florida farm north

Florida Farm North Response to Consultation Comments July 2016 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Florida Farm North Response to Consultation Comments July 2016 DRAFT Florida Farm North Florida Farm North Proposed Development Haydock, St. Helens We have listened and responded to the challenges Improved landscape screening for

  1. Florida Farm North Response to Consultation Comments July 2016 DRAFT

  2. Florida Farm North Florida Farm North – Proposed Development Haydock, St. Helens We have listened and responded to the challenges… Improved landscape screening for Liverpool Road properties Following an extensive public consultation, we have listened Use of retention walls to increase bund height along with additional tree planting along the north western boundary to further screen the development from the properties on A58 Liverpool Road to local residents and other key stakeholders and have made several signifjcant changes to the scheme in order to provide more benefjts and further mitigate impacts. Planting more than 25,000 new trees and shrubs Increased tree planting in landscaped areas both in terms of density and size. New cyclepaths Combined cyclepath/footpath added New sport pitches for along the north eastern boundary of the Haydock development to link Haydock Industrial estate and A580 with A58 Liverpool Road to the north and beyond. S.106 contribution towards the provision of new sports pitches in Haydock. More landscape screening for East Lancs Road Improved traffic data Increased bunding and landscaped areas along the A580 East Lancs Road to improve Additional traffjc surveys carried out to screening for properties on Springfjeld Park. ‘sense check’ the results of the Traffjc Assessment.

  3. Florida Farm North Florida Farm North – A Sustainable Development Haydock, St. Helens Increasing ‘green’ areas and improving ecology… More wildlife New publicly accessible woodland The site is currently arable farmland New landscape ‘corridors’ interspersed with a few small areas of A 6 acres ecological area in the western corner Landscape buffer areas with wood-edge woodland which combined total only of the site which will provide several different planting surrounding the site and balancing 6 acres . It is largely of limited ecological habitats including grassland, native scrub, ponds totalling 16acres. This will create valuable value. woodland and wildlife ponds signifjcantly habitat corridors around the site, connected to The proposed development will create ‘green’ enhancing the retained habitats here. This area Bird boxes will provide new nesting the ecological area. habitat for birds in the local area. areas totalling 22 acres , equating to 25% will be actively managed and provide public of the total site and will deliver signifjcant access for people to enjoy the various different environments. ecological and environmental benefjts. Smooth newts currently using the site Varied natural habitats will have enhanced breeding, foraging and sheltering habitats. New wildlife ponds will benefjt many fauna, including reptiles, amphibians, bats Flower rich grassland will attract a wide and invertebrates. range of invertebrates, including bees, butterfmies, and moths. Dead wood piles create homes for a wide Management of the retained woodland range of animals from frogs, toads and will enhance its value to native fmora Some of the new species we will see... reptiles, to small mammals, insects and and provide a quiet place to walk. spiders. Creation of these new ‘green’ areas will provide the habitats to allow species currently using the site to continue to thrive, such as common and soprano pipistrelle bats, smooth newts and frogs, dunnock, song thrush, blue tits, blackbirds and fjeldfare. Importantly, these new areas and linkages will also help encourage other species which use the wider area into the site, such as grass snake, badger, water vole, toads, damsel- and dragon-fmies, as well as other invertebrate and bird species . Information boards will illustrate the More open habitats provide the plants and animals that can be seen in opportunity to sit and rest in a natural the ecological areas. environment.

  4. Florida Farm North Florida Farm North – A Sustainable Development Haydock, St. Helens Delivering world-class sustainability credentials… An industry-leading ‘Lean, Green, Clean’ design approach to deliver a development with Zero Carbon Emissions for the core building elements and achieve a BREAAM Excellent rating. Reducing water usage and minimising waste are also key guiding principles. Here are some of the features that will make this development a model of sustainability for the Ground Source Heat Solar Photovoltaic community and the environment. LED Lighting 15% Roofmights Panels Rainwater Harvesting Pump LED Lighting Zero carbon emissions ‘Lean’ – the development shall be designed to minimise end use energy demand: • Highly insulated, • Naturally ventilated enhanced airtightness offjces building envelope • Increased use of • Improved glazing natural daylight, eg. specifjcation roofmights ‘Green’ – the energy that is required shall be delivered using low carbon technologies: • LED lighting internally • Daylight and and externally occupation lighting control • Underfmoor heating in the offjce ‘Clean’ – switching to renewable and low carbon energy producing technologies: • Solar Photovoltaic • Ground source heat panels pump s o n i s s i E m b o n C a r r o Z e • Solar thermal tubes e n t e l l E x c A M R E A B Reducing water usage and waste ) ( C E P a t e f i c e r t i e C a n c r m r f o y P e r g Water Conservation E n e n g s l d i • PIR Spray Taps • PIR Shut-off valves B u i ' ' e d R a t A ฀ for Toilets • Rain Water Harvesting • Dual fmush eco WCs • Water Leak Detection Minimising Waste • Construction waste • Eco Friendly Paint segregation

  5. Florida Farm North Florida Farm North – Economic and Environmental Benefits Haydock, St. Helens £150m investment delivering 2,500 jobs… The Economic Benefjts of the proposed warehouse Economic Benefits development at The proposal is of major importance in helping drive growth in St Helens, delivering a signifjcant number of jobs, investment and increasing business confjdence. 01 PERMANENT BENEFITS £120m £2.1m 1,920 Direct On-Site Employment [per annum] [ 1,920 Offjce and Warehousing Business Rates [per annum] Jobs] [payments to the LA] 560 Indirect/Induced Economic Output Employment [expected GVA from operational employment] [e.g. local shops, services and other businesses] Enhanced natural environment Additional woodland planting and new habitat ponds to create a substantial ecological area. 02 CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS 420 FTE Jobs £23.3m GVA Direct and Induced Employment £150m 420 full time equivalent jobs could be directly supported via the construction and induced via the supply chain Economic Output Investment Value [expected additional, per annum] [estimated total cost of construction] 03 ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS IMPACTS Attraction of Investor Confjdence Access to New Markets Inward Investment Significantly improved highways access New all-ways traffjc light access from A580 East Lancs Road improving access to the wider Haydock Industrial Estate.

  6. Florida Farm North Florida Farm North – Social Benefits Haydock, St. Helens Delivering employment and skills for local people... With the assistance of a number of key local stakeholders including the Northern Logistics Academy operated by St Helens College we will implement a number of different activities, to deliver this strategy including: Social Benefits Unemployment Levels in St Helens are amongst the highest in the country. This development can deliver signifjcant employment opportunities to help the Borough address this challenge. We will commit to a Local Employment Strategy which will promote the use of local fjrms and suppliers during the construction period. The strategy will also help local Meet the Buyer people to gain permanent employment with the end Occupiers of the units following Events held in St Helens where local sub-contractors completion of the development. and suppliers are able to fjnd out about potential work opportunities and the required experience and accreditations. Jobs Fairs Events held in Haydock and St Helens where local residents can meet companies advertising work. Work Experience ‘On site’ work experience or study tours for young St Helens residents.


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