faith works faith shows up three types of culture how we

Faith Works Faith Shows Up Three Types of Culture How we view the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Faith Works Faith Shows Up Three Types of Culture How we view the world makes all the difference. Guilt Gu lt & Innoc ocence Individualisti In tic - We Western Shame & Ho Sh Honour Collectivistic - Ea Co Easte tern rn

  1. Faith Works

  2. Faith Shows Up

  3. Three Types of Culture How we view the world makes all the difference. Guilt Gu lt & Innoc ocence Individualisti In tic - We Western Shame & Ho Sh Honour Collectivistic - Ea Co Easte tern rn Fear & Power Fe An Animist stic - Tr Tribal al

  4. Different Perspectives Who is right?

  5. The World of James SOCIAL CONTEXT SO VALUES VA Church Outside Pa Ch Palestine Family Fa Socially Stra So Strati tified Re Reputation Di Difficult Times Fr Friends dship / Loyalty

  6. What does it look like? Wh What doe oes faith look ook like ke? Hope is the future Wh What do o wor orks ks look ook like ke? tense of faith Ho How do you see the world? A commitment to excellence in the beginning creates future opportunities. ● The Gospel spreads at the speed of friendship. ● God uses generosity of his people as a safeguard against greed in our lives. ●

  7. Showing Mercy - A question of eternal life The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37 QUESTI QU TION AN ANSWER Wh What is written? Love God & nei Lo neighb hbour Ho How do you read it it? Do this and live Do Wh Who o is you our nei neighb hbour? Go Go and do o li likewise se

  8. Faith & Works

  9. James 2:14-26 What if? (vs. 14,15) Good wishes not enough (vs. 16,17) Loyalty to God (vs. 18) Evidence – not talk (vs. 19,20) What God wants (vs. 21-24) Demonstrated allegiance (vs. 25,26)

  10. James 2:14-15 What if? What good are you, my family members, if you say that you are loyal and trust God but your actions do not show it ? Can your empty claims somehow make you approved by God ? What if one of our family members was poor ? What if you could see that they had nothing in their pockets and only had the clothes on their backs ? They wouldn’t even know where their next meal is coming from !

  11. James 2:16-17 Good wishes are not enough Suppose one of you says to them, “Have a good night ! Take care of yourself ! Buy yourself a nice coat, you deserve it ! And go treat yourself to your favorite meal tonight ! ” But you do not give that family member anything that they need — what good are you ? In this way, your claims to know God, without any action to back it up, have no effect . They are impotent and futile, like a corpse . Talk is just meaningless chatter unless you show it with your walk.

  12. James 2:18 Loyalty to God I know some of you are thinking , “Some people are loyal to God with their words, and others with their actions. ”That is rubbish ! How can you have one without the other ? Go ahead and try to show me your loyalty to God without action. As for me, I will demonstrate my loyalty to God through my actions.

  13. James 2:19-20 Evidence - not talk You agree that God is one. That is nice, but it is only a start. Do you think agreeing to some doctrine will get you approved by God ? Even the demons “the evildoers” can agree that God is one. Surely you’re better than them, aren’t you ? At least they tremble in fear of the Almighty One ! You empty-headed fool! Do you really need evidence that mere talk without action means nothing ?

  14. James 2:21-24 What God wants Take our illustrious father Abraham. Do you recall ? He received privileged status with God because he offered his son Isaac as a sacrifice . Look ! Abraham’s words and his actions were working together. They were not separated. His actions made his profession of loyalty complete. Abraham’s actions actualized what was written about him before - “Abraham believed God and he was considered righteous before God.” Because of his demonstrated loyalty to God , Abraham was renown as a friend of God . Do you get it? God esteems people because of their actions , not their empty words.

  15. James 2:25-26 Demonstrated allegiance Here is an example of the same principle with someone not as illustrious - Rahab the prostitute. She was given esteem by God because of her actions in helping the spies hide and escape. Her actions demonstrated her allegiance to God . If you take away the spirit from a body, then the body is lifeless. In the same way , take away action from a profession of loyalty , and it is a corpse .

  16. Our Journey Wh What doe oes you our faith look ook like ke? Wh What do o you our wor orks ks look ook like ke? What oppor Wh opportunities do o you ou see? We have started on the journey of exercising faith We have practiced generosity Now it is time to align our faith and works

  17. James’ Message ● We are not saved by our works, but our works reveal our faith in God’s plan for our lives. Our deeds are evidence of what’s inside our hearts. ● Don’t just stand on the sidelines of your faith, go out in faith knowing that God will guide your path whatever that may be.

  18. I was hungry and thirsty - Matthew 25:40 Get up and serve ● Your neighbour ● Your church ● Your Lord We don’t just go to church, we are the church!

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