financial results

Financial Results Period ending 31 August 2010 Agenda Overview - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Financial Results Period ending 31 August 2010 Agenda Overview Operations and segments Financial overview Questions Summary 2 Overview 3 The SilverBridge Group We do software in financial services We rent our own

  1. Financial Results Period ending 31 August 2010

  2. Agenda • Overview • Operations and segments • Financial overview • Questions • Summary 2

  3. Overview 3

  4. The SilverBridge Group We do software in financial services • We rent our own software for administration of contracts such as insurance policies • We implement and support software • We do IT consulting 4

  5. Challenges for the period • Delivery problems on some of SDT implementation projects caused delay in revenue and led to additional costs • Acczone acquisition not delivering on our expectations 5 5

  6. Positives from the period • Good progress with ABSA and Sanlam reassurance implementations • ONZ migrated from single large consulting contract to multiple project engagements • Increased rental and support revenue 6

  7. Operational focus for the period ahead • Focus on SDT’s new implementations to ensure that we deliver on time and budget • Look after our existing client base • Continue to build and convert our pipeline • Reposition Acczone • Optimise group structure 7

  8. Strategic focus for the period ahead • Focus on our current market in life assurance, loans and banking • Ensure that the group’s offering meets our market’s need for solutions that make their operations more efficient • Make sure that our investments continue to build our competitive advantage 8

  9. Outlook • Going forward, we will apply the lessons learned to improve our skills and experience • New implementations are progressing well and will contribute to revenue in the period ahead • Annuity revenue from new implementations will follow in the next year • A new focus on expenses has put costs under control and we are looking at further optimisation of the group structure • We are positive about opportunities, especially in life assurance 9

  10. Operations and segment overview 10

  11. Operational model Deploy software IT solution design Implementation Consulting (Project based) (Project based) Keep the Software software running Rental Support (Annuity based) (Annuity based) 11

  12. Consulting R `000 H1 2011 Change H1 2010 Consulting revenue 12 539 (14%) 14 665 Segment result 1 897 (45%) 3 422 Segment result % 15% 23% • Market changed to smaller resource placement opportunities • We expect it to continue for at least the next year • Maintained positive pipeline • In process of transitioning skills to life insurance industry 12

  13. Operational model IT solution design Deploy software Consulting Implementation (Project based) (Project based) Keep the Software software running Rental Support (Annuity based) (Annuity based) 13

  14. Implementation R `000 H1 2011 Change H1 2010 Implementation revenue 19 396 9% 17 860 Segment result (131) (104%) 3 000 Segment result % (1%) 17% • SDT delivery challenges with multiple complex projects • Higher level of skills required, stretch on specialist skills • Delay in revenue recognition • Contracted-in skills led to higher cost base • Acczone increased the cost base without delivering expected revenue • In process of developing new implementation methodology • Retrenched 18 out of 100 in SDT – R 1.4m • Retrenched 13 out of 26 in Acczone – R 350k 14

  15. Operational model IT solution design Deploy software Consulting Implementation (Project based) (Project based) Keep the Software software running Rental Support (Annuity based) (Annuity based) 15

  16. Software rental and R&D R `000 H1 2011 Change H1 2010 Software rental and maintenance 12 892 15% 11 140 R&D expensed 5 308 6 083 R&D capitalised 2 300 411 • Maintained customers but with small growth in usage • Delay in new rental from implementation challenges • Total R&D increased as a result of Acczone software re-development 16

  17. Operational model IT solution design Deploy software Consulting Implementation (Project based) (Project based) Keep the Software software running Rental Support (Annuity based) (Annuity based) 17

  18. Support R `000 H1 2011 Change H1 2010 Support revenue 7 800 6% 7 375 Segment result (3 049) (262%) 1 878 Segment result % (39%) 25% • Reduction in ad hoc support from existing clients • Signed first dedicated on-site support contract • Acczone support unprofitable – will renegotiate contracts 18

  19. Financial overview 19

  20. Consolidated statement of comprehensive income Period ended 31 August 2010 H1 2011 Change H1 2010 R `000 Revenue 52 162 2% 51 040 • Delay in revenue recognition • SDT revenue slightly up on previous year • ONZ revenue reduced by R 2.1m • Small contribution by Acczone (R1.5m) • Annuity streams supported income despite challenges with project revenue 20

  21. Consolidated statement of comprehensive income Period ended 31 August 2010 H1 2011 Change H1 2010 R `000 Revenue 52 162 2% 51 040 EBITDA 3 031 (70%) 10 182 Operating profit 1 552 (82%) 8 419 Operating profit margin (%) 3% 16% • Costs increased due to delivery challenges for the period • Corrective action taken should improve future financial performance • R 1.75 million costs from retrenchments • Acczone acquisition added to the cost base • Pressure on profits from delayed revenue and increased costs 21

  22. Consolidated statement of comprehensive income H1 2011 Change H1 2010 R `000 Revenue 52 162 2% 51 040 EBITDA 3 031 (70%) 10 182 Operating profit 1 553 (82%) 8 419 Operating profit margin (%) 3% 16% Net interest 434 533 Taxation (9) (2 761) Minorities (842) (1 040) Attributable earnings 1 136 (78%) 5 151 Weighted average shares in issue 34 675 33 773 HEPS (cps) 3.28 (78%) 15.02 • Effect of delayed revenue and increase in costs affected EPS significantly 22

  23. Statement of financial position - Assets R `000 H1 2011 H1 2010 Non Current Assets 37 376 27 388 Current Assets 42 187 42 729 Trade and other receivables 16 231 16 096 Cash and cash equivalents 11 353 14 219 Income tax receivable 5 804 6 148 Revenue recognised not yet invoiced 8 799 6 266 Total Assets 79 563 70 117 • Downward adjustment on cost of acquisition affecting goodwill • Cash affected by performance and Acczone acquisition • Increased levels in WIP still due to ABSA – will only reduce after year end 23

  24. Working capital 30000 25000 20000 Debtors 15000 Stock 10000 5000 Working capital impact on cash 0 FY2007 H1 08 FY2008 H1 09 FY2009 H1 10 FY 2010 H1 11 -5000 -10000 Stock = Revenue recognised in advance less deferred revenue • Working capital in line with year end • WIP higher as result of ABSA project 24

  25. Statement of financial position - Equity and liabilities R `000 H1 2011 H1 2010 Equity 58 272 46 707 Non-current liabilities 0 0 Current liabilities 21 291 23 410 Total equity and liabilities 79 563 70 117 • Outstanding purchase consideration for Acczone reduced • Liabilities include retrenchment provision and outstanding dividend payments 25

  26. Summarised Cash Flow Statement R `000 H1 2011 H1 2010 Cash from operations 7 353 1 334 Net interest 702 230 Minority portion of dividends in ONZ -2 270 0 Tax paid -5 190 -903 Equipment acquired -1 064 -1 440 Increase in investment -38 0 Capital distribution -961 0 Development cost capitalised -411 -2 300 18 000 16 398 16 098 16 000 14432 14 219 14 000 12 631 11 353 12 000 10 000 7 874 8 000 Cash balance 5 831 6 000 4 000 2 000 0 26 FY 2007 H1 08 FY 2008 H1 09 FY 2009 H1 10 FY 2010 H1 11

  27. Recent revenue track record 60000 50000 40000 Acczone 30000 ONZ SDT 20000 10000 0 H108 H208 H109 H209 H110 H210 H111 27

  28. Questions 28

  29. Summary • Our focus on delivery has put costs under control • We are executing on a number of large deals • Our pipeline remains strong • Going forward, we will apply the lessons learned to improve our skills and experience • Annuity revenue from new implementations will follow in next year 29

  30. Thank you 30


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