focus balkans food consumer science in the balkans

FOCUS-BALKANS Food Consumer Science in the Balkans: Frameworks, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FOCUS-BALKANS Food Consumer Science in the Balkans: Frameworks, Protocols and Networks for a better knowledge of food behaviours A Research EU-Programme funded through the FP7 A Research EU-Programme funded through the FP7 Duration: 3 years

  1. FOCUS-BALKANS Food Consumer Science in the Balkans: Frameworks, Protocols and Networks for a better knowledge of food behaviours A Research EU-Programme funded through the FP7 A Research EU-Programme funded through the FP7 Duration: 3 years Begin: 1.1.2008 Date/Références 1

  2. Project Call KBBE-2007-2-1-02: Developing research tools for food consumer science in the Western Balkan Countries Call: FP7-KBBE-2007-1 The countries of the Western Balkans (WBC) have little tradition in consumer science related to food, but are showing increasing interest in this field. Research should focus on developing research tools for assessing consumer behaviour of the WBC populations within this area. Capacity building and support to consumer food science should be fostered through an integrated information exchange, technology transfer and education through an integrated information exchange, technology transfer and education programme. This might include not only support and assistance to the research/education sector but also to consumer organisations in the area. Research should focus on a specific geographical area with homogeneous socio-cultural behaviour. Date/Références 2

  3. Funding scheme: Small collaborative project Expected impact Determination of consumer behaviours (drivers and determinants) in the countries of the Western Balkans and Black Sea Region; Contribution to regional and European nutrition and health policies; Increased dialogue between consumers and food producers, including industry, in the area; in the area; Enhanced cooperation in the area of consumer science with EU and neighbouring countries; Contribution to consumer policy making, in particular in the areas related to health, nutrition and food safety, relevant to the Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General. Date/Références 3

  4. How is the project born ? January 2007: Preliminary discussions between AGRIDEA and SEEDEV Then between AGRIDEA and ENITAC, then between AGRIDEA and GEM GEM gave an decisive OK in giving time for the technical preparation Decision was taken to prepare together a bid Contacts have been taken with Wageningen, EcoZept, Newcastle and Parma. SEEDEV have taken all the contacts in the Balkan countries through his broad network. SEEDEV have taken all the contacts in the Balkan countries through his broad network. Bid was deposed at beginnig of May, and we got an positive answer at the end of septembre 2007. We negotiate the contract since this date. Date/Références 4

  5. Stakes regarding consumer science in the WBC • Quick transition from a State-driven to a market-driven economy • New role of new institutions, but still weak. For instance, consumer associations are new and do not have yet a strong position • Gaps between vulnerable social groups and wealthiest population segments continue to increase. – Dietary habits remain to be less favorable than in other European countries, and the average life expectancy is 73 in the WBC vs. 80 in 15-EU old Member-States. expectancy is 73 in the WBC vs. 80 in 15-EU old Member-States. • Dietary habits are likely changing fast – Distribution channels are evolving very strongly with the increase of the big retailors. For example, new industrial products replace traditional food. Consequences about food regimes could be defavorable. • Needs to better understand the trends of consumption, to make the knowledge related to consumer science available to a large public of scientits. Date/Références 5

  6. General Objective of the FOCUS-BALKANS Project To improve competencies and understanding in the field of food consumer science in the Balkan countries. This will result in a stronger participation of WBC scientists in This will result in a stronger participation of WBC scientists in projects related to food consumer science and in an increased number of publications related to food consumer science in the WBC in consumer science other scientific journals. The project beneficiaries aim to be active in food consumer science in their country and region. Date/Références 6


  8. Management structure E U C om m ission G en eral A ssem b ly project S teering C om m ittee P roject A dvisory m anagem ent P artners 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 B oard issues P art. 1 P art. 5 P art. 3 P art. 2 P art. 4 P art. 7 P art. 8 P art. 6 A G R ID E A LE I S M M R I S E E D E V G E M B E L Z A G E N IT A C W P 12 W P 1 W P 2 W P 3 W P 4 W P 6 W P 7 W P 8 SE E D E V, B E L, ZA G B E L, R IH P, U L- SM M RI, B E L, EN ITA-C , G EM , SM M R I, EC O ZE P T, G E M U L-SLO , U N EW , E N ITAC SLO , B iH , IP H R IH P, U L-SLO , E C O ZE P T, LE I IP H M N E PA R M A M N E , ZA G B iH , IP H M N E, ZA G W P 11 W P 5 W P 9 W P 10 U L-SLO , R IH P, P AR M A , RIH P , IP H M N E , LE I, A G R ID E A SE E D E V B iH Date/Références 8

  9. Steering Committe The Steering Committee (SC) will provide scientific and decision making support to the project coordinator. It is the main decision making body within the project and will meet for project guidelines and orientation at strategic milestones. The composition of the steering committee will reflect the implication in the project of the different partners as WP leader. Its tasks includes: • ensuring fluent communication between partners all along the project, • giving managerial guidance to the coordinator, • giving managerial guidance to the coordinator, • reviewing all project advancement, support services and dissemination activities. The Steering Committee will only be composed of those beneficiaries in order to avoid a too large number of participants and to allow a better flexibility and decision making process within the project implementation. Important strategies and choices related to the conduct of the project will be presented to the General Assembly. Date/Références 9

  10. General Assembly Consortium Agreement The General Assembly implying all the beneficiaries, will meet once a year during the duration of the project. It will be a space for dialogue and discussions more than a decision structure. It will allow all the beneficiaries to meet at some point. A written consortium agreement will prevent the conflicts and establish the A written consortium agreement will prevent the conflicts and establish the rules of the conflicts. Conciliation of interests within the Consortium will be settled by dialogue under the coordinator's supervision; if necessary, individual vote in the Steering Committee will have the ultimate voice. This will be finalised by Month 2 – Nov 2008 Date/Références 10

  11. Project Advisory Board The steering committee (SC) will profit from the expertise of 5 to 10 key-experts (PAB) , who will be invited to join part of some of the SC meetings. • These people are installed in the region, active in Ministries, international agencies or in NGOs. The PAB also includes main actors in the project related field: national institutions officers involved in the food industry/production, marketing and consumer experts, stakeholders having experience in the practical evaluation of consumer behaviour towards food, nutritionists, academics and private experts in this field. They will do the link with the international agencies and with the major NGOs promoting They will do the link with the international agencies and with the major NGOs promoting public health, agriculture and food industry in the region. They are also expected to give feed-back to the consortium about the relevance of the results, to give legitimacy and allow the enlargement of the network, to participate in the open seminars and to encourage the participation to the trainings. Date/Références 11

  12. Researcher thematic groups Some researchers from other institutions than the beneficiaries will be associated to the project, in order to: • strengthen the project research network with additional resources; • enlarge the integration of the project research network in a wider research network on the same topics in the other EU member countries (such as the new member countries which also have to formulate new policies and regulations in food production, public health and consumer protection and which are facing similar problems) and out of Europe; • facilitate the development of research activities on the same topics, especially by young scientists; • facilitate the development of research activities on the same topics, especially by young scientists; • extend the geographical, institutional and scientific coverage of the project, aiming at enhancing the dissemination of the project’s results. The AR will be proposed by partners and recognised as such by the SC. This aspect will be linked with the networking national meetings. Their functions and the extent for them to be informed about the project will be agreed within the consortium agreement. Date/Références 12


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