
FAZE Tab switching & Window switching with Gaze & Facial - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SLIDES FAZE Tab switching & Window switching with Gaze & Facial gestures VARUN VIKASH KARTHIKEYAN Interaction Engineering Winter Semester 2019/20 Prof. Dr. Michael Kipp Augsburg University of Applied Sciences Concept video

  1. SLIDES FAZE Tab switching & Window switching with Gaze & Facial gestures VARUN VIKASH KARTHIKEYAN Interaction Engineering Winter Semester 2019/20 Prof. Dr. Michael Kipp Augsburg University of Applied Sciences

  2. Concept video https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FCsDM_6 OYv2UJ9ucRnx5hB6IUV7QM45l

  3. Concept video https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FCsDM_6OYvhttps: //drive.google.com/open?id=1M4bTNnjdPy_IALFXCsW 1cJh8lDza6M2q2UJ9ucRnx5hB6IUV7QM45l

  4. Concept video https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Yaf_ay5 P89G1lsAGXMTCBV-1WlEIe8p8

  5. Video demo of prototype https://drive.google.com/open?id=1S0P5D dBmiaytAw2AfheiuBIp17zSRtG7


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