
Framework MARK CADWALLADER Aims of the presentation 1. Understand - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Education Inspection Framework MARK CADWALLADER Aims of the presentation 1. Understand the changes between the CIF and EIF (2018 and 2019) 2. What is the main focus of the new inspection? 3. What does that mean for the school? 4. What does

  1. Education Inspection Framework MARK CADWALLADER

  2. Aims of the presentation 1. Understand the changes between the CIF and EIF (2018 and 2019) 2. What is the main focus of the new inspection? 3. What does that mean for the school? 4. What does that mean for governors/ reflection?

  3. First hand knowledge.  Whitecrest – Dawn  Yew Tree – Craig  Pennyhill - Jag

  4. Governor strategic responsibilities:  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.  • Safeguarding duty. (Keeping Children Safe in Education).

  5. Main organisational changes  All inspections are now two days.  Section 5 inspection – 2 days with 2-3 inspectors depending on size.  Section 8 inspection for good schools – 2 days – 1 or 2 inspectors.  There are still inspections every four years for ‘good’ schools.  RI schools have inspections every 30 months.  A second RI judgement leads to a one day monitoring visit after around 12 months.

  6. New judgements Quality of Education  Teaching and Learning  Outcomes Leadership  Leadership and Management Personal Development  Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare Behaviour and Attitudes Early Years

  7. Section 5 focus. Quality of Intent: Behaviour & Attitudes to learning Education Curriculum design, coverage Attitudes Behaviour and appropriateness Attendance &P (quality of teaching & Respect outcomes) Implementation: Personal Enrichment Curriculum delivery Development FBV Teaching (pedagogy) Careers guidance Assessment (formative and Health and well-being summative) Citizenship Equality and diversity Impact: Leadership & Vision and ethos Attainment Management Staff development Progress Staff workload Knowledge and skill Student experience development Governance/oversight Destinations Safeguarding

  8. Word Count - 2018 v 2019

  9. Judgement Bullet Points JUDGEMENT BULLETS: 2018 2019 Notes QUALITY OF EDUCATION: 11+7 18 2018 combines outcomes/ TLA (national data bullet points) 6 1 (curriculum bullet points) 1 10 BEHAVIOUR & ATTITUDES 7 14 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 9 2018 PDBW split into 2019 BA & PD LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT 12 9 EARLY YEARS 12 20 Curriculum!

  10. Pre-Inspection Phone Call Education focused conversation – 90mins  Three phone calls now, including an admin call at around 10:30.  Reflective educational conversation.  Subjects will be agreed to focus on in the deep dives:  Reading, and/or writing and/or maths, plus one (or two) foundation subjects.  Then another call on organisational matters e.g. timetabling

  11. Quality of Education: Deep Dives  Minimum 4 Deep Dives inspecting the QE in specific subjects, to always include reading and at least 1 foundation subject. (minimum 3 in S8) Senior leaders Curriculum leaders Lesson sequence walk with SLT Discussions with pupils plus their books (EHCP) Discussions with teachers, along with books (HA, MA, BA)   No school pupil data will be requested, external validated data will be analysed prior to inspection.

  12. Deep Dive - Curriculum discussion  Is national curriculum being followed (ambition/breadth) How do governors know?  Does curriculum remain as broad as possible for as long as possible? How do governors know? What about Y2 & Y6?  How is curriculum content selected? Is it taught in a logical progression? Where is Anglo-Saxons and Romans? Why?  How do leaders ensure pupils remember curriculum content? Do Governors know the school approach? What do you want pupils to learn and why? Does it reflect your local area? Can Governors identify how you link to the local area?

  13. Recall? How does your school ensure children remember? Ebbinghaus described it first in 1885.

  14. • Behaviour and Attitudes Is this a place where pupils can learn? Is it systemic? What are the views of staff and pupils? How are pupils with specific needs supported? Tolerance? Compliance? Key judgement bullet points: High expectations, consistent and fair implementation Attitudes to learning Behaviour Exclusions Attendance and punctuality Bullying Does the school have a problem with any of the above? How do you know if you do?

  15. Personal development  Should be part of the curriculum.  How are different groups of pupils benefiting?  Are pupils engaging in what the school offers?  Clubs? Do all children attend a club including disadvantaged? Key judgement bullet points: SMSC Enrichment Character British Values Citizenship Equality and diversity Preparation for next stage of education

  16. Leadership and management Key judgement bullet points: Vision, ethos and ethics, Staff development Staff workload and well-being – how do governors establish an awareness? Off-rolling Governance/oversight Safeguarding

  17. Governors – example questions  Is the school effective? How do you know?  What do you understand your role to be? Can you give some examples?  Check safeguarding, prevent, equality act etc. – statutory duties  How do you carry out your role? How do you ensure financial requirements?  How is pupil premium and sports funding used, and what is the impact?  Questions on design and intent of CURRICULUM? Skills? Recall?

  18. Safeguarding  Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2019  Safeguarding children and young people in education from knife crime March 2019  Focus on: off-rolling and arrangements for alternative provision  Is there a culture for keeping children safe? (identify, help, manage)  Are statutory safeguarding requirements met? Whose responsibility is it?

  19. Other Information  At the end of day one, no judgements will be made.  Hypothesises will be drawn together by the end of day one.  Final feedback will take place at the end of day 2 as usual. Reporting  The report will be shorter, including:  What is it like to attend this school?  What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?  Safeguarding paragraph.  What does the school need to do to improve?

  20. Section 8 inspections – ‘good’ schools  2 days not one.  3 deep dives including reading (in theory 3-5)  0-150 pupils – two inspectors for one day.  151-600 pupils – one inspector for two days.  600-1099 – two inspectors on day one. One inspector on day two. 4 deep dives.  SAFEGUARDING as before.  Deep dives plus ‘spotlight’ questions:

  21. Implications for Governors?  Four duties must remain focus.  Change in information reported? Curriculum awareness?  Pupil voice? Curriculum?  Staff voice? Well-being?  More focus on wider leaders? – governor meetings?  Off-rolling? Children leaving your school?  Every inspection will be different.  Key: prepared, focused, precise.  Tips?? lots of governors attend? summary sheet? Meet before meeting?

  22.  Questions to me or schools inspected? If specific to your school, ask me after.

  23. Summary  Two days.  No data, apart from national (behaviour logs and attendance are the exception)  Quality of education and deep dives are central theme.  Safeguarding the same.  Governors same responsibilities but different approach to questions.  Progress as a result of an effective and well planned curriculum?  More focus on wider leaders because of the deep dives.  Outstanding – securely, consistent, exceptional. Every bullet point in good, plus the outstanding.

  24. Youtube video for governors   Webinar for governors on the education inspection framework - July 2019  Search youtube: governors education inspection framework


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