First online transnational workshop May 27, 2020 SEEDING - Grant agreement no. VS/2019/0073. This project has received financial support from the European Union. 1 “This document reflects the views only of the authors, and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use which ma y b e made of the information contained therein.”
About the project / main information • Budgetline: DG Empl. - - Improving expertise in the field of industrial relations A 10% • Timeframe: 24 months (01.04.2019-28.03.2021) 10% • Maximum budget: € D 380 946.75 (89,99 %) 60% 20% • Nr. of organisations: 9 B • Countries covered: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Poland C and Ireland. • Worklanguage: English 2 SEEDING -Grant agreement no. VS/2019/0073. This project is funded by the European Union.
Partners, affiliated and associated organisations Partners: • Diesis Network: coordinator - EU / Belgium • Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB) - Italy A Affiliated organisations (to Diesis): 10% • COCETA - Spain 10% • Foundation for Social and Economic Initiatives (FISE) - Poland • Innova e.G - Germany D 60% 20% • Gruppo Cooperativo CGM - Italy B • LEGACOOP PRODUZIONE E SERVIZI - Italy • Association Social Economy Slovenia - Slovenia Associated organisations C • European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) – EU / Belgium National experts. SEEDING -Grant agreement no. VS/2019/0073. 3 This project is funded by the European Union.
Outcomes A 10% 10% D 60% 20% B C SEEDING -Grant agreement no. VS/2019/0073. This project is funded by the European Union. 4
Get to know more! A 10% 10% D 60% 20% B C SEEDING -Grant agreement no. VS/2019/0073. This project is funded by the European Union. 5
Thank you. SEEDING - Grant agreement no. VS/2019/0073. This project has received financial support from the European Union 6 “ This document reflects the views only of the authors, and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
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