGATION STATE AID WITH PRISON MITIGATION $6 ns Million Prison Mitigation Millio $5 $4 $4 $3 $2 $1 $1 $- FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11

  7. FY2011 REVENUES FY2011 REVENUES Total tal $ In Increase crease / / % Increase % Increa se / / (D (D (D (Decrease ecrease) ) (Decrease (D (D (D ecrease) ) Ov Overall R Ov Overall R erall Revenue erall Revenue nue nue $28,5 $28,518, $28,5 $28,518, 8,198 8,198 ($120,254) ($120,254) ($120,254) $120,254) (0.7 (0.76%) (0.76%) (0.7 6%) 6%) Tax Levy $22,063,421 $774,397 3.64% Local Receipts $2,572,623 $34,655 1.37% State Aid $3,841,778 ($269,682) (6.56%) Other Funds Other Funds $40 376 $40,376 ($659,624) ($659 624) (94 23%) (94.23%) FY1 FY11 Budge Budget Presentati Presentation on

  8. FY2011 REVENUES FY2011 REVENUES $3,841,778 , , $40,376 $2,572,623 Tax Levy Local Receipts $22 063 421 $22,063,421 St t Aid State Aid Other Funds FY1 FY11 Budge Budget Presentati Presentation on

  9. FY2011 EXPENDITURES (THOUSANDS) FY2011 EXPENDITURES (THOUSANDS) Total tal $ In Increase crease / / % Increa % Increase se / / (D (D (Decrease (D ecrease) ) (D (D (D (Decrease ecrease) ) Ov Overall Expendit Ov Overall Expendit erall Expenditures erall Expenditures ures ures $28,5 $28,518 $28,5 $28,518 ($424) ($42 ($42 $424) 4) 4) (1 (1.5%) (1 (1.5%) .5%) .5%) Municipal Departments $7,208 ($242) (3.3%) Municipal Health Ins. $709 $108 18.0% Elementary School $9,407 ($392) (4.0%) Elementary Health Ins Elementary Health Ins. $945 $945 $144 $144 18 0% 18.0% Employee Benefits $1,662 $59 3.7% King Philip Operating $5,836 ($44) (0.7%) Tri-County $ $384 $ $4 1.1% Debt & Fixed Exp. $2,367 ($61) (2.5%) Capital $0 $0 0.0% Chapter 90 (Roads) $265 $0 0.0% FY1 FY11 Budge Budget Presentati Presentation on

  10. FY2011 GENERAL FUND BUDGET FY2011 GENERAL FUND BUDGET Tri-County, Debt & Liability Municipal Depts. $384,090 $384 090 Insurance, Ins rance & H & Health, lth $2,366,988 $7,916,903 King Philip, $5,836,104 Employee Elementary Benefits, School & Health, $1,661,557 $10,352,555 FY1 FY11 Budge Budget Presentati Presentation on

  11. FY2011 GENERAL FUND BUDGET FY2011 GENERAL FUND BUDGET $18 ns Million Millio $16 $14 $ $12 $10 $8 $8 $6 $4 $2 $0 General Government Public Safety Education Employee Benefits Debt Public Works Human Services / Other Fixed Library Library

  12. MUNICIPAL PERSONNEL REDUCTIONS FY2010 MUNICIPAL PERSONNEL REDUCTIONS FY2010 Depar Department ment Position sition Hour Hours Town Administrator Clerk 30 Assessors Data Collector 25 Town Clerk Clerk 10 Planning & Development Admin & Clerk 60 DPW Highway Foreman 40 DPW G DPW - Grounds d O Operator t 60 60

  13. MUNICIPAL PERSONNEL REDUCTIONS FY2011 Depar Department ment Position sition Hour Hours DPW – Transfer Station Foreman 40 Police Department Police Officers (2) 80


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