from an insurer s

From an Insurers Pe Pers rspec pectiv tive Randy ndy J. Curat - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Do Dock cket etin ing From an Insurers Pe Pers rspec pectiv tive Randy ndy J. Curat ato Vice ce Presiden ident Sen Senio ior r Loss Prevent ntion ion Couns nsel Attorneys Liability Assurance Society (ALAS) Calendaring

  1. Do Dock cket etin ing From an Insurer’s Pe Pers rspec pectiv tive Randy ndy J. Curat ato Vice ce Presiden ident — Sen Senio ior r Loss Prevent ntion ion Couns nsel Attorneys’ Liability Assurance Society (ALAS) Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  2. Do Dock cketi eting: ng: A W A Wor ord o d of Tha f Thank nks Your ur Ro Role ▪ Critica ical l safe fety y net fo for lawy wyers ▪ Pa Part of t f the loss prevent ention ion team Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  3. Tra Tracki cking De ng Deadl adlines ines What’s your favorite approach? ▪ Pa Paper ▪ Sticky cky note ▪ Dayt ytime imer ▪ Ou Outlook ook Calendar ndar ▪ Central ral Docket cketing ng ▪ Somet methi hing ng else? Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  4. Why Why Worr Worry? y? Discipl ipline ne and d Claims ms ▪ Rul ule comp mplia liance nce ▪ Malpract practice ce claim m fo for mi missed dea d deadl dline ne Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  5. Bas Basis of is of Dut Duty ▪ Comp mpet etence ence ▪ Dilige gence nce ▪ Scope ope of wo f work ▪ Commu mmunica nicatio tion Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  6. Bas Basis of is of Dut Duty St Stan anda dard rd of of car care Wh What at woul ould a re d a reas asona onably bly well ll qua uali lifi fied d la lawye yer r do do und under r th the sa same or or si simil ilar ar cir ircums umstanc tances es? Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  7. Som Some Observ e Observati ations ons ▪ Everyone’s issue: All practice areas have deadlines ▪ Oops! s! Miss ssed deadline ines s happen en ▪ Caution: ion: May cr create te prior or work k co conf nflic ict Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  8. “Failure to timely file” 1 2 3 4 5

  9. Ro Root Ca ot Causes uses ▪ Fa Failure e to do dock cket ▪ Misco comm mmuni unicat cation on ▪ With cl h client ▪ Interna nal ▪ Misca calcu culat ation on ▪ So So, w wha hat exact ctly is 30 30 d days? Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  10. Ro Root Ca ot Causes uses ▪ Inattent ntion on ▪ Ru Rush jo h jobs ▪ Poor or no no pr project ct ma manage geme ment ▪ No No che check cklists ▪ Unfa fami milia iar r jurisd sdict ctio ion/l n/loca ocal l co court rules Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  11. Cas Case Stud e Study Text Maples es v. Th Thomas mas: Capital tal Error or ▪ Court rt order er se sent nt to to fi firm m lawyer ▪ Lawyer er had depart rted ed firm ▪ Mail st staff returne rned d co court rt env nvelop lope e without ut openi ning ng ▪ No appeal al filed Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  12. Cas Case Stud e Study Minut ute e Or Orde der ▪ Cour urt t issue ues ema mail notice ice of or f orde ders ▪ No No one actual ually ly read th d the un unde derlyi ying ng orde ders ▪ Missed dea d deadl dline ne to appeal peal — mot motion ion to extend d de denied ▪ Court: “ it i is t the respons nsibi ibilit lity y of ev f every y attor orne ney y to read d the sub ubstance ance of ea f each h orde der received ed fr from m the cour urt t and d that t it i is no not suf uffi ficient ent to rely y on the ema mail notif ifica icatio tions ns received from the electronic filing system.” Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  13. Cas Case Stud e Study Ba Bank nkrupt ruptcy cy Order er ▪ Court rt gran ants ts dism smiss ssal al, ent nters rs fina nal order ▪ No appeal al filed within n 14-day appeal al period od ▪ One ne day later: r: Lawyer er files s appeal l on d n day and nd motion on for extens nsion ion of time ▪ Standard for after the fact extension: “excusable neglect” Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  14. Cas Case Stud e Study One ne Minu nute e Late ▪ Starte rted d elect ctroni ronic c su submiss ission on 11:58 58 pm ▪ Di Did no not co complet ete e unt ntil 12:01 01 am ▪ Filing ng reject cted ed Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  15. Bas Basic ic Prec Precaut aution ions ▪ Re Redu dunda dant nt ca calcu culatio ion n and d cr cross-ver verific ficat ation on ▪ Re Redu dunda dant nt ca calenda daring lo ing loca cations ▪ Tw Two pl place ces (ce centra ral l system m plus indi divi vidu dual al ca calenda dars) s) ▪ En Entire e team (a m (and as d assistant nts) s) incl cluded ded Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  16. Bas Basic ic Prec Precaut aution ions ▪ Po Policy cy — no no last da day f y filing ng ▪ Last mi minut ute protoco tocol ▪ “all hands on deck” until complete ▪ “face to face meeting” ▪ No assumptions on “who is responsible” ▪ No Notif ifica icatio tion n of m f missed dea d deadl dline ne to loss preventio ntion n partner ner or general al coun unse sel Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  17. Ext Extra Pr ra Prec ecaut aution ions ▪ All co court/a /agenc gency/U y/USP SPTO TO ma mail t to do dock cket fi first ▪ Post fi filing che g check cks ▪ Verify fy fi filing com g completed ▪ Verify fy proper er do docu cume ments ts fi filed, d, in incl cluding ding exhi hibits ▪ Mark de deadl dline co comp mplete Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  18. Lat Latera eral Prec l Precaut aution ions ▪ Incomi oming ng laterals rals ▪ Meet do docket ket staff ff ▪ Review w and ex d explai ain n sys ystem, m, policy icy, practice ctices ▪ Secur ure e all da dates in i incoming oming ma matters rs ▪ Remi mind d lawy wyer ers to change ange notice ice add ddress wi with h cour urts s and d othe her agencie ncies Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  19. De Depar parture ture Preca Precauti utions ons ▪ ▪ Depar arting ting Lawy wyer ers ▪ Determi mine ne de deadl dline nes s fo for clients ts stayi ying ng wi with h fi firm an m and d leaving ing wi with h lawy wyer ▪ For remainin ning g clients ts: : determine ne new lawye yer assigned ned and d up upda date e do docke ket t notice ce list ▪ Ensur ure court urt/a /age gency ncy records s up updated Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  20. De Depar parture ture Preca Precauti utions ons ▪ ▪ For clients ts leavi ving ng: ▪ Pr Provid ide lawye wyer wi with h all de deadl dlines nes and en d ensur ure transfer fer confi firmed rmed wi with client nt ▪ Confi nfirm rm change ange of co f cour urt/a t/age gency ncy conta ntact ct info format rmation ion ▪ Remo move ve de depart rting ing clients ts ma matter ers fr from m sys ystem Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  21. You Your Wi r Wish Li sh List st 5 ▪ To Top Fi Five ve co conce cerns ns ▪ Wha hat would yo d you ch change ge if if yo you ha had d a ma magi gic c wand? d? Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  22. Do Dock cketin eting: g: Ke Keep up the ep up the Go Good od Wo Work rk! Yo Your r Role ▪ Critic ical al sa safety y ne net fo for r lawyers ers ▪ Part of the loss ss pr preven enti tion on team Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  23. Thank you! Calendaring Our Future Together. ™

  24. Do Dock cket etin ing From an Insurer’s Pe Pers rspec pectiv tive Randy J. Curato ato Vice e President esident — Sen enio ior r Loss s Prev eventio ention Counsel, sel, ALAS Calendaring Our Future Together. ™


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