florida s cultural capital

Floridas Cultural Capital A co-op advertising campaign to promote - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Floridas Cultural Capital A co-op advertising campaign to promote culture, arts, tourism, and entertainment in Palm Beach County Floridas Cultural Capital Campaign launches early November and runs through April, 2018. You can participate

  1. Florida’s Cultural Capital A co-op advertising campaign to promote culture, arts, tourism, and entertainment in Palm Beach County

  2. Florida’s Cultural Capital Campaign launches early November and runs through April, 2018. You can participate in this campaign by choosing one of four turn- key participation levels Your customized message will be co-branded with Cultural Council in this market wide campaign Media costs are shared with other advertisers which makes this campaign easy, and very affordable Deadline to sign up is September 15, 2017

  3. Cultural Council of Palm Beach County… Maltz Jupiter Theatre…Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center…F.A.U. Lifelong Learning Society…Flagler Museum…Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse & Museum…Society of the Four Arts…South Florida Science Center…Palm Beach Dramaworks …Boca Raton Museum of Art…MacArthur Beach Park…Boca Raton Historical Society…Delray Center for the Arts…Duncan Theatre…Kravis Center…Gumbo Limbo Nature Center…F.A.U. Boca…Town of Jupiter Arts Committee… Main Street at Midtown

  4. “…Highest attendance and revenue totals in our 27 year history! Best decision we made all year.” -Mark Alexander, Duncan Theatre

  5. “…The second year had even greater impact… …great feedback from people seeing our TV commercials.” -Kami Barrett, FAU Lifelong Learning Society

  6. “The Flagler Museum had great feedback about our television ads announcing our winter exhibit and music series concerts.” -David Carson, Flagler Museum

  7. • Boca Raton to Vero Beach • 35-64 yrs old on CBS12 • Younger adults 25-49 on WTVX CW • 2 advertisers featured in each 30 sec spot • Maximize reach & frequency • Scripting & production included!

  8. http://youtu.be/gYK_7BU9dLU http://youtu.be/KTX7LsvVkLg

  9. • :60 & :30 sec spots • Top local stations • Demographic Target to reach your audience • 2 advertisers featured in each :60 sec spot • Scripting and production included!

  10. Media Value $13,925 CO-OP PKG PRICE TV – 85 SPOTS 30 spots on WPEC CBS12 30 spots on WTVX CW 25 spots on digital TV Networks [Apple TV/Amazon TV/Roku, etc] M-S 6am-12am [Program Highlights: Local News/Dr Phil/Entertainment Tonight/Late Show/Judge Judy/Mike & Molly [and more] RADIO – 60 SPOTS 20 spots on WRMF *Your organization is featured along with 20 spots on Sunny 107.9 FM another non-competitive arts organization in a total of 85 TV spots, and 60 RADIO spots. 20 spots on Legends Radio Mo-Su 6am-9pm *Prefer ALL TV or ALL RADIO? We can do that!

  11. Media Value $7,200 CO-OP PKG PRICE TV – 30 SPOTS 10 spots on WPEC CBS12 10 spots on WTVX CW 10 spots on digital TV Networks [Apple TV/Amazon TV/Roku, etc] M-S 6am-12am [Program Highlights: Local News/Entertainment Tonight/Dr Phil/Late Show/Judge Judy/Mike & Molly and More] RADIO – 35 SPOTS *Your organization is featured along with 10 spots on WRMF another non-competitive arts organization 10 spots on Sunny 107.9 FM in a total of 30 TV spots, and 35 RADIO spots. 15 spots on Legends Radio Mo-Su 6am-9pm *Prefer ALL TV or ALL RADIO? We can do that!

  12. Media Value $2,300 CO-OP PKG PRICE RADIO – 55 SPOTS 15 spots on WRMF 15 spots on Sunny 107.9 FM 25 spots on Legends *Your organization is featured along with Mo-Su 6am-9pm another non-competitive arts organization in a total of 55 RADIO spots.

  13. 35 RADIO SPOTS 35 STREAMING SPOTS Added Value: Streaming 100% duplication on LegendsRadio.com Eligible for One (1) ticket giveaway (5 pairs maximum) Minimum 15x promos for ticket giveaway Minimum 12x Legends Loves the Arts promo tags Your Org on Cultural Calendar on Legends website *Your organization is featured along with another non-competitive arts organization in a total of 35 RADIO spots.

  14. SELECT YOUR PACKAGE - SIGN UP DEADLINE: September 15, 2017 □ Level I Package – recommend to run over max 4 weeks - $6595/145 spots □ Level II Package – recommend to run over max 2 weeks - $3495/65 spots □ Level III Package – recommend to run over max 2 weeks - $1195/55 spots □ Legends Package – recommend to run over max 2 weeks - $750/35 spots Campaign runs 11/1/17 through 3/31/18. Indicate weeks that you want your TV/radio spots to run, by entering dates [ie “ wk of 1/18/18 ”] in spaces provided [up to 4 wks] Preferred week #1 ____ ____ Event/Show/Program: Preferred week #2 ____ ____ Event/Show/Program: Preferred week #3 ___ _____ Event/Show/Program: Preferred week #4 ___ _____ Event/Show/Program: COMPLETE BELOW SCAN/ EMAIL TO jen16sardone@gmail.com Jennifer Sardone-Shiner (561)-891-7278 I agree to purchase the advertising media package selected above. Campaign is executed by G2G Marketing Inc. Every effort will be made to pair up non-competing organizations in each advertisement, and to run the TV/Radio ads in preferred weeks, but can not be guaranteed and may need to shift schedule to alternate weeks to accommodate. Due to the nature of broadcast advertising, any finished ads, artwork, images, logos, copy or other ad materials received after published deadlines may result in a delay in, or exclusion from scheduled broadcasting of advertisements. Payment for media package is due in advance, before the campaign begins. Media plan specifications such as TV and radio stations, time periods, formats and program schedules may vary and are subject to availability by the media. Advertiser Name & Billing Address _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ________________________________ Authorized Signature ___________________________________________Date _________________

  15. Jennifer Sardone-Shiner 561-891-7278 jssmarketingpr@gmail.com or Greg King at G2G Marketing 561-339-0266 gking@g2gmedia.com


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