flanging noise

flanging noise Challenges in validation of friction management in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Wheel squeal and flanging noise Challenges in validation of friction management in the field and laboratory Dr. J.Paragreen - LB Foster 30 th June 2020 LB Foster / Our Vision 1 Contents Background to rail-wheel noise Wheel squeal

  1. Wheel squeal and flanging noise Challenges in validation of friction management in the field and laboratory Dr. J.Paragreen - LB Foster 30 th June 2020 LB Foster / Our Vision 1

  2. Contents  Background to rail-wheel noise  Wheel squeal field trials  Theory behind wheel squeal  Laboratory testing  Summary of challenges LB Foster / Our Vision 2

  3. Friction Management – Guiding Principles  Top op of of Ra Rail (T (TOR) OR) / / Whe heel Trea ead Frictio Fri ion Mo Modi difie fier TARGET: COF ~ 0.35  Typical dry 0.6  Impacts: - Rail / Wheel Wear - RCF Development - Top of Rail Noise - Corrugations  Reduced lateral forces  Switch protection  Reduced traction energy consumption  Gau Gauge Face ace (GF) (GF) / / Whee heel l Fl Flan ange lub ubric icatio ion TARGET: COF < 0.15  Impacts: - Rail / Wheel Wear - Gauge Corner Cracking - Flange Noise - Derailment Potential (Wheel Climb) LB Foster / Our Vision 3

  4. Background to rail wheel noise LB Foster / Our Vision 4

  5. Noise: Spectral ranges Noise Type Frequency range [Hz] Rolling 30 – 2500 Rumble (including corrugations) 200 – 1000 Flat spots 50 – 250 (speed dependant) Ground Borne Vibrations 30 – 200 Top of rail squeal 1000 – 5000 Flanging noise 5000 – 10000 LB Foster / Our Vision

  6. Human perception of noise LB Foster / Our Vision 6

  7. Squeal and Flanging Noise Top of rail wheel squeal noise • High pitched, tonal squeal (predominantly 1000 – 5000 Hz) • Prevalent noise mechanism in “problem” curves, usually < 300m radius • Related to both negative friction characteristics of Third Body at tread / top of rail interface and absolute friction level ➢ Stick-slip oscillations ➢ Leading wheelset, inside wheel Flanging noise • Typically a “buzzing” OR “hissing” sound, characterized by broadband high frequency components (>5000 Hz) • Affected by: ➢ Lateral forces: related to friction on the top of the low rail ➢ Flanging forces: related to friction on top of low and high rails ➢ Friction at the flange / gauge face interface LB Foster / Our Vision

  8. Corrugation noise Noise due to corrugation with occasional wheel squeal and flanging noise Corrugation noise • Low pitched rumbling noise due to the presence of corrugation on the running band of the rail LB Foster / Our Vision 8

  9. Field trials LB Foster / Our Vision 9

  10. FM Focus: Noise/Corrugation Baseline – No No TOR FM application LB Foster / Our Vision 10

  11. FM Focus: Noise/Corrugation AFTER TOR FM application - manual LB Foster / Our Vision 11

  12. Spectral sound distribution: Trams  Effects of frictional conditions 100.0 Sound Level (dBA) 80.0 60.0 40.0 Baseline Friction Modifier 20.0 0.0 12.5 31.5 80 200 500 1250 3150 8000 Frequency (Hertz) LB Foster / Our Vision

  13. Spectral sound distribution: Trams  Effects of frictional conditions LB Foster / Our Vision

  14. Field trials  Typical field trials compare baseline measurement to application of top of rail materials  Noise can be very specific to: • Vehicle • Bogie steering – primary yaw stiffness • Wheel profile • Location – curve/cant • Running speed • Weather • Rain and moisture (morning dew) particularly large impacts • Humidity • Rail and wheel contamination • Measurement location (reflections)  Don’t necessarily get squeal from every bogie LB Foster / Our Vision 14

  15. Wheel squeal – conventional theory Lateral creepage of the wheel - Wheel lateral creep direction prime cause of squeal • Particularly for the leading inner wheel of a bogie • stick-slip mechanism of this AOA creep force Rudd 1976, Remington 1985 LB Foster / Our Vision 15

  16. Absolute Friction Levels and Positive/Negative Friction – conventional theory Negative friction 0.50 Dry Contact Friction Modifier 0.40 0.30 Stick-slip limit cycle Y/Q 0.20 0.10 Positive friction 0.00 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Creep Rate (%) * Replotted from: “Matsumoto a, Sato Y, Ono H, Wang Y, Yamamoto Y, Tanimoto M & Oka Y, Creep force characteristics between rail and wheel on scaled model, Wear, Vol 253, Issues 1-2, July 2002, pp 199-203 . LB Foster / Our Vision

  17. Absolute Friction Levels and Positive/Negative Friction – conventional theory + - - + + Frequency response of the wheel - Creepage / friction force LB Foster / Our Vision

  18. Alternative theory Mode Coupling In Instability Mechanism  Jiang, Anderson and Dwight, 2015  Further analysis by Bo Ding 2018 Theory:  Based on commonly accepted theory for squeal in braking systems. A coupling of vibration in two different directions  Wheel/rail interface subject to vertical and lateral vibrations and forces LB Foster / Our Vision 18

  19. Alternative theory Mode Coupling In Instability Mechanism  The lateral frictional force between the wheel and the rail is related to the normal (vertical) force, so a natural coupling  𝐺 = 𝜈𝑂  If wheel vertical and lateral vibration frequency modes are close  Then friction coefficient increases to a critical threshold, -> vertical and lateral oscillations become out-of-phase -> friction force, which depends on the vertical force, is therefore out-of-phase with the lateral motion => unstable positive feedback. LB Foster / Our Vision 19

  20. Alternative theory  Mode coupling instability mechanism  Curley, Anderson, Jiang and Hanson – track study • Found noise from wheels on inner and outer rail • Running bands in different locations on gauge corner of inner and outer rail • Track form had an influence • Found TOR FM had benefit when applied to both rails, but in some cases when applied to inner rail only no benefit • Counter to normal theory gauge corner lubrication also had a benefit for wheel squeal LB Foster / Our Vision 20

  21. Alternative theory  Mode coupling instability mechanism  For all these theories friction between the wheel and the rail still key.  Work carried out by Bo Ding 2018 – studied slip/stick mechanism, mode coupling instability, and third potential mechanism wheel rail coupling  2 point contact – not studied much wrt wheel squeal LB Foster / Our Vision 21

  22. Freight trial with two types of water based TOR FMs  Two versions of top of rail friction modifiers tested • Both products have high positive friction characteristics • Similar intermediate friction • Different binders and tackiness • One product retained more on wheel (less effective), other transferred more to rail • One product much more effective than the other in noise reduction  Oil and grease based top of rail materials – difficult to balance noise reduction with braking and traction performance  Difficult to predict noise performance from laboratory testing LB Foster / Our Vision 22

  23. Laboratory investigations into wheel squeal LB Foster / Our Vision 23

  24. Laboratory testing  Twin disc type testing Eg. TNO test rig LB Foster / Our Vision 24

  25. Laboratory testing  Scaled rigs LB Foster / Our Vision 25

  26. Laboratory testing  Full scale test rigs Eg. DB full scale test rig LB Foster / Our Vision 26

  27. UIC study 2005  Compared results wheel squeal mitigation of different products on laboratory test rigs and on site measurements • Issue of application rate, too TOR FM1 TOR FM2 TOR FM3 TOR FM4 (water (oil (oil (oil based) based) based) based) Water TNO rig Y Y Y Y Lab DB rig Y Y Y Site 1 Y N N N Field Site 2 N Site 3 Y Y Comparison of wheel squeal for different FMs in lab and in the field – (Y – Noise reduced, N – no significant noise reduction) LB Foster / Our Vision 27

  28. Wheel squeal mitigation  Good understanding of effective mitigation methods • Top of rail/tread friction modifiers (lubrication) – all theories point to the importance of friction control • Bogie/wagon design • Distance between axles • Vehicle steering – primary yaw stiffness • Wheel dampeners • Wheel and rail profile • Track form dynamics LB Foster / Our Vision 28

  29. Challenges LB Foster / Our Vision 29

  30. Product development  Need on track trials and case studies to prove noise reducing properties.  Lab scale test can give an indication – but not the whole story • Slows down product development – need to produce larger batches • Some products are easier to test by manual application than others • Eg on board - solid stick friction modifiers and lubricator sticks - to test in the field do you swap out the sticks from the whole fleet to negate the effect of other sticks on the performance? – In a smaller limited trial do you build up sufficient film thickness  Need for better lab scale noise testing  Understanding of required film thickness/application rate LB Foster / Our Vision 30

  31. End customer  Needs case studies and evidence of on track performance  Cannot rely on lab tests and friction data alone  Squeal/noise remains a major issue for most railways/metros “curve squeal remains one of the least understood railway noise sources despite the continuing efforts over recent decades” Jiang, Anderson and Dwight, 2015 LB Foster / Our Vision 31

  32. Questions LB Foster / Our Vision 32


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