four seasons hotel houston art guide location 1 selected

Four Seasons Hotel Houston Art Guide Location 1 Selected Painting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Four Seasons Hotel Houston Art Guide Location 1 Selected Painting Hassel Suru George Chaplin Oil on canvas Location 2 Commissioned Ceiling Hung Sculptural Installation Metal Origami Lilies Ilan Garibi for Talents Hand Folded Metal Sheets

  1. Four Seasons Hotel Houston Art Guide

  2. Location 1 Selected Painting “Hassel Suru” George Chaplin Oil on canvas

  3. Location 2 Commissioned Ceiling Hung Sculptural Installation “Metal Origami Lilies” Ilan Garibi for Talents Hand Folded Metal Sheets - Mirror Finish

  4. Location 3 Collection of (5) Freestanding Sculptures “Folded Form 9” “Folded Form 1” “Folded Form 8” “Folded Form 7” “Folded Form 55” Joe Gitterman Joe Gitterman Joe Gitterman Joe Gitterman Joe Gitterman Sculpture - Painted Sculpture - Painted Sculpture - Painted Sculpture - Painted bronze Sculpture - Painted bronze bronze bronze bronze

  5. Location 4 Selected Painting “Nocturnal Chord” George Chaplin Oil on canvas

  6. Location 5 Location 6 Collection of (2) Sister Paintings “Polanski ‘s Dream” “Dracula Mountain“ James Greco James Greco Latex enamel on birch panel framed in latex enamel on birch panel framed in blackened stainless blackened stainless steel steel

  7. Locations 7 & 8 Clusters of Commissioned Freestand- ing Sculptures “Untitled (Steel Octahedron)” Garland Fielder Carbon steel w/ Blackened steel fjn- ish (shades to vary)

  8. Location 9 Selected Work on Paper “Popsicle Series - Ensemble” Geofgrey Moss Black pastel on paper

  9. Location 10 Selected Painting located in Bookcase “To be Titled” Brooke Stroud Acrylic, pastel and spray paint on board

  10. Location 11 & 12 Collection of (2) Sister Paintings (1) Painting at each location “Squander or Sequester” “Like a Magic Trick” David Aylsworth David Aylsworth Oil on canvas Oil on canvas

  11. Location 13 Selected Painting “A Honolulu Hula, 2013“ David Aylsworth Oil on canvas

  12. Locations 14 & 15 Collection of black + white photography showcasing Houston highlights across a broad spectrum of subjects and signifjcant moments Various artists/photographers sourced

  13. Locations 14 & 15 Collection of black + white photography showcasing Houston highlights across a broad spectrum of subjects and signifjcant moments. Various artists/photographers sourced

  14. Locations 14 & 15 Collection of black + white photography showcasing Houston highlights across a broad spectrum of subjects and signifjcant moments. Various artists/photographers sourced

  15. Locations 14 & 15 Collection of black + white photography showcasing Houston highlights across a broad spectrum of subjects and signifjcant moments. Various artists/photographers sourced

  16. Locations 14 & 15 Collection of black + white photography showcasing Houston highlights across a broad spectrum of subjects and signifjcant moments. Various artists/photographers sourced

  17. Locations 14 & 15 Collection of black + white photography showcasing Houston highlights across a broad spectrum of subjects and signifjcant moments. Various artists/photographers sourced

  18. Locations 14 & 15 Collection of black + white photography showcasing Houston highlights across a broad spectrum of subjects and signifjcant moments. Various artists/photographers sourced

  19. Location 16 Collection of (2) Sister Prints “Blackberry I” “Blackberry II” Sydney Edmunds Sydney Edmunds Wood mounted print Wood mounted print

  20. Location 17 Commissioned Wall Sculpture “Cream Wrap 2” Lauren R. Seiden Sculptural - graphite and pastel on paper

  21. Location 18 Selected Painting “Eclipse Big Morning” Bart Gulley Oil on panel

  22. Location 19

  23. Location 20

  24. Location 21 Commissioned Painting “Final Assembly” Cynthia Giron Acrylic on canvas

  25. Location 22 & 23 Collection of (4) Sister Prints (2) pieces per location “Untitled 1” “Untitled 1b” “Untitled 1c” “Untitled 1d” Jaime Derringer Jaime Derringer Jaime Derringer Jaime Derringer Wood mounted print Wood mounted print Wood mounted print Wood mounted print

  26. Location 24 Collection of (4) Sister Works “Twins 1” “Twins 2” “Twins 3A” “Twins 4A” Mary Judge Mary Judge Mary Judge Mary Judge Works on powdered pigment Works on powdered pigment Works on powdered pigment Works on powdered pigment

  27. Location 25 Wall Art Installation “Breccia” Paul Fleming Hydrocal and resin

  28. Brooke Stroud Local Artist As a Houston - based artist, Stroud isolates colors and shapes within sections and abstracts them into compositions of solid areas, stripes, and cloud like forms, creating a minimalist composition that con- tains a range of atmospheric and suggestive pas- sages.

  29. Cynthia Giron Local Artist Cynthia grew up in Houston’s southwest region, know as Alief. As a child she was always making paintings and drawings. Her paintings are about expressing her very own human story through imagination, self expression and memories. Color, texture and mark making are areas that she loves and ex- plores in her work; creating things that are new and unknown are all part of her process. She’s participated in shows, both in Houston and throughout the state of Texas. At the moment, she shares a studio with a fellow artist and friend at Art Square on Commerce in down- town Houston. She will be continuing her education, at The University of North Texas where she will work towards her MFA.

  30. David Aylsworth Local Artist David Aylsworth (born 1966, Tiffjn, OH) lives and works in Houston. He earned a B.F.A. from Kent State University, Ohio, in 1989 and was an artist resident at the Core Program, Museum of Fine Arts, Hou- ston, from 1989 - 1991. Aylsworth’s paintings are included in the permanent collections of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; the Dallas Museum of Art; the El Paso Museum of Art; and the Museum of South Texas, Corpus Chris- ti. His recent solo exhibitions include The Thing That Makes Vines Prefer To Cling, Holly Johnson Gallery, Dallas (2010); Marie Antoi- nette with or Without Napoleon, Inman Gallery (2009); and Fugue for Tinhorns Sound Like Frère Jacques, Ellen Noel Art Museum of the Permian Basin, Odessa (2008). In 2011 his paintings were included in the group exhibitions Soft Math, Bryan Miller Gallery, Houston, and Working in the Abstract: Rethinking the Literal, Glassell School of Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

  31. Garland Fielder Local Artist Garland Fielder is a Houston based artist that received his MFA from the University of North Texas in 2005. His work is primarily focused on the interpretive components of visual art, bringing into question the act of “reading” a painting or object. Exhibiting his work regionally, nation- ally and internationally, Fielder is also a frequent contributor to Art Lies, ArtsHouston and Glasstire.

  32. Paul Fleming Local Artist Paul Fleming lives and works in Houston, Texas. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design in 1995. His solo exhibitions include Barbara Davis Gallery and Lawndale Art Center in Hou- ston, Texas. His group exhibitions include Sergio Tossi Arte Contemporanea, Flor- ence, Italy; AR Contemporary, Milan, Italy; The Art League, Houston, Texas; McKinney Avenue Contemporary, Dallas, Texas; Gal- veston Art Center, Galveston, Texas; Uni- versity of Houston, Houston, Texas; and the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design.

  33. Ground Floor Map

  34. Second Floor Map

  35. Third Floor Map


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