ORG CHART Total FTEs 8.5
RECOMMENDED BUDGET FY 2017 FY 2018 $ CHANGE % CHANGE BUDGET BUDGET Appropriations 662,241 742,674 80,433 12.1% Revenue (120,154) (116,360) 3,794 .3% Net Amount 523,424 626,314 102,890 19.6%
MAJOR INFLUENCES (CUSTOMER SERVICE) In the last 12 months, a staff of five employees posted approximately 48,253 transactions • 17.1% increase over last year • 92.1% of our revenue goes through Customer Service • On average, 46 transactions per finance clerk per day • One transaction every ten minutes
MAJOR INFLUENCES (CUSTOMER SERVICE) • Saco mails 9,032 taxes bills (twice a year) • 97.9% of taxes are collected in the current year • Finance prepares over 500 lien notices, with approximately 270 liens processed • Finance prepares over 70 foreclosure notices, with approximately 35 foreclosures processed • Costs of mailing and fees for liens and foreclosures costs the City $18,000 • State is changing the Motor Vehicle forms • Can’t be handled by the current printers we own. • See RAD #1819
MAJOR INFLUENCES (ACCOUNTS PAYABLE) • 2,147 Purchase Orders are maintained each year • 8,205 Invoices are processed each year • 5,281 Checks are mailed each year • 44.9% of our budget is payments to vendors • 7,385 active vendors in the system (1,433 are 1099 and 315 certificate of insurances) • As of March 31, 2017, the total of $288,118 Purchase Orders Outstanding • $24,505 for FY2016 (8 purchase orders) • $57,611 for July – December (21 purchase orders) • $36,754 for January – February (28 purchase orders) • $169,248 for March (75 purchase orders)
MAJOR INFLUENCES CONTINUED (HUMAN RESOURCES/PAYROLL) • Human Resources maintains employee benefits, union contracts, and payroll for all paid employees • Saco has 7 unions, plus non-union employees • During the last 12 months HR handled 26 benefit eligible terminations, and 101 seasonal terminations • During the last 12 months HR handled 25 benefit eligible new hires, and 116 seasonal new hires • 106 different benefit codes to maintain and reconcile each month • 54.7% of our budget is Salary and Benefits • Need additional staffing see RAD #1820
MAJOR INFLUENCES (OTHER) • 7.9% of our revenue comes in as wires from the state or other funding • 0.4% of our expenses goes out as a wire to vendors • 3,966 general ledger account numbers which includes 68 funds • Munis isn’t being used to its fullest potential, and has additional capabilities
REQUEST ABOVE DIRECTIVE (RAD) SUPPORTED BY RECOMMENDED BUDGET Page RAD Required Required Received Received Priority Purpose # # RAD Source RAD Source S4 1818 1 17,760 Ongoing 17,760 Ongoing Maintain current staffing P25 S4 1820 3 44,235 Ongoing 42,635 Ongoing Additional HR staffing P26
REQUEST ABOVE DIRECTIVE (RAD) NOT SUPPORTED BY RECOMMENDED BUDGET Required Required Page # RAD # Priority Purpose RAD Source S4 1819 2 4,000 One-time New Printers P25 S4 1821 4 (250,000) Ongoing Enterprise Rental Car revenue P26
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