Filtering and the matrix step in NFS Thorsten Kleinjung Laboratory for Cryptologic Algorithms EPFL, Station 14, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland 1 / 17
Contents Overview NFS The matrix step Filtering A modified filtering approach 2 / 17
Overview number field sieve (NFS) N number to be factored 1 Find two polynomials f i ∈ Z [ x ], i = 1 , 2, with a common zero m modulo N (and some conditions). Denote by F i the corresponding homogeneous polynomials. 2 Choose L and find sufficiently many pairs a , b ∈ Z such that F 1 ( a , b ) and F 2 ( a , b ) decompose into prime factors ≤ L . Each such pair corresponds to a congruence in a number field, such that both sides are divisible only by prime ideals of norm ≤ L . 3 Find a subset of these congruences such that the products of both sides are squares. This is equivalent to solving a system of linear equations over F 2 . 4 Compute square roots and obtain a congruence of type c 2 ≡ d 2 (mod N ) c , d ∈ Z . gcd( c + d , N ) will be a proper divisor of N with probability ≥ 1 2 . 3 / 17
Comments on the individual steps 1 Polynomial selection parallel, quality determines run time of subsequent steps 2 Sieving parallel, time consuming 3 Filtering easy, but a lot of data movement, quality determines run time of next step 4 Matrix step some parallelisation possible, time and memory consuming 5 Square root parallel, negligible amount of time and memory 4 / 17
Filtering / matrix step Data from sieving step: S sparse matrix (rows = prime ideals, columns = relations) want to find solution Sv ′ = 0 Filtering: produces a smaller sparse matrix A by column operations Av = 0 easily gives v ′ with Sv ′ = 0 Matrix step: find several vectors v with Av = 0 5 / 17
Brief history of the matrix step Gaussian elimination O ( d 3 ) algorithm ( d : dimension of matrix) many tricks for reducing d RSA-129 in 1994 (quadratic sieve): 188 160 × 188 614 matrix, dense 6 / 17
Brief history of the matrix step Gaussian elimination O ( d 3 ) algorithm ( d : dimension of matrix) many tricks for reducing d RSA-129 in 1994 (quadratic sieve): 188 160 × 188 614 matrix, dense Block Lanczos O ( d 2 ) algorithm for sparse matrices RSA-512 in 1999 in Amsterdam: 6 699 191 × 6 711 336 matrix with 417 132 631 non zero entries 6 / 17
Brief history of the matrix step Gaussian elimination O ( d 3 ) algorithm ( d : dimension of matrix) many tricks for reducing d RSA-129 in 1994 (quadratic sieve): 188 160 × 188 614 matrix, dense Block Lanczos O ( d 2 ) algorithm for sparse matrices RSA-512 in 1999 in Amsterdam: 6 699 191 × 6 711 336 matrix with 417 132 631 non zero entries Block Wiedemann O ( d 2 ) algorithm for sparse matrices allows for limited disjoint parallelisation but needs more operations RSA-768 in 2009, computation in different places: 192 795 550 × 192 796 550 matrix with 27 797 115 920 non zero entries 6 / 17
Block Wiedemann Input: d × d matrix A over F 2 , output: solution(s) of Av = 0 Idea: find a linear combination of A i y , 0 < i ≤ d which is orthogonal to sufficiently many x ( A T ) j , j ≥ 0 ⇒ have to compute x T A i + j y 7 / 17
Block Wiedemann Input: d × d matrix A over F 2 , output: solution(s) of Av = 0 Idea: find a linear combination of A i y , 0 < i ≤ d which is orthogonal to sufficiently many x ( A T ) j , j ≥ 0 ⇒ have to compute x T A i + j y Berlekamp-Massey step: essentially half-gcd of polynomials of degree ≈ 2 d over F 2 , gives sought linear combination Main computations ≈ 3 d matrix-vector-multiplications Berlekamp-Massey step 7 / 17
Block Wiedemann Input: d × d matrix A over F 2 , output: solution(s) of Av = 0 Idea: find a linear combination of A i y , 0 < i ≤ d which is orthogonal to sufficiently many x ( A T ) j , j ≥ 0 ⇒ have to compute x T A i + j y Berlekamp-Massey step: essentially half-gcd of polynomials of degree ≈ 2 d over F 2 , gives sought linear combination Main computations ≈ 3 d matrix-vector-multiplications Berlekamp-Massey step Block version: choose n vectors x 1 , . . . , x n and y 1 , . . . , y n find linear combinations of A i y l orthogonal to sufficiently many x k ( A T ) j still ≈ 3 d matrix-vector-multiplications Berlekamp-Massey step more complex 7 / 17
Block Wiedemann analysis A : d × d matrix over F 2 with w non zero entries n : number of independent sequences ( n ≪ d ) Main operations: 3 d multiplications A · x half-gcd of polynomials of degree ≈ d n of 2 n × 2 n matrices Step memory run time Multiplications O ( w ) O ( dw ) O ( nd 1+ o (1) ) O ( n 2 d 1+ o (1) ) Berlekamp-Massey Parallelisation issues Communication for multiplication on cluster with k 2 nodes: O ( d 2 k ) BM: basic steps are ≈ d n triangulations of 2 n × 2 n matrices 8 / 17
Matrix for RSA-768 192 795 550 × 192 796 550 matrix with 27 797 115 920 non zero entries n = 512 (processed in blocks of 64 per cluster, i.e., can use 8 clusters) Step memory run time wall clock time Multiplications 200 GB 99.8% 85d Berlekamp-Massey 1 TB 0.2% 0.75d 9 / 17
Extrapolation Assumptions: everything scales as in heuristic run time analysis clusters consist of k 2 nodes (16 cores, 32 GB) need 8 byte per entry to store matrix want to do non-communication part of multiplications in ≈ 1 year k 2 size d w mem/cl # cl comm BM-men BM-time 2 28 2 35 3 2 768 288 GB 1 0.5a 128 GB 2h 2 33 2 40 16 2 1024 8 TB 25 4a 100 TB 0.2a? 2 41 2 48 256 2 1536 2 PB 6400 60a 6 EB 10 000a? mem=memory, cl=cluster, comm=communication part of multiplications, BM-time=Berlekamp-Massey step on one cluster 10 / 17
Filtering overview Input: large, very sparse matrix ( ≈ 20 entries per column), sometimes very overdetermined Try to eliminate rows by: adding columns removing columns removing zero rows Output: smaller, but still sparse matrix ( ≈ 50 − 200 entries per column) 11 / 17
Doing more filtering Sieving for a 110-digit number produced (after removing some relations) a 2 297 422 × 2 357 458 matrix with 18 . 94 entries per column 800000 5000 700000 4000 600000 matrix dimension d (red) 500000 3000 time (blue) 400000 2000 300000 200000 1000 100000 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 average weight w/d 12 / 17
Reviewing filtering Input: S matrix from sieving step (possibly some columns removed) Elimination of one row equivalent to multiplication of S on the right by F i F i is essentially identity matrix plus a few entries, e.g.: 1 ... 1 F i = ∗ · · · ∗ ∗ · · · ∗ 1 ... 1 Output: A = S · F 1 · . . . · F r (and F = F 1 · . . . · F r ) ( Av = 0 gives S · ( Fv ) = 0) 13 / 17
A modified approach Split A = S · F 1 · . . . · F r = M 1 · . . . · M s as follows A = S · F 1 · . . . · F t 1 · F t 1 +1 · . . . · F t 2 · . . . · F t s − 1 +1 · . . . · F r � �� � � �� � � �� � M 1 M 2 M s Idea: weight increase wt( S · F 1 · . . . · F i − 1 ) � wt( S · F 1 · . . . · F i ) becomes much bigger than wt( F i ) − d for large i for small h we have wt( F j +1 · . . . · F j + h ) − d ≈ (wt( F j +1 ) − d ) + . . . + (wt( F j + h ) − d ) Therefore hope for wt( M 1 ) + wt( M 2 ) < wt( M 1 · M 2 ) etc. 14 / 17
How to split the product? Compare A ( d × d matrix) and A ′ · B ( e × d , d × e ) where � A ′ � � A ′ · B � A = A · B = , A ′′ 0 15 / 17
How to split the product? Compare A ( d × d matrix) and A ′ · B ( e × d , d × e ) where � A ′ � � A ′ · B � A = A · B = , A ′′ 0 Berlekamp-Massey: reduces space and time by e d Communication: number of multiplications: d − → e communication per multiplication: d − → d + e √ 5 − 1 · d less communication for A ′ · B If e < 2 Computation: number of multiplications reduced by e d cost per multiplication depends on weight and sparseness of A ′′ and B , usually both very sparse (i.e., high cost per entry) 15 / 17
Results red: one matrix, blue: e ≈ 0 . 9 · d , light blue: e ≈ 0 . 8 · d , purple e ≈ 0 . 6 · d 2000 1500 time 1000 500 0 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 matrix dimension e 16 / 17
Further research How far can we go? Relation to factor base bound? Good strategies for removing rows, perhaps different strategies for later phases Good splitting points How to deal with initial excess Speed up filtering without decreasing quality of output 17 / 17
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