federal aviation administration programs

Federal Aviation Administration Programs FFY 2017-2019 Goal 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Federal Aviation Administration Programs FFY 2017-2019 Goal 1 Introduction Gerardo Mendoza, Director NYSDOT Aviation Bureau Sondra Little, Director NYSDOT Office of Civil Rights 2 Overview of

  1. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Federal Aviation Administration Programs FFY 2017-2019 Goal 1

  2. Introduction • Gerardo Mendoza, Director NYSDOT Aviation Bureau • Sondra Little, Director NYSDOT Office of Civil Rights 2

  3. Overview of NYSDOT’s Aviation Program Responsibilities Include: • Oversight of State-Owned Airports • Management of Capital Grants Programs • General Aviation Airport Security • Airport Inspection Program • System Wide Planning 3

  4. Aviation Program DBE Contract Goals The Department’s proposed overall goal for FFY 2017 - 2019 is 6.5%. This goal represents the disparity between the current levels of DBE participation on NYSDOT projects and the amount of DBE participation that would be expected absent the effects of current and past discrimination. (49 CFR § 26.45(b)). Every three years NYSDOT is required to reevaluate the goal to determine what percentage of DBEs, or firms that could be certified as DBEs, represent all firms that are ready, willing, and able to compete for NYSDOT-assisted contracting opportunities. This number represents the base figure for relative availability. 4

  5. Goal Calculation Methodology Per the federal regulation there are several ways the Department may choose to determine the base figure. (49 CFR Part 26).  Bidders List  Disparity Study  Census Data and DBE Directory  Alternate Method(s) 5

  6. Goal Calculation Methodology Using Engineering Services, Architectural Design Services, and Airport Runway Construction NAICS codes, NYSDOT chose the Census Data and the DBE directory method to determine the base figure. 6

  7. Goal Calculation Methodology Number of ready, willing, and able DBEs from the UCP _______4.8%___________________ = Base Figure Number of all ready, willing, and able businesses available in your market area from Census Bureau County Business Patterns 7

  8. Goal Methodology – Future Project Adjustment .0384 + .0015 / 2= .0199 Base Figure FY2017 = 1.99 % 8

  9. Goal Methodology – Future Project Adjustment .0512+.0409+.0006+.0 075+0461+.0075+.046 1+.0075+.0358+.0225 / 10=.0265 Base Figure FY2018 = 2.65 % 9

  10. Goal Methodology – Future Project Adjustment .0409+.0006+.0075+.0461+.0 075+.0461+.0075+.0461+.007 5+0.000+.0512+0.0051+0.001 3 / 13= 0.2674 Base Figure FY2019 = 2.05% 10

  11. Goal Calculation Adjustments Other Airports in Market Area AIRPORT FISCAL YEARS DBE GOAL MacArthur Airport 2015-2017 *12.71% **PANYNJ 2017-2019 12% 11

  12. Goal Methodology – Final Adjustment 1. Ready and Willing Average DBE Base Figure = 4.8% 2. Future Projects Average + Base Figure FY2017 = 1.99 % Base Figure FY2018 = 2.65 % Projects Base Figure = 2.23% Base Figure FY2019 = 2.05% 3. Other Airport DBE Average + MacArthur DBE Goal = 12.79 % PANNYNJ DBE Goal = 12.00 % Airport Base Figure = 12.40% / 3 = Final Adjustment Average Final Base Figure = 6.48% 12

  13. Advertisements Minority Commerce Weekly : Advertise on Contracting and Procurement Opportunities for Certified Small Disadvantaged, Minority and Woman-Owned Enterprises And New York State DOT Aviation Bureau Web Page: https://www.dot.ny.gov/modal/aviation or https://www.dot.ny.gov/divisions/operating/opdm/aviation And New York State Contract Reporter: NYS' Official Source of Contracting Opportunities https://www.nyscr.ny.gov/ 13

  14. Summary • Census data and DBE directory to come up with base figure. • Other factors taken into consideration were: • Other projects that may effect DBE availability • Future Projects 14

  15. Commitment to Meeting Goals The Department will continue to deliver a DBE program that strives for race neutral participation to the greatest extent possible. The Office of Civil Rights continues to conduct outreach to small businesses to promote the DBE program and increase the DBE resource pool. The Office participates in recruiting events with other State Agencies and industry representatives, and has also increased its efforts through orientation sessions to ensure that the available pool of DBEs is qualified and capable. 15

  16. Questions Please email any questions on today’s presentation to: aviation@dot.ny.gov 16

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