fall 2020 infosession

Fall 2020 Infosession Tuesday, September 8 O U R S T O R Y - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Fall 2020 Infosession Tuesday, September 8 O U R S T O R Y California Physicians Alliance ( CaPA ) was founded in 1987 in the San Francisco East Bay area. The founders were doctors who believed we could improve health care for patients by

  1. Fall 2020 Infosession Tuesday, September 8

  2. O U R S T O R Y California Physicians Alliance ( CaPA ) was founded in 1987 in the San Francisco East Bay area. The founders were doctors who believed we could improve health care for patients by improving our health care financing and delivery system. 7,000 physicians, medical providers, health professional students, and advocates throughout California. In August, 2010, CaHPSA became the official autonomous student program of Physicians for a National Health Program California, now California Physicians Alliance ( CaPA ) .

  3. CaHPSA at UC Berkeley In 2017, students established the Berkeley Chapter of CaHPSA. O U R P A R T N E R S Berkeley Public Library System South Berkeley Senior Center Kidney Disease Screening and Awareness Program Vietnamese American Community Center of the East Bay Suitcase Clinic

  4. MISSION STATEMENT CaHPSA is the student branch of the California Physician ’ s Alliance. We aim to promote health care justice in our community by bridging access to healthcare resources, train members to become health policy advocates, and inform our community members to give them greater voices in enacting health care reform! OTHER CHAPTERS California Northstate University College of Medicine • David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA • Touro University, California • University of California, Irvine School of Medicine • Keck Graduate Institute • California State University, Chico • Sonoma State University • UC Davis • UC Irvine • UC Los Angeles • UC Merced • UC Riverside • UC San Diego •UC Santa Barbara • UC Santa Cruz

  5. OFFICERS Introduce yourself! Jonathan Kuo Sandra Arriaga Alex Gomez Co - President Co - President Head of Publicity Anisha Dosanjh Lee Dason Lam Ammar Bhaiji Katarina Cook Head of PWC Head of PWC Head of HA Head of Finance

  6. OUR GENERAL MEETINGS Education & updates on healthcare STRUCTURE policies and disparities Guest Speakers ~ 1 meeting / month COMMITTEE MEETINGS Work on individual projects Project White Coat Health Alerts ~ 3 meetings / month MENTORSHIP PROGRAM Matched with an officer in our club! New program ; starting this semester

  7. P R O J E C T W H I T E C O A T We provide assistance to anyone interested in learning more about the enrollment process and submitting their Covered California application. At every enrollment event, our students can answer questions about current health plans, the application, eligibility requirements, and more. Every PWC student is extensively trained to address questions about the enrollment process and maintain confidentiality. We have helped over 400 families enroll in Medi - Cal or another form of health insurance!

  8. H E A L T H A L E R T S Update members on CaPA legislation updates and other health - related news at the beginning of meetings Newsletters / Weekly emails Online health alert via Facebook or Instagram Have discussions about news and healthcare at committee meetings Discuss our thoughts / opinions on recent health - related news topics 5 Calls and emails legislators Call and email legislators to pass / not pass bills Town Halls Attend town hall meetings Listen / discuss topics with constituents

  9. E X P E C T A T I O N S General Meetings: Attend 2 out 3 Committee Meetings: Attend 5 out of 7 Co-Curricular Events: Occur on weekends Sounds difficult? We Details to be discussed in committee. can work something Meeting Recordings posted online. out!

  10. Other Events House Parties with our local CaPA affiliates Lobby/Immigrant Day Webinar Opportunities Guest Speaker/Luncheon

  11. Thanks for coming! Questions? Check our official page: http: // cahpsa.org / Follow us on facebook and instagram: cahpsaberkeley! If you have further questions or suggestions please email us at cahpsa.berkeley @ gmail.com Join us in helping provide the community with better health care!


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