F ir e L e vy Chief Kevin J. McGee Fire and Rescue
F ir e L e vy Histor y Implemented over 50 years ago as an add ‐ on to real estate tax rate Created to fund the operations of the volunteer companies – stations, equipment, members, etc. First career staffing paid from fire levy, employed by volunteer companies, worked weekdays only Levy ‐ funded career staff shifted to general fund due to FLSA implications, career staff became county employees Fire levy rate differed by fire district FY02 the fire levy was changed to a county ‐ wide rate with all property owners paying $0.0728 vs. individual fire district levies ($0.037 to $0.10) Allowed for FRA budget development process Supports system ‐ wide initiatives and standardization |2| E nte r Pr e se ntation T itle He r e | E nter Month, Day, and Ye ar of Pr e se ntation
Gr owth of De par tme nt of F ir e and R e sc ue 1960’s – 1970’s: Partial career staffing on units working weekdays only 1980’s: Minimum staffing plans implemented for units, career staff worked weekdays only 1990’s: First 24 ‐ hour ALS units go into service Early 2000: First 24 ‐ hour Engine goes into service Today: Continue to add career 24 ‐ hour units into service to cover gaps and system enhancements – 52% are currently 24 ‐ hour units |3| E nte r Pr e se ntation T itle He r e | E nter Month, Day, and Ye ar of Pr e se ntation
Paying for Countywide F ir e & R e sc ue Se r vic e s In FY15, the cost to provide career coverage during traditional volunteer hours is $10.6M The general fund pays $6.8M; the levy covers $3.8M Proposed FY16 Fire & Rescue Levy rate = $0.067 6.7 cents will generate $35.2M in FY16 FY16 ‐ 20 proposed use of Fire levy funding ‐ $2M annually to fund staffing plan Continues to fund all volunteer company budgets and station operations Continues to fund all CIP projects and system wide initiatives |4| E nte r Pr e se ntation T itle He r e | E nter Month, Day, and Ye ar of Pr e se ntation
F ir e L e vy Annual E xpe nditur e s; F Y16 Pr opose d = $33,915,236 |5| E nte r Pr e se ntation T itle He r e | E nter Month, Day, and Ye ar of Pr e se ntation
BOCS Wor k se ssion R e que st / Que stion Can the fire levy support additional career staffing plans? Based on the analysis conducted by staff, $2M can be available in addition to the $2M in the proposed budget |6| E nte r Pr e se ntation T itle He r e | E nter Month, Day, and Ye ar of Pr e se ntation
F ir e L e vy F und Balanc e Various sub funds within fire levy fund Companies, system wide projects, IT, Capital Prior year revenue and excess expenditures and programmed contributions to fund one time items Fund Balance Components Designated fund balance ‐ apparatus replacement and facility projects appropriated by BOCS Undesignated fund balance ‐ for planned, future capital replacement, facility needs, and unplanned emergency needs Must adhere to Principles of Sound Financial Management: 7.5 % |7| E nte r Pr e se ntation T itle He r e | E nter Month, Day, and Ye ar of Pr e se ntation
F Y15 L e vy F und Balanc e De tail = $77M |8| E nte r Pr e se ntation T itle He r e | E nter Month, Day, and Ye ar of Pr e se ntation
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