fine grained coordinated parallelism in a real world

Fine Grained Coordinated Parallelism in a Real World Application - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fine Grained Coordinated Parallelism in a Real World Application Mohammad Rezaei, PhD June 2012 1 Outline Types of parallelism Algorithm description Why fine grained parallelism? Concurrency is hard no, its different

  1. Fine Grained Coordinated Parallelism in a Real World Application Mohammad Rezaei, PhD June 2012 1

  2. Outline  Types of parallelism  Algorithm description  Why fine grained parallelism?  “Concurrency is hard”… no, it’s different  A new concurrent map  Concurrent put benchmark  JDK API used in the implementation  Concurrency principles used in the implementation  Future plans  Conclusion 2

  3. Types of Parallelism  SIMD: Single Instruction, Multiple Data: not the subject of this talk  Distributed Parallelism: not the subject of this talk  MIMD: Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data (one process)  Coarse grained MIMD: each thread does something different and is not coordinated with the other threads. Already in wide use.  E.g. Tomcat’s HTTP threads.  Not the subject of this talk  Fine grained MIMD: all threads are working together to compute the result  Typically the threads are running the same algorithm over a subset of the data.  This is very different from SIMD: threads running the same algorithm do not have to be in lock step at each instruction.  Works well with existing abstractions (e.g. OOP).  Works well with complex business logic.  Only necessary when a single user query time is too long, but some of the techniques involved here can improve multi-user performance as well  Lock free algorithms can be very effective: the subject of this talk  3

  4. Algorithm: Aggregation Map<Object, MutableDouble> map = new HashMap(); for(Trade trade: tradeList) { Object key = getKey(trade); MutableDouble val = map.get(key); if (val == null) { val = new MutableDouble(); map.put(key, val); } val.increment(tran.getTradeQty()); }  Above is an outline, not production code.  getKey() can involve significant business logic. It also depends on user input.  MutableDouble is also an example, not production code.  We typically use a mutable key until we have to store the key in the map (not shown). 4

  5. Parallelization Strategies  Two ways to parallelize this algorithm  Use a separate map for each thread and at the end combine the maps from all threads. Beware Amdahl’s law.  Use a shared map for all threads. No extra work to do at the end.  Ensure correctness via locks or lock-free structures. Map<Object, MutableDouble> map = new ConcurrentHashMap(); for(Trade trade: tradeList) { Object key = getKey(trade); MutableDouble val = map.getIfAbsentPut(key, mutableDoubleFactory); val.increment(tran.getTradeQty()); // increment must be thread safe }  Which algorithm is best depends on getKey() (the input data)!  Small collapse factor (e.g. 10 million -> 4 million). Must use a shared map.  Large collapse factor (e.g. 10 million -> 100). Must use separate maps.  Our business logic requires two separate aggregation steps. The first step always has a small collapse factor. The second step could have either! 5

  6. Why not …  Why not distributed parallelism (e.g. Hadoop)?  A distributed algorithm would be restricted to just the first type of parallelization (separate maps with an extra combine step).  Without knowing the key ahead of time, we have to incur a lot of IO to distribute the data for each query.  Amdahl’s law seriously restricts the scaling because of the extra merge step.  The object domain is very far from flat. The domain consists of several hundred classes arranged in a complex object graph.  Distribution would have too much repeated reference data.  Data changes frequently, which makes keeping repeated data consistent difficult.  This algorithm, while important, is just one step in a larger computation. Distributing other parts is at best inconvenient and mostly useless.  Why not an actor/immutable/functional approach?  Without shared memory, final merge step will dominate and limit scaling.  Copying memory over and over is usually too slow for fine grained MIMD.  “Latency from cache misses is quickly becoming the dominating factor in today's software performance“  "Too much object creation blows the cache.“  64-bit CPU operation: 1ns latency, 20pJ energy.  Local memory: 100ns latency, 20nj energy (100x slower, 1000x more energy) 6

  7. “Concurrency is Hard”… No it’s different!  Shared state concurrency is harder, but it’s not too hard.  A lot of people claim it’s too hard. They usually have something to sell   Moh’s perspective:  Fear is not the right approach. Spreading fear is even worse.  It’s a different mind set, so we have to take a step back and re -learn a few things.  Use different testing techniques for concurrent code.  Interesting observation: lock-free techniques are in many ways easier than ones involving locks!  It can make a big difference. We’ve parallelized many parts of our code to see up to 10x improvements. Actual query times before and after parallelization 140 120 100 Seconds 80 Feb 2010 Feb 2011 60 40 20 7 0

  8. A New Concurrent Map GS CHM JDK CHM CHM V8 NB CHM     Concurrent Resize Spread Function Good Good Great None     No Unsafe Low garbage put 2 0 1 0     Parallel Iterate     No Knobs     Small initial footprint    Iterate while growing ? NB CHM: from Cliff Click’s high_scale_lib. CHM V8: from JSR 166e. 8

  9. Custom Methods public interface ConcurrentMapEx<K,V> extends ConcurrentMap<K,V> { V getIfAbsentPut (K key, Factory<K, V> factory); <P1, P2> V putIfAbsentGetIfPresent (Object key, TwoArgumentBlock<K,V,K> keyTransformer, ThreeArgumentBlock<P1, P2, K, V> factory, P1 param1, P2 param2); void putAllInParallel (Map<K, V> map, int chunks, Executor executor); void parallelForEachEntry (List<TwoArgumentVoidBlock<K, V>> blocks, Executor executor); void parallelForEachValue (List<VoidBlock<V>> blocks, Executor executor); } 9

  10. Benchmark Caveats  Benchmarking Java code is hard.  GC  JIT warm-up  Runtime dead code elimination  Non-production like data allocation (memory locality)  Non-production like megamorphic call sites.  Benchmarking maps is even harder.  There are many methods on a map.  In what order/frequency/concurrency should they be called?  There is a natural bias for an author of a map to have a benchmark that performs best for his/her implementation.  This is not the result of cheating or fraud!  Often code is written with a particular use case in mind.  Often code is tuned to a particular benchmark.  View all benchmarks with a healthy dose of scepticism. 10

  11. Concurrent Put Benchmark 12000 Concurrent calls to Map.put 10000 Operations Per Millisecond 8000 6000 GS CHM JDK CHM JSR 166e CHM V8 4000 2000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Threads Hardware: Westmere 2 processor, 12 core, 24 thread 11

  12. JDK Low Level Atomic API  java.util.concurrent.atomic package:  AtomicInteger  AtomicReferenceArray  AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater  …  All have compareAndSet (CAS) method: it either succeeds atomically, or not at all.  Based on “compare and swap” CPU instructions.  Old idea (early 80’s)  On Intel processors (486+) cmpxchg instructions  Atomic*FieldUpdaters are particularly interesting: you can modify a volatile field of an object using CAS. This allows for much better memory utilization. E.g. an int field is just 4 bytes. An AtomicInteger is 16 bytes + another 4 bytes for the reference to it. 12

  13. Concurrent Map Implementation Details  Use an AtomicReferenceArray for backing the map.  The references in the array are set via CAS.  The references are strictly immutable, which simplifies the logic.  If a CAS fails, the entire operation is tried again.  Each bucket has 4 possible states  null: empty  An Entry: an existing map entry  ResizeContainer: this bucket is currently being moved to the next, larger array.  RESIZED: this bucket has been moved to the next, larger array.  Collisions are handled by chaining Entry objects, like HashMap.  Resize is the most interesting part.  There is an extra slot in the array that points to the resized array.  Multiple resizes can even happen simultaneously!  The thread that gets to allocate the next array does the allocation with a lock.  During this lock, other threads typically don’t wait.  For each bucket  Mark it immutable. Move it to the next array. Mark it moved.  If a get/put encounters an immutable or moved bucket, it starts helping with the resize. 13


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