future ready workforce

Future-Ready Workforce Vision: To be a world class school system - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION Future-Ready Workforce Vision: To be a world class school system Mission: To ensure that each student achieves his/her highest personal potential HUMAN RESOURCES LEADERSHIP TEAM Chief Human Executive Coordinators

  1. HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION Future-Ready Workforce Vision: To be a world class school system Mission: To ensure that each student achieves his/her highest personal potential

  2. HUMAN RESOURCES LEADERSHIP TEAM Chief Human Executive Coordinators Resources Secretary Officer Leadership, Professional Development and Recruitment Compensation Staffing and Insurance and Professional and Labor Talent Benefits Standards Management Relations Professional Recruitment Development

  3. Vis ision 2030 Family and Community Engagement Workforce Success Continuous Improvement Objective 3.1. Ensure that all schools are led by Highly Effective principals and assistant principals. Objective 3.2. Attract and hire highly qualified and effective teachers, administrators, and support staff. Objective 3.3. Retain and support the growth of high-performing teachers, administrators, and support staff. Objective 3.4. Ensure that all staff members have access to health and wellness opportunities.

  4. STRATEGY Strategic Plan Projects and Metrics Benchmarking Monitored Use Six Sigma Tools and Project Deployed Action Identified Key Plans Processes Management Methodology Establish HR Metrics Selected Priorities Aligned Department Goals

  5. Continuous Improvement ENVISION 2030 Our Mission Our Vision Workforce Success and Continuous Improvement To ensure that each student To be a world-class school achieves his/her highest system personal potential PERSONAL PASSIONATE PROGRESSIVE KPIs and HR METRICS KEY WORK PROCESSES Administer Employee Benefits Investigate Misconduct Recruiting Open Enrollment Investigations Minority Recruitment Committee Wellness Classes Fingerprint Reports Recruitment Events Employee Performance Evaluations Job Descriptions STAR Program Open and Closing Evaluations/Walkthroughs Job Classification management Talent Reservation VAM Standardize Terms of Employment Transformation Teacher Employee Remuneration Monitor/Support Appropriate Employee Certification/Licenses Support and Develop Leaders Bargaining FTE Principal Pool Career Ladder Individualized Out of Field Plans Assistant Principal Pool Competitive Compensation Out of Field Coursework Enrollment Summer Leadership Summit Hiring Provide and Monitor Professional Development Additional Leadership Trainings Teacher Leader Pool APPLES Level II Guest Teacher Gust Teacher Orientation Instructional Pool/Executive Hiring New Teacher Orientation and New to Teaching Academy Onboarding Peer Collaborative Teachers PROJECtS AND INITIATIVES Electronic Workflow Grow Your Own SPALC Evaluation Executive Leadership Program Market Rate Comparison Improve Customer Service Exempt Salary Schedule NEO Upgrade Innovation Project – Hiring Reading Endorsement – District Plan Comp & Labor Recruitment STM Goals I & B Goals PSE Goals PD Goals Goals Goals CSI Lee/Sterling Challenge Feedback

  6. Target 1: Decrease turnover for school-based instructional personnel. Measure/Source: Percent of turnover for school-based instructional personnel/ SDLC Annual Retention Report Goal FY 20 Goal FY 21 FY 18 FY 19 18.9% 16.9%* 24.9% 26.2% T * Target percentage based on research by the NCES – National Center for Education Statistics, The Condition of Education 2016. Target 2 : Maintain retention rate for instructional personnel averages years 1 – 5 at or above median for similar districts. Measure/Source: Percent retention rate for instructional personnel average year 1 – 5 / ActPoint KPI A Goal FY 20 Goal FY 21 FY 18 FY 19 65.1% 63.7% 58.7% 58.0% R Target 3: Maintain the percentage of unfilled positions on the first day of school to .5% or less. Measure/Source: Percent of unfilled positions on the first day of school / SDLC Annual Hiring Report Goal FY 20 Goal FY 21 FY 18 FY 19 G >.5%* >.5%* >.5%* >.5%* E Target 4: Increase the percentage of connects to offers. Measure/Source: Percentage of connections made to offers / ADLC Recruitment Report Goal FY 20 Goal FY 21 FY 18 FY 19 T 43% 48% 33% 38% Target 5: Increase the percentage of employees attending Health Screenings. S Measure/Source: Percentage of employees attending District Health Screenings / Annual Screenings Report Goal FY 20 Goal FY 21 FY 18 FY 19 63% >63 53% 58%

  7. FY20 ADDITIONAL TARGETS Target: Decrease turnover for school-based non-instructional personnel. Measure/Source: Percent of turnover for school-based non-instructional personnel/ SDLC Annual Retention Report Current: 1.7 % YTD: 7.1% Target: Maintain percentage of HR Division staff trained in LSS and/or Innovation methodologies at or above 95%. Measure/Source: Percentage of HR staff trained in LAA methodologies and/or Innovation Methodologies Current: 95% YTD: N/A – Not cumulative Target: Increase the percentage of key process measures that meet or exceed established standards. Measure/Source: Percent key process measures meeting, or exceeding standards set by the HR Division for each key work process. Current: TBD YTD: TBD

  8. KEY HUMAN RESOURCES PROCESSES a) Administer Employee Benefits Programs a) Monitor/Support Appropriate Employee Certification/Licenses b) Employee Performance Evaluations b) Provide and Monitor Professional Development c) Employee Remuneration c) Recruiting d) Hiring d) Support and Develop Leaders e) Investigate Misconduct f) Job Descriptions MEASURES a b c d e f g h i j 1. Decrease turnover for school-based instructional personnel. X X X X X X X X 2. Maintain retention rate for instructional personnel average years 1-5 at or above median for similar districts. X X X X X X X X 3. Maintain percentage of unfilled core areas teaching positions on the first day of school below .5%. X X X X X X X X 4. Decrease turnover of non-instructional personnel (NONINS). X X X X X X X 5. Increase the percentage of connects to offers. X X X X X X X 6. Increase the number of employees attending health screenings. X X 7. Maintain percentage of HR Division staff trained in LSS and/or Innovation methodologies at or above 95%. X X 8. Increase the percentage of key process measures that meet or exceed established standards. X X

  9. HR FY20 PROJECTS AND PRIORITIES HR FY20 PROJECTS and PRIORITIES Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Objective 4 Electronic Workflow X Executive Leadership Program X X X Exempt Salary Schedule X X Innovation Project - Hiring X X X Grow Your Own X X Market Rate Compensation X X X NEO Upgrade X X Reading Endorsement – District Plan X SPALC Evaluation Upgrade X Improve Customer Satisfaction X X X X

  10. State of Teacher Retention Report

  11. Measure 1: Overall Instructional Turnover at Schools Overall Turnover Rate of School-based Instructional Personnel (terminations & transfers)

  12. Measure 2: Average Instructional Retention Rate Average Retention Rate for Instructional Personnel in Their First 5 Years with SDLC (ActPoint KPI)

  13. Drivers of Teacher Turnover – Statistical Analysis • Beginning teacher (0-2 years) • Temporary certificate • Late hire (after first day of school) • Title I school assignment

  14. Survey Items Most Related to Teacher Dissatisfaction My school or department administrators provided adequate support • for me to be an effective teacher My school or department administrators show concern for the • teachers at my location My school or department administrators help teachers carry out our • duties effectively My input and opinions were valued by those in decision making roles • at my school or department Teachers have a voice in matters related to school or department • improvement

  15. Recorded Reasons for Terminating Employment

  16. Exit Survey: Reasons Given for Termination

  17. Exit Survey: Reasons Given for Transferring

  18. Support for School Leaders - Examples • School Climate Reports (Annual Instructional Survey) • Summer Leadership Conference • Crucial Conversations • NISL • Onboarding Protocols • Hiring the Lee County Way

  19. Direct Support for Teachers - Examples • Revised APPLES • Welcome Aboard • Revised Mentor Teacher Training • New Teacher Networking Opportunities • Career Changer Academy • General Knowledge Exam Tutoring • FCTE Training and Support • Individualized Certification Plans for New Teachers • Level II Guest Teacher Position

  20. Next Actions for Reducing Instructional Turnover ● Focus on: ○ School/Department Culture ○ School/Department Leadership ○ General Working Conditions ● Partnership with Academic Services Division ○ Shared Strategic Plan Goal ○ Innovation Projects to Identify and Address Root Causes ● Revised Annual Instructional Survey ● Support for School with Highest Increase in Turnover ● Revised Exit Survey

  21. Professional Development Support

  22. Teacher Leaders • Clinical educator training to include video coaching component • Cooperating teacher role • Teacher Career Bridge: PD facilitator • Peer collaborative teacher • Learning and Leadership teacher • Transformation teacher •

  23. Certification Assistance • Priority enrollment • AlternativeLEE Certified (District PDCP Program) • Endorsement programs: • Autism endorsement • ESOL endorsement • Gifted endorsement • Reading endorsement • Florida Teacher Certification Exam (FTCE) assistance


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