factorization structures via the non commutative

Factorization structures via the non-commutative Hilbert scheme of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Factorization structures via the non-commutative Hilbert scheme of points in C 3 Emily Cliff University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign 17 March, 2018 Section 1 The question Let X be a smooth complex surface (e.g. C 2 ). The Hilbert scheme of

  1. Factorization structures via the non-commutative Hilbert scheme of points in C 3 Emily Cliff University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign 17 March, 2018

  2. Section 1 The question

  3. Let X be a smooth complex surface (e.g. C 2 ). The Hilbert scheme of n points of X parametrizes 0-dimensional subschemes of X of length n . n ≥ 0 Hilb n Write Hilb X = ⨆︁ X and H = H * (Hilb X ) = ⨁︂ H * (Hilb n X ) . n ≥ 0 .

  4. It follows from the work of many people in geometry and in algebra that 1 H is an irreducible representation of the Heisenberg Lie algebra h X . [Nakajima, Grojnowski] 2 H is isomorphic to the Heisenberg vertex algebra. [Frenkel–Lepowski–Meurmann] 3 On any smooth curve C , there is associated to Hilb X the Heisenberg chiral algebra. [Huang–Lepowski, Frenkel–Ben-Zvi] 4 On any smooth curve C , there is a Heisenberg factorization algebra ℋ C . [Beilinson–Drinfeld, Francis–Gaitsgory]

  5. Open problem: Given a smooth curve C and a smooth surface X , find a way to construct the factorization algebra ℋ C directly from the geometry of X and C and the Hilbert scheme, without passing through all of the formal algebra. Strategy: 1 Construct a factorization space over C whose fibres are built from copies of the Hilbert scheme. 2 Linearize (e.g. taking by cohomology along the fibres) to obtain a factorization algebra with fibres copies of H .

  6. Section 2 The physics

  7. The AGT correspondence (2,0)-6d field theory Why? “Theory X ” X × C Dimensional reduction 4d TFT 2d CFT X C Moduli space of Vertex algebra: In math: G -instantons on X 𝒳 -algebra for g L Hilb X Heisenberg G = U (1): vertex algebra

  8. New strategy: 1 Build a factorization space over X × C . 2 Use dimensional reduction to get a space over C . 3 Linearize.

  9. Section 3 The math

  10. Factorization spaces Let Z be a separated scheme. The Ran space of Z parametrizes non-empty finite subsets S ⊂ Z . Definition A factorization space over Z is a space living over the Ran space, 𝒵 → Ran Z , whose fibres 𝒵 S are equipped with compatible factorization isomorphisms : ∙ Given some points { S i } n i =1 ⊂ Ran Z such that, as subsets of Z, the S i are pairwise disjoint,we have n ∏︂ 𝒵 S i − ∼ → 𝒵 ⊔ S i . F { S i } : i =1

  11. The Hilbert scheme factorization space In this case, we have Z = C , a smooth complex curve. We define a space ℋ ilb X × C , whose fibre over S = { c 1 , . . . , c n } ∈ Ran C is given by ⃒ n ⃒ ⨆︂ ℋ ilb X × C , S = { ξ ∈ Hilb X × C ⃒ Supp ξ ⊂ ( X × { c i } ) } ⃒ ⃒ i =1 n ∼ ∏︂ ℋ ilb X × C , { c i } . = i =1

  12. The Hilbert scheme factorization space C X × S S ξ

  13. The Hilbert scheme as a critical locus e.g. when X = C 2 , C = C 3 , we can write Hilb n X × C as a critical locus inside the non-commutative Hilbert scheme as follows:

  14. ⎧ ⃒ ⎫ X , Y , Z ∈ M n ( C ) , ⃒ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⃒ ⎪ [ X , Y ] = [ Y , Z ] = [ X , Z ] = 0; ⎨ ⎬ C 3 ∼ Hilb n ⃒ ( X , Y , Z , v ) / GL n ( C ) . = ⃒ v ∈ C 3 ⃒ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⃒ ⎪ a cyclic vector under X , Y , Z ⎩ ⎭ ⃒ ⎧ ⃒ ⎫ X , Y , Z ∈ M n ( C ); ⃒ ⎨ ⎬ NCHilb n ⃒ v ∈ C 3 C 3 . . = ⎩ ( X , Y , Z , V ) ⎭ / GL n . ⃒ ⃒ a cyclic vector under X , Y , Z ⃒ W : NCHilb n C 3 → C [ X , Y , Z , v ] ↦→ Tr( X , [ Y , Z ]) . Hilb n C 3 = Crit( W ) .

  15. Generalizing the factorization structure For S ∈ Ran C , a point ξ = [ X , Y , Z , v ] ∈ Hilb C 3 lives in the fibre ℋ ilb C 3 , S whenever the eigenvalues of Z are contained in the set S ⊂ C . The factorization maps of Hilb are given by creating block diagonal matrices. Definition We define a space 𝒪𝒟ℋ ilb C 3 whose fibre over S ∈ Ran C consists of those points [ X , Y , Z , v ] ∈ NCHilb C 3 such that the eigenvalues of Z are contained in the set S.

  16. Remark: In general, if we start with two points [ X 1 , Y 1 , Z 1 , v 1 ], [ X 2 , Y 2 , Z 2 , v 2 ], there is no reason to hope that the data [︃ X 1 ]︃ [︃ Y 1 ]︃ [︃ Z 1 ]︃ [︃ v 1 ]︃ 0 0 0 , , , , 0 X 2 0 Y 2 0 Z 2 v 2 will again be stable. However, in the case that the eigenvalues of Z 1 and Z 2 are distinct, stability is ensured. This gives us factorization maps n F NC ∏︂ { S i } : 𝒪𝒟ℋ ilb C 3 , S i → 𝒪𝒟ℋ ilb C 3 , ⊔ S i . i =1

  17. Results (jt. with Itziar Ochoa) ∙ The maps F NC are closed embeddings, not isomorphisms. ∙ The factorization space ℋ ilb C 3 can be realized as a critical locus in 𝒪𝒟ℋ ilb C 3 . ∙ Over this critical locus, F NC restrict to the factorization isomorphisms. ∙ We have a perverse sheaf 𝒬𝒲 of vanishing cycles on ℋ ilb C 3 , a candidate for linearizing the factorization space to get a factorization algebra on C = C . Work in progress: Is this sheaf compatible with the factorization structure on ℋ ilb C 3 ? ∙ After applying results of Brav–Bussi–Dupont–Joyce–Szendroi, this amounts to checking vanishing of (or adjusting 𝒬𝒲 to account for) certain Z / 2 Z -bundles J F NC on spaces associated to ℋ ilb C 3 .


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