final projects

Final Projects vPool from here TextID E11 finale! IST 338 in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

IST 338 in April big picture I've got all my CS Practice eyes on this view! Picobot The view Final Projects vPool from here TextID E11 finale! IST 338 in April big picture I've got all my CS in practice eyes on this view!

  1. IST 338 in April – big picture I've got all my CS Practice eyes on this view! Picobot The view Final Projects vPool from here… TextID E11 finale!

  2. IST 338 in April – big picture I've got all my CS in practice eyes on this view! Picobot The view Final Projects vPool from here… TextID CS Applications population graphics / robots and feature-based analysis + media / other fun modeling + classification algorithms games ... stuff (today…) ������������� �������������� ��������� ��������� ����� ������ ����������� ��������� CS 5 CS Theory is over CS Foundations What can be computed... here: ... and how efficiently?

  3. CS5 in Dec. ~ Big picture Picobot Final Projects vPool TextClouds CS Applications biological graphics robots and search and analysis + media computer the web algorithms games ... vision ������������� �������������� ��������� ��������� ����� ������ ����������� ��������� CS 5 CS Theory CS Foundations What can be computed... CS Foundations ... and how efficiently?

  4. The next two weeks in IST338… (1) define "computer" precisely (2) define "compute" precisely (3) see what computers provably can't compute (4) go to step (1) and define things better… (5) … or , time will run out. CS Foundations

  5. Unifying idea: State 0 NEWx -> S 1 previous next external next state state input step The state of a computation is all the internal information and for Picobot, needed to take the next step next step is taken literally!

  6. states as subtasks each circle represents a different robot state x*** ***x N*** state pattern -> move new state starting state 0 state 1 funnel 0 x*** -> N 0 the "go North" state the "go South" state ***S 0 N*** -> X 1 1 ***x -> S 1 1 ***S -> X 0 transitions move from state to state

  7. Computation is a deliberate sequence of state-changes 01101101010 01101101010 11010010001 00000001110 bits before bits after

  8. A model of computation: FSM Finite State Machine Example input 100101 input sequence read left-to-right Example FSM � � � s0 s1 � start state transitions accepting states “input funnel” “where to go” double circled labeled by input !

  9. FSM: Finite state machine ��������������� ��������������� ��������������� State 1 State 0 ��������������� What does each state MEAN ? another input 0010111 sequence What does this FSM do overall? always left-to-right

  10. graphical state-machine JFLAP ! builder for hw12

  11. Try it! � � � s1 � � s0 � � s3 � s2 List three different inputs that this FSM accepts : List three different inputs that this FSM rejects : This machine accepts strings that… In general , what English phrase describes the accepted inputs ? What does each state say about the s0 means… s2 means… current state of the input?!? s1 means… s3 means… Hint : find a string Could you get the same behavior with fewer states? that has to be in Extra! What's the minimum # possible? How do you know? each state!

  12. Quiz! Try this on the back page first… � � � s1 � � s0 � � s3 � s2 List three different inputs that this FSM accepts : List three different inputs that this FSM rejects : This machine accepts strings that… In general , what English phrase describes the accepted inputs ? What does each state say about the s0 means… s2 means… current state of the input?!? s1 means… s3 means… Hint : find a string Could you get the same behavior with fewer states? that has to be in Extra! What's the minimum # possible? How do you know? each state!

  13. State ~ fate Strings with different possible fates must be in different states. � � � s1 � � s0 � � s3 � s2 Can we find three strings – all with different possible fates ? (4?) If so, then three states (or 4) are necessary! If not, fewer will be OK.

  14. Draw a FSM accepting strings in which the Build-your-own FSMs number of zeros ( 0 s) is a multiple of 3, so there are 0, 3, 6, … zeros. 1 s don't matter. Draw a FSM that accepts strings that don't contain the pattern 110 anywhere. Accepted: 110101110, 11, 0000010 Rejected: 101, 0000, 111011101111 Accepted: 1010001 Rejected: 10100 110 0 Hint: modify the first FSM we considered ! Hint: modify this starter FSM: Minimum possible # of states? Requires at least 4 states Draw a FSM accepting strings in which the Draw a FSM accepting strings whose third digit (from the left) is a 1 . third-to-last digit (from the right) is a 1 . Accepted: 10 1 0001 Rejected: 11 0 00100 and 11 Accepted: 0 1 00 and 01 1 01 Rejected: 101 0 01 and 11 Minimum possible # of states? Minimum possible # of states?

  15. No occurrences of 110 Draw a FSM accepting strings that do NOT anywhere contain the pattern 110 � start end w/1 end w/11 fail! � � � Minimum number of states?

  16. No occurrences of 110 ? ��� � � � � Why doesn't this machine work? Could we prove 4 states are required ?

  17. Number of 0 s is div. by 3 Draw a FSM accepting strings in which the Accepted: 110101110, 11, 0000010 number of zeros ( 0 s) is a multiple of 3, so Rejected: 101, 0000, 111011101111 there are 0, 3, 6, … zeros. 1 s don't matter. Minimum number of states?

  18. Third character is a 1 Accepted: 10 1 0001 Draw a FSM accepting strings in which the Rejected: 11 0 00100 and 11 third digit (from the left) is a 1 . Minimum number of states?

  19. Third-to-last character is a 1 ? Draw a FSM accepting strings whose Accepted: 0 1 00 and 01 1 01 third-to-last digit (from the right) is a 1 . Rejected: 101 0 01 and 11 Minimum number of states?

  20. Third-to-last character is a 1 ? Draw a FSM accepting strings whose Accepted: 0 1 00 and 01 1 01 third-to-last digit (from the right) is a 1 . Rejected: 101 0 01 and 11 Minimum number of states?

  21. Third-to-last character is a 1 � s ∅ � s0 s1 � � � � s00 s11 s01 s10 � � � � � � � � s001 s011 s100 s110 s000 s010 s101 s111 Something seems missing here… Proof that we need 15 states?

  22. Third-to-last character is a 1 Draw a FSM accepting strings whose third-to-last digit (from the right) is a 1 . � s ∅ � s0 s1 � � � � s00 s11 s01 s10 � � � � � � � � s001 s011 s110 s000 s010 s100 s101 s111 ������������������������ �������� ������� �������������� The minimum possible number of states?

  23. Third-to-last character is a 1 s000 s001 s010 s011 s100 s101 s110 s111 How could we prove that 8 8 states? states are required?

  24. 12 FSMs are everywhere! 5 34 q start q 1 q 2 q 3 q 4 q 5 Locks q 12 q 13 q 14 q 15 q 23 q 12,3 q 12,4 q 12,5 q 12,5,34

  25. FSMs are everywhere! penny, fifty cent piece, silver dollar, Canadian currency, Euro, …. q start nickel dime quarter q 5 cents q 10 cents q 25 cents nickel dime mechanical nickel nickel vending machine q 15 cents q 20 cents nickel (some transitions not shown)

  26. FSM ~ Game AI The state-machine that controls Quake's Shambler monsters… I'm Quaking in my AstroBoots

  27. Towel-folding states!

  28. All robots use FSM control 50x

  29. Towel- folding? singled out as a questionable use of dollars...

  30. All robots use FSM control … send me your FSM so that I can show it off in 2015!

  31. An autonomous vehicle's FSM

  32. FSMs driving robots... MIT's car, Talos

  33. FSMs driving robots... MIT's car, Talos - and its sensor suite

  34. State-machine limits ? Are there limits to what FSMs can do? they can't necessarily drive safely... But are there any binary-string problems that FSMs can't solve?

  35. State-machine limits ? accepted 011001 0110 10 λ this last string is empty rejected 01100 01110 0100 Let's build a FSM that accepts bit strings with the 000 SAME NUMBER of 0s as 1s

  36. State-machines are limited. FSMs can't count at least not arbitrarily high... We need a more powerful model than FSMs... What do we need to add?

  37. Next time: Turing Machines state machines + memory !


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