fy19 preliminary budget

FY19 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Budget Subcommittee Meeting Presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Quabbin Regional School District FY19 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Budget Subcommittee Meeting Presentation Series January 25, 2018 - PDC, 6:30 pm #1 Accountability & Transparency DESE Standards & Indicators Financial & Asset

  1. Quabbin Regional School District FY19 PRELIMINARY BUDGET Budget Subcommittee Meeting Presentation Series January 25, 2018 - PDC, 6:30 pm #1

  2. Accountability & Transparency

  3. DESE Standards & Indicators Financial & Asset Management: “The district budget document is clear, comprehensive and aligned to district goals including student achievement and educator effectiveness goals. The budget is created through an open, participatory process. The district pursues and secures resources to improve education. The district effectively manages its financial and capital assets and does the appropriate long- term planning.” MA DESE, Center for District and School Accountability

  4. Indicator 1: Thorough & Inclusive Budget Development b. Budget development is driven by district and school plans; student outcomes data is used in both c. Student needs drive resource allocation to schools e. Stakeholders are involved in budget development

  5. Indicator 2: Complete & Usable Budget Document a. The budget document and related formal presentation documents have clear and useful summaries as well as financial detail b. The budget summary includes narrative about key priorities and how they are supported financially d. The budget document includes trends information for several years, at least at a summary level e. School Committee hold public hearing

  6. Capital Plan

  7. Capital Plan - 2018  The Capital Plan has been updated by the Plant & Facilities Subcommittee and will be presented to the School Committee at its February meeting for review and approval  The Preliminary Budget includes Capital Projects that effect assessment calculations differently

  8. Capital Projects as part of the Budget  QRMHS parking lot, driveway, sidewalks $300,000  QRHS computer lab floor $ 9,000  Annual floor replacement:  Hardwick $16,000  Hubbardston $20,000  New Braintree $20,000 $ 72,000  Oakham $16,000 $381,000

  9. Student Enrollment Who are we preparing a budget for?

  10. Total Student Enrollment Over Time School Year 15/16 16/17 17/18 Prior Yr 3 yrs 15 yrs QRMS 429 424 396 -28 -33 -166 QRHS 733 689 670 -19 -63 -327 Ruggles Lane 398 368 464 96 66 -80 Hardwick 221 194 194 0 -27 -79 Hubbardston 313 316 319 3 6 -154 New Braintree 137 108 54 -54 -83 -39 Oakham 164 149 129 -20 -35 -159 Total 2,395 2,248 2,226 -22 -169 -1,004

  11. Total Resident Students School Year 15/16 16/17 17/18 Over Time FY17 FY18 FY19 Prior Yr 3 yrs 15 yrs used for budget year Barre 799 755 772 17 -27 -331 Hardwick 380 359 345 -14 -35 -103 Hubbardston 529 495 492 -3 -37 -354 New Braintree 144 137 136 -1 -8 -40 Oakham 245 230 241 11 -4 -170 Total 2,097 1,976 1,986 10 -111 -998

  12. Student Attending as School Choice In 450.00 429.20 407.20 404.90 394.80 400.00 373.40 346.90 345.90 344.60 350.00 330.90 325.26 313.42 308.08 309.18 289.00 300.00 278.90 247.93 250.00 199.60 206.70 200.00 163.90 150.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 FY00 FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18

  13. Total Students – 2017/2018 Residents in Quabbin Schools 1,936 * Residents in OOD Placement 45 Residents Receiving Services Only 2 School Choice Students 289 School Choice Student in OOD 1 Financially Responsible for 3 Total Enrollment 2,276 * Includes 16 students that QRSD is programmatically, but not financially, responsible for, ie: Group Homes/Stetson

  14. Resident Students – School Choice Out 120.00 110.18 101.43 97.04 100.00 95.10 94.60 95.40 94.00 86.70 82.70 80.00 74.50 71.80 67.60 60.00 54.40 45.18 40.00 29.50 28.40 23.30 22.00 19.01 20.00 0.00 SY00 SY01 SY02 SY03 SY04 SY05 SY06 SY07 SY08 SY09 SY10 SY11 SY12 SY13 SY14 SY15 SY16 SY17 SY18

  15. Where are they attending? * Ashburnham-Westminster 6 Petersham 5 Athol-Royalston 2 Quaboag 7 Burlington 2 Ralph C Mahar 6 Spencer-East Brookfield 2 Clinton 2 Fitchburg 1 Tantasqua 1 Gardner 5 TECCA 8 Hudson 1 (TEC Connections Academy) Leominster 1 Wachusett 10 MAVA (MA Virtual Academy) 6 Ware 16 Narragansett 2 Worcester 2 North Brookfield 9 TOTAL 94 * Data as of DESE December report

  16. Resident Students - Charter 35.00 32.72 30.30 30.00 Sizer School – 18 24.17 24.00 25.00 Francis W. Parker - 6 20.00 17.66 16.00 15.60 13.69 15.00 12.55 12.31 11.79 11.00 11.10 10.00 8.00 5.00 0.00 SY05 SY06 SY07 SY08 SY09 SY10 SY11 SY12 SY13 SY14 SY15 SY16 SY17 SY18*

  17. Educational Challenges/Opportunities

  18. In addition to current challenges… Addressing New Challenges  Supporting Social and Emotional Needs of Students & Understanding the Impact on Learning  Rising Special Education Costs  New Accountability Standards for Student Performance  New Science Standards will require Professional Development & Classroom Resources  New Math Standards will require Professional Development & Classroom Resources

  19. Positions Requested / Reduced Prelim POSITION Requested Budget Intervention Tutor 2.0 2.0 Art Teacher 1.0 0.0 Elementary Teacher 1.0 0.0 Adjustment Counselor 2.0 1.0 Special Ed Teacher 2.4 2.4 Special Ed Para 2.0 2.0 Elementary Teacher -2.0 10.4 5.4

  20. Fiscal Challenges/Opportunities

  21. Revenue Questions 1)Chapter 71 – Regional School Transportation – now shared by Charter Schools 2)Circuit Breaker (reimbursement for special education costs) – not funded at 75% for costs over 4x Foundation (by MGL) – expecting 65% - impacts FY20 3)McKinney-Vento (reimbursement for transportation of homeless students) – FY17 funded at 58% - will that continue? 4)Use of E&D for current year = $427,000… FY19 starts with a revenue deficit 5)Medicaid Reimbursement – will the Federal budget allocate this in a comparable fashion?

  22. Budget Knowns & Unknowns 1)Capital Projects: Middle/High School & Floor Replacement Plan – fund? 2)Special Education Transportation – joint bid due January 30 th 3) Superintendent’s Salary 4)Heating Oil – bid up 12.1%, usage up slightly at Ruggles Lane & Hardwick 5) Retired Teachers’ Health Insurance – up 15.5% for FY18, compounds in FY19 6)Worcester Regional Retirement assessment – up 9.9% ($86,538) 7)Special Education Private Residential School Tuition rate increase by 27%, effective retroactive to 12/1/17. 8)Hubbardston Center School to be used by town? Rental Payment for utilities? May need to move Custodian Salary into budget ($42k)

  23. Preliminary Budget

  24. FY19 PP1 % Diff FY18 Current PP1 $ Diff from Appropriation Category Preliminary from Current Budget Current Budget Budget (PP1) Budget Undesignated & Reg Education 1100-1435 District Administration $990,694 $1,097,465 $106,771 10.8% 1450/2250 Technology $604,933 $547,148 -$57,785 -9.6% 2120-3200 Instructional Support $12,625,211 $12,873,934 $248,723 2.0% 3300 Transportation Services $1,315,185 $1,307,685 -$7,500 -0.6% 3400 Food & Nutritional Services $500 $500 $0 0.0% 3510-3520 Athletics & Student Activities $536,655 $556,433 $19,778 3.7% 3600 School Security $160,599 $160,202 -$397 -0.2% 4110-4300 Facilities $2,915,536 $3,286,587 $371,051 12.7% 4400/4450 Networking & Telecommunications $174,259 $169,923 -$4,336 -2.5% 5100-5250 Benefits $5,455,277 $6,185,796 $730,519 13.4% 5260 Fixed Charges $133,636 $140,967 $7,331 5.5% 9000 Tuition $966,984 $977,942 $10,958 1.1% Total Undesignated & Reg Ed $25,879,468 $27,304,581 $1,425,113 5.5% Special Education 1435 Legal Services $20,000 $20,000 $0 0.0% 1450/2450 Technology $11,500 $8,000 -$3,500 -30.4% 2110-3200 Instructional Support $4,212,539 $4,661,063 $448,524 10.6% 3300 Transportation Services $1,232,578 $1,232,578 $0 0.0% 9000 Tuition $2,027,523 $1,650,831 -$376,692 -18.6% Total Special Education $7,504,140 $7,572,472 $68,332 0.9% Total Non-Debt Operating Budget $33,383,607 $34,877,053 $1,493,446 4.5% 8000 Debt $135,450 $131,250 -$4,200 -3.1% $33,519,057 $35,008,303 $1,489,246 4.4% Total Budget Appropriation

  25. State Aid – Governor’s Proposal Cherry Sheet Revenue Released 1/24/18

  26. Cherry Sheet FY2019 Local Aid Estimates Quabbin FY2019 FY2018 Cherry Difference from Governor's Sheet Estimate Prior Year Budget Proposal Chapter 70 * $16,525,258 $16,566,358 $41,100 Regional School Transportation $832,325 $730,616 ($101,709) Charter Tuition Reimbursement $37,144 $60,340 $23,196 $17,394,727 $17,357,314 ($37,413) Total General Fund Revenues * $20/Foundation Enrollment fte 213/320 districts received $20/student in Chapter 70 Aid

  27. Member Town Finances


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