fit for mifid

Fit for MiFID ? Deutsche Brse Group DBG Workshop Series 1 Deutsche - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fit for MiFID ? Deutsche Brse Group DBG Workshop Series 1 Deutsche Brse Group Todays agenda 01 Welcome, Introduction & Vassiliki Veliou Regulatory Update Microstructural Issues / 02 Markus Lw Algorithmic Trading / HFT /

  1. Fit for MiFID ? Deutsche Börse Group – DBG Workshop Series

  2. 1 Deutsche Börse Group Today’s agenda 01 Welcome, Introduction & Vassiliki Veliou Regulatory Update Microstructural Issues / 02 Markus Löw Algorithmic Trading / HFT / Dr Sandra Bramhoff Reporting 03 Dagmar Wojcik Market Making Thomas Elm 04 Transparency Thomas Elm 05 Member Readiness Frank Horneff

  3. Welcome, Introduction & Regulatory Update

  4. Regulatory Process & Timeline Update

  5. 4 Welcome Deutsche Börse Group MiFIR/ MiFID II Timeline - Delay of Level 1 agreed in quick fix 1) ; implementing measures to enter into force in due course Year 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 Level 1 1 Trilogue MiFIR / Phase F P T MiFID II F A P June 2016 (exp) 12.06.2014 02.07.2014 03.07.2017 03.01.2018 2 Delegated and Assign Consultation Drafting Drafting implementing A P F acts 03.01.2018 April/May 2016 July 2016 (exp) 3 Regulatory Level 2 technical Consul- Consultation Drafting Drafting tation standards A F P (RTS) May/June 2016 July 2016 (exp) 03.01.2018 4 Implementing Consul- Consu- Drafting Drafting tation ltation technical A standards P F 03.01.2018 (ITS) June 2016 (exp) July 2016 (exp) Today ESMA Postponement of application of MiFID II/MiFIR to 3 January 2018 agreed; postponement of transposition into national 1 law deferred to 3 July 2017; transposition documents to be consulted: German 2 nd FimanoG and UK FCA handbook, etc. EU Commission EU Council, EU Parliament Delegated Acts : Publication in April/May 2016; afterwards, objection period for EU Parliament (EP) and Council before 2 entry into force Endorsement & objection period RTS : ESMA submitted to the EU Com draft regulatory technical standards in September 2015; adoption by EU Com P = Publication in official journal 3 F = Entry into force delayed (started in May 2016); final approval by EP and Council outstanding; objection period before entry into force T = Transposition into national law ITS : ESMA submitted to the EU Com draft ITS in September 2015; adoption by EU Com delayed (expected for June A = Application within member states 4 2016); final approval by EP and Council outstanding; objection period before entry into force 1) Quick fix to Level 1 was published on July 1, 2016 in EU Official Public Journal:

  6. 5 Welcome Deutsche Börse Group When application date of January 2018 was granted, the task to the EU Commission was to ensure Level 2 adoption beginning Q4 2016 Level Legislation Status Next Steps  On July 1st, 2016, the Level 1 ‚quick fix‘ results  EU Commission (EU COM) has to adopt were published in the EU official journal (OJ) Level 2 legislation beginning Q4 2016  Delay of application date set to January 2018 Regulation/ 1 Directive  New definitions on ‘package transactions’  ESMA has to finalise draft RTS on package included with a new task to ESMA to determine transactions by 28 February 2017 liquidity draft RTS thereupon  Delegated acts have been adopted as delegated  Passed EU Council and Parliament scrutiny, Delegated regulation by EU COM in Q2 2016 publication in OJ expected in due time course Acts 1)  Most RTS adopted by EU COM; currently under  Expected to pass scrutiny of EU Parliament scrutiny by EU Parliament and EU Council and EU Council soon, with publication in OJ  Few RTS still pending adoption by EU COM, to  RTS expected to be adopted beginning Q4 be sent to EU Council and EU Parliament soon 2016 RTS 1)  New ESMA RTS on package transactions to be  Consultation expected early Q4 2016 2 consulted shortly  Currently process unclear; no comment  EU COM published other RTS that have not period expected been consulted beforehand  Currently process unclear; no comment  One ITS already published in OJ, on MTF and period expected OTF requirements ITS 1)  ESMA delivered further ITS to EU Commission with no further update yet 1) OJ (Official Journal) RTS (Regulatory Technical Standards), ITS (Implementing Technical Standards), Delegated Acts (DAs)

  7. 6 Welcome Deutsche Börse Group Level 2 specification has further progressed after ESMA provided final proposals to the EU Commission EU Parliament/ Council EU Comission Scruitny Publication in OJ ESMA DA RTS ITS 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Today’s Focus Completeness per DA, RTS and ITS  The EU Commission has swiftly processed the Delegated Acts (DAs)  HFT, Algo, DEA and forwarded those in Q2 2016 to the EU Council and Parliament; only  Pre – and Post – publication pending Transparency  ESMA provided most Level 2 RTS 1) to the EU Commission, of which the  Microstructural issues, e.g. large majority has been adopted. The most prominent remaining RTS are 20, 21 (both on commodity derivatives) and on indirect clearing Market Making, Algo Flagging  Only one ITS on OTF/MTF has been published in the Official Journal, & Testing, Risk Controls, OTR, Business Clock all other ITS have been passed from ESMA to the EU Commission with unknown further process. Most topics related to commodity derivatives Synchronization position reporting.  Reporting Aspects 1) New RTS on packaged transactions not drafted and consulted yet; expected Q4 2016 with deadline 28 February 2017

  8. 7 Welcome Deutsche Börse Group Currently, many new aspects in regards to national implementation and Level 3 ESMA guidelines are consulted Level Legislation Status Next Steps  Consultation deadline 28 October 2016  German transposition (2nd FimanoG 1) ) currently consulted  E.g. UK FCA sets deadlines to 28 October, National 2  Further member states currently consulting Implementation 2016 and 7 January, 2017 transposition laws (e.g. UK FCA)  Level 1 ordered guidelines:  Consultation deadline 5 December 2016  ESMA consultation paper on consolidated tape for non-equity instruments  ESMA consultation paper on trading halts  Consultation deadline 6 December 2016 ESMA consultation paper on specific notions   Consultation deadline 5 January 2017 related to the management body of market operators and data reporting services providers (DRSP) Guidelines/ 3  ESMA consultation paper on product  Consultation deadline 5 January 2017 Q&As governance  ESMA 2) own initiative guidelines:  ESMA published guidelines on transaction  Applicable on 3 January 2018 reporting, order record keeping and clock synchronisation under MiFID II ESMA published Q&A on investor protection   Applicable on 3 January 2018   ESMA published Q&As on implementation of Applicable on 3 January 2018 the double volume cap mechanism 1) FimanoG is the abbreviation for the German transposition law proposal (= Finanzmarktnovellierungsgesetz) 2) Further Q&A publications expected in due course

  9. Authorisation & Third Country Firms

  10. 9 Welcome Deutsche Börse Group With MiFID II/ MiFIR application on 3 January 2018, authorisation of firms and procedures for third country firms will change  The authorisation alternatives can be manifold according to the business model of the firm and the associated legal frameworks  A firm can be a credit institution (e.g. Banking Act, CRR), a fund (e.g. AIFMD), insurance related (e.g. Solvency) or an investment firm (e.g. MiFID, Securities Trading Act) Authorisation  Under MiFID II, a substantial change is considered for firms requiring authorisation, when dealing on Alternatives own account  Based on the different authorisation alternatives, market participants should conduct a careful strategic review of their organisational set-up together with the requirements of their intended authorisation path  Specifically, the MiFID II authorisation scope will be broadened especially to firms dealing on own account in financial instruments as members of the exchange, being market makers, when applying high frequency trading or when executing client orders (MiFID II, Article 2, 1 (d)) New  Furthermore, three exemptions to the above rule are set out in Article 2 para. 1 for firms such as: MiFID II I. insurance undertakings as described in MiFID II Article 2 para. 1 point (a) Authorisation II. collective investment undertakings and pension funds as described in MiFID II Article 2 para. 1 Requirements point (i) III.persons involved in commodity derivatives trading satisfying the criteria under MiFID II Article 2 para. 1 point (j)


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