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Planning and Development Services UJ Development Review f03 Type II Application Process Overview IMPLEMENTATION Flnal Land Use Approval Once the t'/otlco orDoclsion is final, the burden to complete the lmplementation phase within the time

  1. Planning and Development Services UJ Development Review f03 Type II Application Process Overview IMPLEMENTATION Flnal Land Use Approval Once the t'/otlco orDoclsion is final, the burden to complete the lmplementation phase within the time specified in the Notice o, ul Dec,s,bn rests with the applicant (up to 4 years). This typically includes fot working with applicable s€Nice provider agencies to implement all conditions of the l/obce ol Decision. lf required by Nolice ofDecision, submit an application lor Final LaM Use Approval. Approval must be granted prior to plat recordation and / PRE.DEVELOPMENT.. or building permit issuance and must also document compliance with all Conditions ot Approval. Beview applicable land us€ regulations. Pre-application conference, if required / Bulldlng Plan Review and lnspectlons (Bulldlng Servlces) 1 . Apply for Building, Gradinq permits and other permits as Neighborhood meeting il requir€d / desired. required by your Cond,lions orApproval. Submit permit application(s) and plan review f€es. ul i02 Concurrent plan review by Plans Examiners and Engineers to confirm plan complies with Code r€quirem€nts. (10 days resi- dential plani 20 days commercial plan) Building Permit Technlcian roviews lhe file and notifies applicant OEVELOPMENT REVIEW o, any missing documentation or other agency approvals need- ed to issue permit(s) and required permit lees. Appllcailon Submlttal (Current Plannlng) Applicant submits missing documentation and payment; build- Submit a land use application with all necessary documentation. ing permits issued. Staff performs a r€view to confirm the application is complete. Building activities are carried out according to plan. (within -4 weeks after submittal) Applic€nt scfledules County insp€dors to approv€ completed work lf application is deemed complete, statf issues Notice of incrementally as r€quired. Acceptance and a case file number is assigned. Final building app(oval is granted by Building lnspector iollow- ing successful completion ol trade inspections. Appllcatlon Rovlow and Oecl3lon* Notice mailed to urban property owners within 500ie€t (1,000 Ceftilicate ol Occupancy issued to applicant if building is leet rural) ol prop€rty. n€w construction. FOB MORE INFOBMATION: Public comment period. (14 days after mailing) Application diskibuted to seMce providerc for comment and Plannlng and Davclopmont Sorvlcaa recommendations rsgarding the property's ability to m€et agency standards. (-4 weeks aller Notice of Acceptance\ Stafi report prepar€d: Director's Notice of Decision rendered. Curront Planning (503) 846-8761 (-3 w€eks after public comment period ends) Buildlng Servlcos (503) 846-3470 Twelve-day public appeal poriod after Notic€ ol Dacision Planning and Development Services Oflice Location: is rendered. 155 N First Avenue, Suite 350, Hillsboro OR 97'123 . I no appeal lvotce ot Decisio, is Ioq!. . ll appealed a public hearing will be held with a Hearings Lobby Hours: Officer at tha next availat e opporiunity. (-5 wgeks afrer the lvlonday Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 P.m. oirector's Notlco ot Dscrs,bn is rendgred). Historically a small Closed Friday percentago ol Typs ll applications aro appealod. The Hearings Cfficer then issues their final decision. (timeline varies) .?r pron nespons;o y . $' "urro rn,.". --'Xi *", . *A?dication R.viaa ?rocas i' compla.d ui hin tb. ri,nelines cstablishcd b1 ORS 215.427 6p ,o 120 nay urban appkcauou, 150 day roal apphcations) BRO 53. /13

  2. WASHINGTON COUNTY ROAD DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY These Standards provide engineering design and construction requirements for transportation and bridge improvements under Washington County's jurisdiction. The provisions of these standards and speciflcations are intended to provide a safe and reliable transportation system and to preserve, protect, and improve the public transportation infrastru cture . These Standards are intended to ensure the long-term viability of the transportation system and avoid unnecessary and excessive maintenance and replacement costs. These Standards are based on modern design principles as well as practical construction methods. They replace the 1998 edition adopted in Ordinance 524, and are intended to be consistent with the requirements established in lhe Washington County 2020 Transpoftation Plan and lhe washington County Community Development Code. Building a transportation facilily within a built environment is challenging. To achieve a sustainable system with livability requires a balance between competing interests. Exceptions must occasionally be made to these standards while maintaining safety and efflciency. Section 220 provides a process for allowing an exception to these standards. The Washington County Comprehensive Plan, the Community Plans, 2O2O Transportation Plan and the community Development Code provide guidance in the development of livable communities through which the roadways pass. The road standards specify the technical requirements for the design and construction of lhe transportation system improvements within road right-of-way. ln concert, these documents provide the balance of qualities which create aesthetic and livable communities. 2

  3. Street Tree Approved trees planted in Planter Strip Areas, Perimeter Areas, tree wells, or within five (5) feet of the back of sidewalk. Transportation The Washinglon County Transportation Plan, as set forth in Plan A-engrossed Ordinance 588, and which is an element ofthe County Comprehensive Plan. Ultimate As used in these standards, refers to an improvement, location, grade, or other matter, that is necessary to construct the full improvement prescribed in the Transportation Plan. 120 GeneralRequirements 120.010 DesignStandards Engineering plans for public transportation improvements shall conform to these Standards; the Community Development Code; the Notice of Decision in the County's land development permit process, including any conditions of approval; lhe conditions of approval of any applicable City land development decision; and any other relevant approvals. 12o.o2o ConstructionSpecifications Construction activities shall comply with the Oregon Standard Specificatbns for Construction (see Refererces) except as noted in these Standards or approved through a design exception request to the County Engineer. The requirements ofthese standards include all text, exhibits, standard drawings, and all matters specifically incorporated by reference. 12O.O20.1 Scope These standards are applicable to all construction of roads and related facilities under the jurisdiction of Washington County, including public and private projects. 130 Road Requirements 130,010 FunctionalClassification The functional classification of existing and proposed roads is established by the Transportation Plan, Policy 10.

  4. CHAPTER 2 200 Submittal, Review and Road Standards Exceptions Procedures 210 SubmittalRequirements 210.010 General Submittal requirements consist of design plans, grading plans (where required), erosion control plans (where required), landscape plans (where required), drainage calculations, and other information as required to determine compliance with these standards for a proposed improvement. Designs submitted shall be stamped by a Registered Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the State of Oregon. A road engineering plan submittal/review checklist has been provided in appendix E. Responsible Persons The applicant for land development approval, facility permit, or other applicable permit or approval, shall be responsible for Iulfillment of all requirements of these standards. The applicant may act through its designated Engineer. lt is the responsibility of the applicant to notify the county of its designated Engineer and if there is a change in its designated Engineer. 210.020 ReviewProcedure Three (3) sets of complete plans shall be submitted to the Department for an initial basic review. The purpose of this review is to check that ailthe required information has been submitted. The required information includes drainage calculations, and a list of requested exceptions to these Road Standards. lf the submittal is complete, a detailed review will begin. lf the submittal is not complete, notification will be given by the County to the Engineer specitying what is needed. Applications will be handled based on a first-in, first-out priority, based on the date they are determined to be complete. Upon completion of the detailed review by the Department, staff will return one (1) set of plans with "Red Line" comments and calculations to the Engineer. The Engineer shall revise its plans to respond to the County's red-line comments and calculations. After the Engineer has completed all revisions, submit six (6) revised plan sets consisting of four (4) full size plan sets and two (2) 'l'l"x 17" half scale plan sets 19


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