Middle Juba Sub-National Food Security Cluster Meeting 25 th March 2014 SOMALIA
Agenda Standing items 1. Introductions 2. Review and agreement of previous minutes 3. Review/follow-up actions from previous meeting 4. Access constraints 5. Presentation of district level information by response objective, activity and planned versus actual 6. Review of gaps per district and Response Discussion 7. AOB SOMALIA
Access Constraints & Implications on Operations To be completed for every meeting SOMALIA
Review of FSC Responses for Middle Juba (February 2014) SOMALIA
Cluster Members Responses by Response Priority Region Improved Access Livelihood Investment Safety Net Responses No. No. No. No. No. Reached No. Reached Reported Reached Reported Reported Middle Juba 0 0 0 1 0 0 SOMALIA
District Level Response i) Improved Access to Food & Safety Nets Region District Improved Safety Net Access Responses Buale 0 0 Middle Juba Jilib 0 0 Salagle 0 0 Saakow 0 0 SOMALIA
District Level Response Livelihood Investment Livelihood Region District investment Buale 0 Middle Juba Jilib 0 Salagle 0 Saakow 0 SOMALIA
District Level Response ii) Livelihood Investment Activity Breakdown Animal Seed Region District Assets Treatment Distribution Buale 0 0 0 Middle Juba Jilib 0 0 0 Salagle 0 0 0 Saakow 0 0 0 SOMALIA
District Level Response ii) Livelihood Investment Activity Breakdown - Planned and Actual - Region District Assets Seed Distribution Planned Actual Planned Actual 320,688 0 87,114 0 Buale Middle Juba 63,000 0 0 0 Jilib 0 0 0 0 Salagle Saakow 0 0 0 0 SOMALIA
Gap Analysis: Improved Access and Safety Net Sakow Responses M . J U B A M . J U B A BUALE Buale Legend Region Capital District Boundary Region Boundary Feb. Improved Access and Safety Net Percentage Jilib 0 to 10 percent 10 to 25 percent 25 to 50 percent 50 to 75 percent 75+ percent SOMALIA
Gap Analysis: Livelihood Sakow Investment Assets U M . J U B A M . J U B A Responses Legend BUALE U Buale Region Capital District Boundary Region Boundary February Livelihood Assets GAP Gap Magnitude U < 20.000 U 20.000 to 100.000 U > 100.000 U Jilib February Livelihood Assets Percentage 0 to 10 percent 10 to 25 percent 25 to 50 percent 50 to 75 percent SOMALIA 75+ percent
Gap Analysis: Livelihood Sakow Investment Inputs’ U Responses M . J U B A M . J U B A U Legend Region Capital Buale District Boundary Region Boundary February Livelihood inputs GAP Gap magnitude U < 20,000 Jilib U 20,000 to 100,000 U U > 100,000 February Livelihood inputs Percentage 0 to 10 percent 10 to 25 percent 25 to 50 percent 50 to 75 percent SOMALIA 75+ percent
Any Other Business SOMALIA
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