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For personal use only CORPORAT E PRE SE NT AT - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

For personal use only CORPORAT E PRE SE NT AT ION MAY 2015 F OUNDAT IONS F OR VAL UE AND GROWT H For personal use only Oilex has a diversified oil and gas portfolio, focused on Indian ocean rim countries with

  1. For personal use only CORPORAT E PRE SE NT AT ION MAY 2015

  2. F OUNDAT IONS F OR VAL UE AND GROWT H For personal use only Oilex has a diversified oil and gas portfolio, focused on Indian ocean rim countries with proven onshore hydrocarbon provinces. Strategic focus • Assets with deep markets, existing infrastructure & good geology 2P • Production, cash flow and reserves ~20MMBoe • Targeting cash positive operations in India in 2015 1 Portfolio • India – Cambay asset in Gujarat State, a leading industrialised state in India 3P • Partnered with Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation ~37MMBoe • Australia – low cost entry into 3 million acres in Canning Basin Value Catalysts 2C • Assets in a premium market, with a low cost structure • Experienced executive team focused on delivery ~80MMBoe • Building a sustainable business 1 Excluding Cambay Field capex Page 2

  3. INDIA: COMPE L L ING INVE ST ME NT PROPOSIT ION For personal use only India is the world’s fourth largest energy consumer with a significant unsatisfied gas demand and associated high sustainable gas prices • Gas demand remains strong, with gas fired power stations running at less than capacity due to supply constraints and strong competition • for gas from various industrial customers • Based on RISC modelling, future successful wells should provide adequate returns, even in the current low oil price environment India gas demand outstrips supply 800 713 world’s fourth largest energy consumer 700 625 600 493 500 MMSCMD 358 400 448 significant unsatisfied gas demand 429 387 300 227 300 Demand 200 Supply 100 146 high sustainable gas prices 0 2012-13 2016-17 2021-22 2026-27 2029-30 Meeting Demand Challenges Of An Emerging LNG Market: INDIA By Dr A K Balyan MD & CEO Petronet LNG Limited, India Page 3

  4. OIL E X IN INDIA: INVE ST ME NT HIGHL IGHT S For personal use only Strong Domestic Highly conducive energy market fundamentals in Gujarat, strong gas demand for power generation and industrial  Economy uses, competing with predominantly imported LNG. A forecast middle class of ~475 million by 2030 Supportive  Strong support for the Cambay project from federal, state and local governments in India Government Successfully production tested a multi-stage fracture-stimulated horizontal Tight Oil/Tight Gas well in India  Technical Success Independently assessed 2P reserves gross of 44 MMBoe (net to Oilex 20MMBoe)  GSPC is a supportive joint venture partner and has the largest gas distribution and marketing network in the state Strong JV Partner Drilling in areas adjacent to existing pipeline infrastructure, facilitating the rapid commercialisation of gas on a  Existing Infrastructure highly cost-effective basis First company to successfully apply proven US shale gas technology to a siltstone in the Cambay Basin  First Mover in India Oilex has developed a quality operating team, strong government relations and an attractive asset position Strong growth options beyond Cambay Field, with the potential to expand footprint in the Cambay Basin. The  Growth Opportunities Basin has been identified by the EIA as one of the pre-eminent locations for replication of a proportion of the success in North America Page 4

  5. GUJARAT : GAS PIPE L INE NE T WORK T O T HE NAT ION For personal use only Cambay Field Page 5

  6. For personal use only CAMBAY GOING F ORWARD Page 6

  7. PROVE N OIL AND GAS For personal use only 45% interest and operator Acreage • Cambay Basin: large oil province • Cambay Field: 161 km ² (40,000 acres) • Multiple productive reservoirs Geology proven to deliver • Interpreted 2,800m of prospective section • 39 wells penetrated the Eocene formation • 17 wells tested oil and gas to surface in the contract area (14 shown on map) • Remaining wells also had log indications Block-wide 3D seismic coverage No formation water produced from Y zone to date Page 7

  8. RE SE RVE S & CONT INGE NT RE SOURCE S Reserves and Resources estimate prepared by RISC as at 1 April 2015 • For personal use only Refer to ASX announcement dated 16 April 2015 • Estimated Cambay Field Reserves 1P * 2P 3P C5 + C5 + C5 + Gas Gas Gas Y Zone Bcf MMbbls Bcf MMbbls Bcf MMbbls Nil Nil 206 8.0 377 17.3 Total – Gross Oilex net working interest Nil Nil 93 3.6 170 7.8 *Gross 90 Bcf of gas and 2.9 MMbbls of C5+ (Oilex net working interest of 40.5 Bcf of gas and 1.3 MMbbls of C5+) would be categorised as 1P subject to securing finance for the development, according to the PRMS guidelines. These quantities are included in the 1C Contingent Resources. Unrisked Cambay Field Contingent Resource Estimates 1C 2C 3C C5 + C5 + C5 + Gas Gas Gas X and Y Zones Bcf MMbbls Bcf MMbbls Bcf MMbbls Total – Gross 388 23.7 720 52.8 1239 104 Oilex net working interest 215** 12** 324 23.8 557.6 46.8 **Includes Oilex net working interest of 40.5 Bcf of gas and 1.3 MMbbls of C5 + that would be categorised as 1P subject to securing finance for the development. Page 8

  9. 2015- 16 WORK PROGRAM* Cambay-78H For personal use only 2 Firm wells • C-78H (core + 1400m Hz/18 fracs) Cambay-79H • C-80H (core + 700m Hz/8 fracs) Cambay-76H Cambay-76H Cambay-77H Cambay-77H • Frac number & design, finalised after core analysis Cambay-81 2 Contingent Wells • C-79H (core + 1400m Hz/18 fracs) • C-81 (deep pilot hole + cores) All wells drilled from existing upgraded drill pads Cambay-80H 5 Workovers Production facilities and tie-in to gas pipeline grid Firm 2 Yr Prod Drilling Gas rate Contingent ~500,000 2 Firm ~5MMscfd Boe *Subject to funding and normal JV approvals process Page 9

  10. IL L UST RAT IVE GAS PRODUCT ION OUT L OOK For personal use only 1,500 3 well production profile justifies Production Profile 5MMscfd gas plant Likely C-78H and C-80H will have to 1,200 be constrained Illustrative production profile for the Production Rate (boepd) Cambay and Bhandut Fields Condensate would be co- produced 900 and trucked to a local refinery Engineering studies to commence 600 Q2 15 300 0 Jan-15 Apr-15 Jul-15 Oct-15 Jan-16 Apr-16 Jul-16 Oct-16 C-72 C-73 B-3 legacy wells C-77H C-78H C-80 new wells target Page 10

  11. PL ANS – 2016 & BE YOND For personal use only 2P Reserves support estimated 50MMscfd production plateau rate • Estimated well count 34 • Engineering studies to optimise production plan Planning and preparation for multi well drilling campaign • Long lead items Upgrading Contingent Resources to Reserves • Cambay-81 is located and designed to achieve this objective Page 11

  12. UPSIDE IN F OUR DE E PE R ZONE S For personal use only Independently assessed Undiscovered P50 gross in-place volumes • Gas 12.6 Tcf Unrisked P50 gross prospective resources • Gas: 934 Bcf Refer ASX announcement dated 11 October 2011. The estimated quantities of petroleum that may potentially be recovered by the application of a future development project relate to undiscovered accumulations. These estimates have both an associated risk of discovery and a risk of development. Further exploration appraisal and evaluation is required to determine the existence of a significant quantity of potentially moveable hydrocarbons. Page 12

  13. For personal use only CAMBAY- 73 F ACIL IT IE S PRODUCT ION ST ART - UP MAY 2015 Page 13

  14. BHANDUT F IE L D: HARVE ST ING CONVE NT IONAL GAS For personal use only Bhandut Field • 40% interest & operator • 6km 2 • 17,572 bbls oil produced since acquisition in 2007 • Flowed 6.5MMscfd of dry gas 2015 Bhandut activities  Gas sales agreement approved  Facilities design and installation in progress • Commence Bhandut-3 gas sales in Q3 2015 Page 14

  15. For personal use only AUST RAL IA CANNING BASIN Page 15

  16. CANNING BASIN: BACKGROUND For personal use only Canning Basin Strategic rationale: • Adjacent to global resource centre – Significant energy demand • Infrastructure within acreage • Proven geological petroleum province • Low-cost entry, concentrated prospectivity Canning Basin acreage (~3 million acres) • STP-EPA-0131~ 1.35 million acres • STP-EPA-0106 ~ 700,000 acres • STP-EPA-0107 ~ 900,000 acres • Potential prospectivity for oil & liquids-rich gas Current activities • Finalising Heritage Agreement negotiations • Farmout – exploring alternatives Page 16

  17. WE ST E RN AUST RAL IA: A GL OBAL RE SOURCE CE NT RE For personal use only Page 17

  18. WAL L ALGRABE N RE VE AL E D BY SE ISMIC For personal use only Regional seismic data infer • A near-complete Ordovician sequence is preserved • Possible thick Goldwyer Formation - primary source rock • Potential for additional organic-rich formations Page 18

  19. NE W GRAVIT Y SURVE Y CONF IRMS T HE ST ORY For personal use only Conducive to efficient exploration • ~15km wide • ~200km long within Oilex areas Prospectivity • Conventional and unconventional • Leads and prospects portfolio being compiled • Drilling planned for 2017 Markets and Infrastructure • Near ports • Proximal to large gas consumers • Numerous roads and tracks • Gas pipeline across acreage Oilex has captured entire Wallal Graben play fairway Page 19


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