foundations of computer science lecture 25 context free

Foundations of Computer Science Lecture 25 Context Free Grammars - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Foundations of Computer Science Lecture 25 Context Free Grammars (CFGs) Solving a Problem by Listing Out the Language Rules for CFGs Parse Trees Pushdown Automata Last Time DFAs: State transitioning machines which can be implemented

  1. Foundations of Computer Science Lecture 25 Context Free Grammars (CFGs) Solving a Problem by “Listing Out” the Language Rules for CFGs Parse Trees Pushdown Automata

  2. Last Time DFAs: State transitioning machines which can be implemented using basic technology. Powerful: can solve any regular expression. (Finite sets, complement, union, intersection, concatenation, Kleene-star). Computing Model Analyze Model Do we need a Rules to: 1. Capabilities: what can be solved? 1. Construct machine; new model? 2. Limitations: what can’t be solved? 2. Solve problems. DFAs fail at so simple a problem as equality. That’s not acceptable. We need a more powerful machine. Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Context Free Grammars (CFGs): 2 / 16 Adding Memory →

  3. Adding Memory DFAs have no scratch paper. It’s hard to compute entirely in your head. Stack Memory. Think of a file-clerk with a stack of papers. 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 The clerk’s capabilities: see the top sheet; remove the top sheet ( pop ) q 0 q 7 q 1 yes push something new onto the top of the stack. or q 6 q 2 0 no access to inner sheets without removing top. q 5 q 3 no q 4 DFA with a stack is a pushdown automaton (PDA) How does the stack help to solve { 0 • n 1 • n | n ≥ 0 } ? 1: When you read in each 0, write it to the stack. 2: For each 1, pop the stack. At the end if the stack is empty, accept . The memory allows the automaton to “remember” n . Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Context Free Grammars (CFGs): 3 / 16 Today →

  4. Today: Context Free Grammars (CFGs) Solving a problem by listing out the language. 1 Rules for Context Free Grammars (CFG). 2 Examples of Context Free Grammars. 3 English. Programming. Proving a CFG solves a problem. 4 Parse Trees. 5 Pushdown Automata and non context free languages. 6 Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Context Free Grammars (CFGs): 4 / 16 Recursively Defined Language →

  5. Recursively Defined Language: Listing a Language. L 0 n 1 n = { 0 • n 1 • n | n ≥ 0 } 1 ε ∈ L 0 n 1 n . [basis] 2 x ∈ L 0 n 1 n → 0 • x • 1 ∈ L 0 n 1 n . [constructor rule] 3 Nothing else is in L 0 n 1 n . [minimality] To test if 0010 ∈ L 0 n 1 n : generate strings in order of length and test each for a match: ε → 01 → 0011 → 000111 no A Context Free Grammar is like a recursive definition.   1: S → ε  ε ∈ L 0 n 1 n     2: S → 0 S 1 x ∈ L 0 n 1 n → 0 • x • 1 ∈ L 0 n 1 n  Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Context Free Grammars (CFGs): 5 / 16 Rules for CFGs →

  6. Rules for Context Free Grammars (CFGs) Production rules of the CFG: 1: S → ε 2: S → 0 S 1 Each production rule has the form → variable expression ↑ ↑ P, Q, R, S, T, . . . string of variables and terminals 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: · · · S 0 S 1 00 S 11 000 S 111 0000 S 1111 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: ε 01 0011 000111 00001111 1: Write down the start variable (form the first production rule, typically S ). 2: Replace one variable in the current string with the expression from a pro- duction rule that starts with that variable on the left. 3: Repeat step 2 until no variables remain in the string. “Replace variable with expression , no matter where (independent of context)” Shorthand: 1: S → ε | 0 S 1 Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Context Free Grammars (CFGs): 6 / 16 cfg bal →

  7. Language of Equality, cfg bal 1: S → ε | 0 S 1 S | 1 S 0 S cfg bal A derivation of 0110 in cfg bal (each step is called an inference). ∗ 1: 1: 1: ⇒ 0110 S ⇒ 0 S 1 S ⇒ 0 S 11 S 0 S ⇒ 0 ε 11 S 0 S Notation: S ∗ ( ∗ ⇒ 0110 ⇒ means “A derivation starting from S yields 0110”) Distinguish S from a mathematical variable (e.g. x ), 0 S 1 S versus 0 x 1 x Two S ’s are replaced independently. Two x ’s must be the same, e.g. x = 11 . Pop Quiz. Determine if each string can be generated and if so, give a derivation. 1: S → ε | T 0 T 1 | T 0 A 0011 (a) 2: X → T 0 T 1 | T 0 A 0110 (b) 3: A → XT 1 00011 (c) 4: T 0 → 0 010101 (d) 5: T 1 → 1 Give an informal description for the CFL of this CFG. Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Context Free Grammars (CFGs): 7 / 16 A CFG for English →

  8. A CFG for English → <phrase><verb> S 1: <phrase> → <article><noun> 2: 3: <article> → A ␣ | The ␣ <noun> → cat ␣ | dog ␣ 4: <verb> → walks. | runs. | walks. ␣ S | runs. ␣ S 5: 1 : ⇒ <phrase><verb> S 5 : ⇒ <phrase> walks. 2 : ⇒ <article><noun> walks. 3 : ⇒ A ␣<noun> walks. 4 : ⇒ A ␣ cat ␣ walks. Pop Quiz. Give a derivation for: A ␣ cat ␣ runs. ␣ The ␣ dog ␣ walks. Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Context Free Grammars (CFGs): 8 / 16 A CFG for Programming →

  9. A CFG for Programming → <stmt>; S | <stmt>; S 1: <stmt> → <assign> | <declare> 2: <declare> → int␣<variable> 3: <assign> → <variable>=<integer> 4: <integer> → <integer><digit> | <digit> 5: <digit> → 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 6: 7: <variable> → x | x<variable> Pop Quiz. Give derivations for these snippets of code. (a) int␣x;int␣xx;x=22;xx=8; (b) x=8;int␣x; int␣x;xx=8; (c) Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Context Free Grammars (CFGs): 9 / 16 Constructing a CFG →

  10. Constructing a CFG to Solve a Problem L bal = { strings with an equal number of 1’s and 0’s } . 001011010110 = 0 • 0101 • 1 • 010110 ↑ ↑ in L bal in L bal = 0 S 1 S ( S represents “a string in L bal ”) Every large string in L bal can be obtained (recursively) from smaller ones. S → ε | 0 S 1 S | 1 S 0 S. We must prove that: Every string generated by this CFG is in L bal ? (i) Every string in L bal can be derived by this grammar? (ii) Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Context Free Grammars (CFGs): 10 / 16 Proving a CFG Solves a Problem →

  11. Proving a CFG Solves a Problem L bal = { strings with an equal number of 1’s and 0’s } S → ε | 0 S 1 S | 1 S 0 S (i) Every derivation in cfg bal generates a string in L bal . Strong induction on the length of the derivation (number of production rules invoked). Base Case. length-1 derivation gives ε . Induction. The derivation starts in one of two ways: S → 0 S 1 S → · · · or S → 1 S 0 S → · · · ⇓∗ ⇓∗ ⇓∗ ⇓∗ x y x y The derivations of x and y are shorter. By the induction hypothesis, x, y ∈ L bal , so the final strings are in L bal . (ii) Every string in L bal can be derived within cfg bal . Strong induction on the length of the string. Base case: length-1 string, ε . Induction. Any string w in L bal has one of two forms: w = 0 w 1 1 w 2 or w = 1 w 1 0 w 2 , where w 1 , w 2 ∈ L bal and have smaller length. By the induction hypothesis, S ∗ ⇒ w 1 and S ∗ ⇒ w 2 , so S ∗ ⇒ w . Practice. Exercise 25.5. Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Context Free Grammars (CFGs): 11 / 16 Union, Concatenation, Kleene-star →

  12. Union, Concatenation, Kleene-star L 1 = { 0 • n 1 • n | n ≥ 0 } L 2 = { 1 • n 0 • n | n ≥ 0 } A → ε | 0 A 1 B → ε | 1 B 0 L 1 ∪ L 2 : 1: S → A | B L 1 • L 2 : 1: S → AB 2: A → ε | 0 A 1 2: A → ε | 0 A 1 3: B → ε | 1 B 0 3: B → ε | 1 B 0 Kleene-star. L ∗ 1 is generated by the CFG 1: S → ε | SA ← generates A • i 2: A → ε | 0 A 1 ← each A becomes a 0 • n 1 • n Example 25.2. CFGs can implement DFAs, and so are strictly more powerful. Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Context Free Grammars (CFGs): 12 / 16 Parse Trees →

  13. Parse Trees S → # | 0 S 1 Here is a derivation of 000 # 111 , S ⇒ 0 S 1 ⇒ 00 S 11 ⇒ 000 S 111 ⇒ 000 # 111 The parse tree gives more information than a derivation ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ S S S S S S 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 S S S S S 0 S 1 0 S 1 0 S 1 S 0 1 0 1 S S S 0 0 0 1 1 1 # # Clearly shows how a substring belongs to the language of its parent variable. Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Context Free Grammars (CFGs): 13 / 16 CFG for Arithmetic →

  14. CFG for Arithmetic S → S + S | S × S | ( S ) | 2 (the terminals are + , × , (, ) and 2 ) Two derivations of 2 + 2 × 2 along with parse trees, ∗ ∗ S ⇒ S + S ⇒ S + S × S ⇒ 2 + 2 × 2 S ⇒ S × S ⇒ S + S × S ⇒ 2 + 2 × 2 S S + × S S S S × + 2 2 S S S S 2 2 2 2 (multiply 2 × 2 and add to 2) (add 2 + 2 and multiply by 2) Parse tree ↔ How you interpret the string. Unambiguous grammer Different parse trees ↔ different meanings. 1: S → P | S + P 2: P → T | P × T BAD! We want unambiguous meaning → 2 | ( S ) 3: T programs, html-code, math, English, . . . Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Context Free Grammars (CFGs): 14 / 16 Pushdown Automata →

  15. Pushdown Automata: DFAs with Stack Memory L = { w # w r | w ∈ { 0 , 1 } ∗ } S → # | 0 S 0 | 1 S 1 0 # 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 DFA with stack memory (push, pop, read). q 0 q 7 q 1 yes Push the first half of the string (before # ). or q 6 q 2 0 For each bit in the second half, pop the stack and compare. q 5 q 3 no q 4 DFAs with stack memory closely related to CFGs. Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Context Free Grammars (CFGs): 15 / 16 Non Context Free →


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