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play @faithsouthbay faithsouthbay IT IS WE WELL - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  1. 2115 W. 182nd Street Torrance, CA 90504 310.217.7000 @faithsouthbay faithsouthbay

  2. IT IS WE WELL LL SIMPLE STEPS TO STAY PHYSICALLY, SPIRITUALLY & EMOTIONALLY WELL IN AN AGE OF THE CORONAVIRUS 1 – WASH YOUR HANDS – frequently by scrubbing with soap and running water 2 – STAY HOME – if you feel sick & with fever 3 - STAY CONNECTED – through or Facebook @Faithsouthbay 4 – KEEP CALM – Remember God is with You! 5 – REACH OUT – let us know how you’re doing 6 – MASK UP – protect yourself and others 7 – SOCIAL DISTANCE – stay 6 feet apart

  3. Worship @8:30 AM (Traditional) @10:30 AM (Non Traditional) Rev. Allison Mark – Senior Pastor Facebook live @Faithsouthbay Replay 10:30 AM service at 5:00 PM

  4. Nihongobu Japanese ONLINE Worship Sundays @ 9:00 am Pastor Becky Hirata

  5. ZOOM “Coffee & Fellowship” Every Sunday @12p Dial 1-669-900-9128 (from home phone) Meeting ID# 5883329633 or For computers go to and click on link Mtg ID# 5883329633

  6. Your Tithes and Offering Can be mailed or dropped off at 2115 West 182 nd Street Torrance, CA 90504 And/or given through our online link at Donations can also be given through PayPal or our NEW Venmo @FaithUMC-SouthBay

  7. Update CDC Informa mation: ml Ca Califor ornia Pu Public Hea c Health Dep Dept: ht

  8. Zoom Tutorials, watch this video: If you still have technical difficulties, Please feel free to contact Rev. Allison or Pastor Ki. Or call 310-217-7000 on Tues-Fri from 9am-2pm and we can do a walk-through tutorial

  9. Faithful Healing has resumed on Zoom at the regular 1 st and 3 rd Mondays at 9 am. Please contact the Church Office or Alan Saruwatari at for the Zoom Information

  10. LOGOS Bible Studies 1 st & 3 rd Tuesdays @ 10:30 am Contact Pastor Ki Choi at for Zoom link

  11. Virtual Bible Studies Monday @ 7:00 pm Tuesday @ 10:30 am Wednesday @ 7:00 pm Thursday @7:30 pm Dial 1-669-900-9128 (from home phone) Meeting ID# 588 332 9633 or For computers go to and click on link https:// Mtg ID# 588 332 9633

  12. Virtual Prayer Rooms Monday - Friday New Time: 12p-1pm Dial 1-669-900-9128 (from home phone) Meeting ID# 588 332 9633 or For computers go to and click on link Mtg ID# 588 332 9633

  13. Are you in need of prayer? Would you like us to add your family or friends to our Prayer List? Do you need someone to pray with you? Please contact: to share your prayers for our Prayer List or ask Sandy to connect you with a Pastor (if you do not have our contact information already). You can also join our Daily Prayer Room at Noon to ask for prayers over ZOOM calls.

  14. HeBrews Now meeting on the 2 nd & 4 th Wednesdays of the month If you have any questions, contact Neal or Brian

  15. S.A.Y. SOMETHING Social Action for Youth Internship Program EVERY Tuesday at 5pm on Zoom Contact Rev. Allison for Zoom #

  16. 1960-2020 Participate in our 60 th Anniversary Celebration 1. Share your recipes and stories for our Anniversary Edition Cookbook! 2. Support our ONLINE 60th Anniversary Musical Celebration on 10-10-20 through the purchase of Faith Wear, popcorn, and Silent Auction! 3. Share your gifts, talents and passions by Teaching a class or giving a “Faith Talk”

  17. Recipes for the Cookbook Deadline to submit recipes is August 31, 2020 NOTE: If you would like your original recipe returned to you, please indicate so we can be sure to do that. Please include the following information with your recipe: 1-Name of dish 2-Name of person submitting recipe 3-Ingredients and Measurements 4-Step by step Instructions 5-Any additional NOTES (ie: # of servings, prep time, cooking time, any special equipment needed, warming instructions, serving recommendations, tips/hints, photo of dish, and special comment “This was my mom’s signature dish!”, Submit your recipes etc.) by email to: Or Drop them off @ our church mailbox Or Mail them to Faith UMC Torrance 2115 West 182 nd Street, Torrance, CA 90504 310-217-7000

  18. Auction Donation Requests Gift cards (restaurants, grocery stores, department stores, etc.). Need to be careful and choose places that will still be around post-Covid. Subscription boxes (Loot Crate, Fab Fit Fun, Stitch Fix, Bokksu, etc.) Memberships (Fruit of the Month, Wine of the Month, etc.) Hand-made/one of a kind items Church memorabilia (previous cookbooks, previous design aprons, etc.) Services (mow the lawn, car wash, etc.), possibly engage the youth groups. Online lessons (music lessons, cooking lesson, craft class, technology lessons, etc.) Other talent/gifts church members are willing to share (ie: meals, baked goods, etc.) CLEARLY MARK YOUR DONATED ITEMS “FOR SILENT AUCTION 10/10/2020” OR DELIVER TO CHURCH - - OR, if subscription boxes, the successful bidders will be able to have these sent directly to their own addresses. PLEASE CONTACT THE CHURCH OFFICE

  19. We are looking for your Happy 60 th Anniversary wish videos Hello everyone. If you would like to record yourself wishing Faith UMC Torrance a Happy 60th Anniversary, we would love to include it in our production. If you are interested, please send a 5-10 second “Happy Anniversary Faith” video to us at Thank you. AV Production Team

  20. 60 th Anniversary Popcorn Watch Party Musical Video Saturday, October 10, 2020 @ 4:00 pm Please join us for our celebration of Faith’s 60 th Anniversary, featuring members of Faith as they commemorate their experiences through the many church organizations throughout the years. We will highlight musical performances, the Faith cookbook sale and recognize founding members and also have some special surprises. We would like you to take a little video of you watching the 60 th video wearing your future new Faith Wear and showing you enjoying your popcorn purchases through the popcorn fundraiser (details to follow). Grace & Peace, Stephen Bullard

  21. • Oct 31, 2020: Last day to respond to Census Any questions, please email Amanda Taketa

  22. Re Recipro rocity Circle I Need Help with … Meals, shopping, etc. I Can Help with … Please call the church if you have any NEEDS And if you can HELP with any needs we have.

  23. In Lieu of Matsuri Campaign Virtual Matsuri Fundraiser throughout the summer months of June, July and August thru: Special Matsuri Fundraising Envelopes 60 th Anniversary Faith Wear Sales UMW Faith Reusable Cups An Online Silent Auction Send check to church or through online giving at Memo Line: In-Lieu-of-Matsuri

  24. Resources DAILY SPIRITUAL DEVOTIONS Upper Room Daily Devotions SOCIAL JUSTICE DEVOTIONALS DAILY MEDITATION StillPoint daily meditations, classes and retreats for deeper connection to God hhtps://

  25. FEED FRONTLINE HEROES If you would like to contribute to help serve meals to those who are working on the frontlines, South Bay Rice Things & Faith UMC have partnered together to "Feed Frontline Workers." You can make a contribution to OR send your check to Faith UMC with the Memo line: Feed Frontline Workers.

  26. Fund Raise r Popcornopolis gourmet popcorn can be purchased online through the Faith Store or fill out an order form and return it to the church office. Deadline for popcorn orders will be September 15 th Pick up during the week of October 5 th

  27. Virtual Relay For Life – Team Ohana of Faith • Held Sat., Oct 3, 2020 from 10am – 1pm at Faith UMC-Torrance Parking Lot. Masks and Social Distancing are required. • YOU MUST REGISTER by Mon, 28, 2010 to WALK in this event. • Obtain a registration form from the Good News or contact Sandy at • Once you register, you need to send your form to: Linda Sakurai at • We will also be selling pre-packaged Kalua pork bowls ($5) as a fundraiser. We will take preorders or you may drive thru church to order and pick up during our event. Accepting Checks and Credit Cards only.

  28. IF F YOU NEED A M A MAS ASK, K, Please Stay Safe! Le Let us kno t us know. .
