financial markets and fluctuations in uncertainty

Financial Markets and Fluctuations in Uncertainty Cristina Arellano, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Financial Markets and Fluctuations in Uncertainty Cristina Arellano, Yan Bai, and Patrick Kehoe Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis April 2010 Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 1 / 30 Motivation Recent recession

  1. Financial Markets and Fluctuations in Uncertainty Cristina Arellano, Yan Bai, and Patrick Kehoe Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis April 2010 Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 1 / 30

  2. Motivation Recent recession has featured I Large contraction in output I Substantial increase in the dispersion of …rms’ growth Most of the recent output downturn accounted for I By a worsening of the labor wedge I Not by fall in TFP Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 2 / 30

  3. Goal Develop a model with imperfect …nancial markets that connects ‡uctuations in …rm volatility to aggregate ‡uctuations Ask: Can an increase in volatility of …rms’ idiosyncratic shocks that generates observed increase in …rms’ dispersion deliver I Large contraction? I Large worsening of labor wedge? Today focus on current recession Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 3 / 30

  4. Key Elements in Model Firms I Choose their scale in advance I Issue debt uncontingent on their idiosyncratic shock and can default I Firms pay an entry cost so ongoing …rms have positive future expected pro…ts Shocks I Common shocks to the volatility of …rms’ idiosyncratic productivity Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 4 / 30

  5. Role of key elements Choose scale in advance I One scale for all states I In high states ‘too small’ and in low states ‘too big’ Uncontingent/unenforceable debt I If too big, might default Entry cost I In equilibrium generates costs of default = ) Trade-o¤ between short-term pro…ts and the risk of costly liquidation Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 5 / 30

  6. From …rm volatility to aggregates Model: Trade-o¤ between pro…ts and liquidation Mechanism: High volatility mainly increases risk of costly liquidation I Firms reduce scale and output I Labor wedge worsens because MPL deviates more from wage Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 6 / 30

  7. Our answers for current recession Can an increase in volatility of …rms’ idiosyncratic shocks that generates observed increase in …rms’ dispersion deliver Large contraction? I Model accounts for 2/3 of the output decline Large worsening of labor wedge? I The labor wedge falls by 18% in model and 15% in data Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 7 / 30

  8. Model Dynamic model of heterogeneous …rms and identical households Households provide labor services and trade assets Firms use DRS technology with labor input ` and issue debt b 0 ( σ 0 ) Firms’ idiosyncratic productivity shocks z have common stochastic volatility σ Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 8 / 30

  9. Firms Stochastic structure: log z t = ρ z log z t � 1 + σ t ε t log σ t = ( 1 � ρ σ ) log µ σ + ρ σ log σ t � 1 + η t Individual states: ( ` , b , z ) Aggregate states: S = ( σ , Υ ) , where Υ is measure over individual states Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 9 / 30

  10. Firms Choose b 0 ( σ 0 ) and ` 0 to maximize present value of dividends d = z ` θ � w ` � b + ∑ q 0 ( σ 0 j . ) b 0 ( σ 0 ) σ 0 q ( σ 0 j . ) depends on …rms choices and aggregate states Free entry condition given …xed cost of entry ξ ξ = E z 0 , σ 0 Q ( σ 0 j S ) V 0 ( ` 0 , b 0 , z 0 , S 0 ) After entry the expected value is positive Cost of default: Firm exits so lose expected value of future pro…ts Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 10 / 30

  11. Firms Firms must have non-negative dividends Debt schedule q ( σ 0 j . ) compensates for loss in case of default I Schedule contains ‘borrowing limits’ For high enough debt due, …rms must default: I Default if ( ) z ` θ � w ` � b + max q ( σ 0 j . ) b 0 ( σ 0 ) ∑ < 0 σ 0 Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 11 / 30

  12. Households Identical households with standard problem Choose c , and h to maximize present value of utility, where u ( c , h ) = log ( c ) � χ h 1 + ν 1 + v Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 12 / 30

  13. Simple Example Two period problem Firm loses exogenous future value V if liquidates Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 13 / 30

  14. Complete …nancial markets Z ∞ 0 [ z ` θ � w ` ] φ ( z ) dz + V max ` Optimal scale chosen to maximize short term pro…ts: θ ` θ � 1 E ( z ) = w Increasing volatility while preserving E ( z ) does not change optimal scale Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 14 / 30

  15. No …nancial markets Without …nancial markets …rms liquidate in low states ( z < ˆ z ) Z ∞ Z ∞ z [ z ` α � w ` ] φ ( z ) dz + max V φ ( z ) dz ` , ˆ z ˆ z ˆ subject to z ` α � w ` = 0 ˆ d ˆ z / d ` > 0 so higher ` implies higher ˆ z which generates: I Higher short term pro…ts I Lower future value Optimal scale chosen to maximize short term pro…ts and future value Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 15 / 30

  16. No …nancial markets Optimal scale: θ ` θ � 1 E ( z j z � ˆ z ) φ ( ˆ z ) d ˆ z = w + V 1 � Φ ( ˆ 1 � Φ ( ˆ z ) z ) d ` Marginal cost of labor equals wage plus loss in future value When V is high enough: I scale is smaller than with frictionless …nancial markets I marginal product of labor is larger than wage = ) labor wedge Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 16 / 30

  17. Increasing volatility θ ` θ � 1 E ( z j z � ˆ z ) φ ( ˆ z ) d ˆ z = w + V 1 � Φ ( ˆ 1 � Φ ( ˆ z ) z ) d ` φ ( ˆ z ) Loss in future value is larger when z ) increases with volatility : 1 � Φ ( ˆ I scale is smaller I marginal product of labor is even larger than wage = ) even larger labor wedge Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 17 / 30

  18. Quantitative Exercise Parameterize process for σ t to the times series of IQR of sales growth in Compustat …rms (1970-2009) I Moments: Mean, std., and autocorrelation of IQR of sales growth I Parameters: Mean, std. and autocorrelation of σ t Current recession: Choose the sequence of σ t to match time series of IQR of sales growth Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 18 / 30

  19. Current recession: IQR of sales growth 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.2 Model 0.18 Data 0.16 0.14 2007 − IV 2008 − I 2008 − II 2008 − III 2008 − IV 2009 − I 2009 − II 2009 − III Choose sequence of σ t to match time path of IQR sales growth Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 20 / 30

  20. Current recession: Output 0 − 0.01 Model (average drop 2.7%) − 0.02 − 0.03 Data (average drop 4.1%) − 0.04 − 0.05 − 0.06 − 0.07 2007 − IV 2008 − I 2008 − II 2008 − III 2008 − IV 2009 − I 2009 − II 2009 − III Model output matches 66% of the output decline Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 22 / 30

  21. Current recession: Labor 0.05 0 model − 0.05 data − 0.1 − 0.15 2007 − IV 2008 − I 2008 − II 2008 − III 2008 − IV 2009 − I 2009 − II 2009 − III Model labor decline matches data; last couple of quarters decline is larger Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 23 / 30

  22. Current recession: Labor wedge 0.05 0 Model − 0.05 Data − 0.1 − 0.15 2007 − IV 2008 − I 2008 − II 2008 − III 2008 − IV 2009 − I 2009 − II 2009 − III The labor wedge falls by 18% in model and 15% in data Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 24 / 30

  23. Conclusion Framework that combines volatility shocks with …nancial markets imperfections Generates movements in labor wedge linked to …nancial frictions Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 25 / 30

  24. Business Cycles Data Model Peak- Peak- std(x) std(x) std(x) std(x) std(gdp) std(gdp) Trough Trough GDP -5.0 2.6 -3.5 1.8 Labor -5.1 3.4 1.3 -6.7 3.5 2.0 Consumption -3.1 2.5 0.7 -0.6 1.1 0.6 Labor Wedge -5.8 4.4 1.7 -7.1 4.4 2.5 TFP -1.3 1.2 0.3 1.2 0.8 0.5 Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 26 / 30

  25. Aggregate Impulse Response to High Dispersion 0.01 0.01 0 0 − 0.01 − 0.01 Output Output − 0.02 − 0.02 Labor Labor − 0.03 − 0.03 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Periods Periods Labor falls more than output Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 27 / 30

  26. Aggregate Impulse Response to High Dispersion 0.01 0.01 0 Measure 0 − 0.01 − 0.01 Measure − 0.02 − 0.02 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Periods Periods Measure of …rms fall Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 28 / 30

  27. Aggregate Impulse Response to High Dispersion 0.01 0.01 TFP TFP 0 0 − 0.01 − 0.01 − 0.02 − 0.02 − 0.03 − 0.03 Labor Wedge Labor Wedge − 0.04 − 0.04 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Periods Periods Labor wedge worsens a lot, TFP rises a bit Arellano, Bai, Kehoe () Fluctuations in Uncertainty April 2010 29 / 30


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