f 0 u r t h p r e s e n t a t i 0 n n i g h t

F 0 U R T H P R E S E N T A T I 0 N N I G H T 1979 - PDF document

~ -~ - ~,. SEASa~ .... .. , . ~- - - -- .... . ..... "'"". - .... !-:.. ..i. - . ' :/. l. .... ,.J... ... -- - _'HILLS 1 BAU~KHAM P .O. BOX 78, BAULKHAM HILLS , 215G CLUB LIMITED . ~, ... ' -~ ,. . .

  1. ~ -·~ -· ~,. SEASa~ .... .. , . ·~- - - ·--· .... . ..... "°'"". -· .... !-:.. ..i. - •. • ' :/. l. .... ,.J... ... -- - _'HILLS 1 BAU~KHAM P .O. BOX 78, BAULKHAM HILLS , 215G CLUB LIMITED . ~, ... ' -·~ ,. . . - .. ~ ' AOS TRAU AN FOOTBAll DIVISION - PR E SIDEN T: S, ECRETAR -V: Joan Edwards, John Morris, 8 Talisman Ave., , 27 Lynden Avenue, CAS'rLE HILL. Cl-,.RLINGFORD Ph. 634-4704 Ph. 871-1490 F 0 U · R T H P R E S E N T A T I 0 N N I G H T 1979

  2. r' RALIAN ANUP~ . HILLS & DISTRICT JUNIOR AUS~ FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION President B.W. McMahon, 3 Garah Close, Westleigh, 2120. Secretary P.J. Reynolds, 18 Gunbuya Avenue, Baulkham Hills, 2153. GE NE RAL MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOB ER 9TH, 1979 8 p.m. EAU-.LKHAH HII..LS SPORTING CLUB RENOWN ROAD, BAULKHAM HIL LS Association now consists of 3 clubs - (12 teams) • . An important matter on the Agenda is election of Office Bearers - the following will be required:- * President * Vice Presid e nt (2) * Secretary * Asst. Secretary * Treasurer * Records Officer *· Registrar * Publicity Officer * Represent a tive Team - Co-Ordinator * Sydney Council You are ask ed to give severe thought to nomin a ting for these positions; but at the same time you must reme mb er the management committees of your own club as well.

  3. COMMITTEE LIST - 1979 President John Morris Vice-President Stan Edwards Secretary Joan Edwards Asst/Secretary/ Records Officer Barbara Spence GENERAL COMMITTEE Trevor Spence Bob Fallon John Raprager Lyle McPherson Val Johns Sylvina Mercer Ray Johns Ian Mercer Pam Thripp Kevin Hall Judy Wilson Peter Hall Ben Wilson Frank Bawden Terry O'Toole Brian Clift John Simpson Bob Fallon TEAM MANAGEMENT Team Manager - Trevor Spence Under ll's Coach - Ian Mercer Under 13's Coach - Peter Hall Team Manager - Fred Ashmore Under lS's Coach - Stan Edwards Team Manager - Ben Wilson Under 17's Coach - Kevin Hall Team Manager - John Morris Special Skills Coach - Bob Fallon

  4. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Congratulations to all players for a most successful season. The dedicated efforts of our hardworking committee, the responsibilities of our coaches, team managers and so many parents resulted in us having our four teams in the finals. This year we started to see many players moving up to the Senior Club for matches in both the Under 19's and the lsts. In 1980, a good number will gain permanent selection in these teams and the work of the past 5 years is showing that Australian Football in Sydney is improving each year. To those who worked hard on Hills & District Association, North Shore Association, S.A.Y.A.S. Sydney Council, our various Representative Teams and trips away matches - a very big thank you. To Joan Edwards and Barbara Spence - the Club's appreciation for a job well done in 1979. We do appreciate the support of the Pennant Hills Senior Club and Lensworth Finance Ltd. in providing the trophies for this year and also to Lindemans Wines and the C.B.A. Bank for their continuing support to our Club. To Ian Mercer (our Under ll's coach) and his family, we extend our appreciation for the interest and efforts you have given the Club over the years and we trust you will enjoy your new home in Queensland. We are all very pleased to see our Vice-President Stan Edwards recover from his recent illness - thanks for your efforts Stan from all of us at "Baulks". Our Club has progressed again in 1979 and all our teams performed very well - I trust that our new Committee will receive t!le good support they need to continue to be the top Club in 1980. John Morris, PRESIDENT

  5. __ - ... . ~ ~-·- .. __ . _...,.,.,,;.. __ ·- SECRETARY'S REPORr The achievement of all 4 teams reaching the final series should have made 1979 a most successful year; however the disappointments were evident when several of our teams did not perform up to their ability. Final matches are different games, unfortunately no team was successful in gaining a place in the Grand Final. Congratulations nevertheless must go to all boys, coaches, team managers and willing helpers for getting all teams to the finals and the fine spiri~ the games were played in. Congratulations to Pennant Hills Junior Club for their premiership wins in both Under ll's and Under 13's. Also evident was the fact that if we do not get more vocal representation on the North Shore Association, we will remain the under priviledged "poor relative". Some of the decisions and policies made by "that" body must not be allowed to be repeated in future years if Junior Football is to prosper in all areas. Recruitment this year has been our most successful since our club was formed and 4 complete teams were fielded each week with a spattering of both experienced players and new players learning our code. Publicity in local papers this year has been really great, if a little inconsistent at times. We thank Barbara and Trevor Spence for compiling andaelivering these articles to the papers each week. A ve=Y successful committee function in form of Progressive Dinner got the season off to a flying start and made new members, coaches and team managers seem at home. Home game raffles again proved popular $120 being raised over 6 weeks. Thanks to Sylvina Mercer for organising these each week - to the girls for selling tickets and to those of you who donated prizes throughout the year. 200's club ticket again went off pretty well - although it was annoying that some. people took tickets and neither sold orieturned same. The big prize of $100 was won by Kevin Rue (ticket sold by Stan Edwards - no commission received!). The Association Dinner Dance this year held at Baulkham Hills Sporting Club was attended by a large number from our club and was voted a great night by all - $360 was raised for Association during 1979. Our thanks must go to - *Baulkham Hills Sporting Club for their support during the season, the availability of club's facilities for meetings or functions and the ;nterest shown by other divisions in our progress. *Soccer Division of Castle Hill Sport & Recreation Club for permitting us to have use of Castle Hill Showgrounds for training.

  6. *All coaches, team managers and many interested Dads who helped in training and fielding teams each week. Also Mums for washing jumpers, preparing cordial and oranges, not to mention vocal support during the year. *Special thanks to Barbara Spence and her cheer squad girls for their banners and colour they added to the finals games. Many of our administrators and corranittee members are inaugural members of our club and having served 5 years are now phasing out from the workload. Therefore we are looking to the newer parents, especially with boys in the younger age groups to come forward to fill these important positions for the following year. I can assure you a lot of fW1 and satisfaction can be gained from active involvement in your club. Finally, I wish to thank Barbara Sp~ce, my Assistant Secretary for the willingness to assist with any task throughout the season - it certainly was a great help. Hope to see you all in Season 1980. Joan Edwards.

  7. TEAM REPORT - UNDER ll's With only 8 players eligible from last season a most successful 1979 was enjoyed by the Under 11 Team. However, as in the two previous seasons we were eliminated prior to the Grand Final. These players combined with our recruits to form a formidable combination which deflated nearly every side in the competition, the exception being Pennant Hills. You should have seen the first training session, Ian Mercer's frown was nearly cracking his face! How could we form 18 players into a combination? Fortunately he did it in about 4 weeks with tremendous assistance from John Simpson and many keen fathers. Midway through the season we had lost only one game the most memorable one being the defeat by 5 points of last teams runners- up, St. Ives Saints. We continued on our winning way until we ~t Saints again, who gave us a nice thrashing. This se8med to lower the boys ~orale and although they won the next 2 ga~es Pittwater crushed them in the last home and home game. The boys did not appear to overcome this defeat, as the following week, again against Pittwater in the first Semi-Final, they went down by 6 points. congratulations go to: David Weedon (best and fairest), his . tenacity consistency and natural ability has made him one of the top rovers in the competition. Darrin Simpson (runner-up) started slowly, however his fitness and speed rapidly improved to enable him to gain most of his votes in the " latter half of the season. Adrian Harrington (Most Improved) came to us after playing both soccer and league. However in no time adapted to Australian Football to become one of the most promising full-backs we have seen. His performance with the rep. team gained him selection in the Sydney Training Squad. Warren Spence (Best Team Man) , this is the second year he has gained this award which proves that not only is he a consistent ball-getter but a popular players amongst his team-mates. These boys, as well as Greg Harry (our Captain), Gary Davis, Michael Crompton, Lloyd Brown, Paul Seller and Craig Salmon all gained selection in the Hills and District Representative Team for the Sydney Round Robin. Unfortunately the team was beaten by 6 points for the Sydney Champion- ship however, possibly their biggest thrill came when they represented Richmond (Victoria) in the little league during the half-time interval at the s.c.G. before 16,000 people at the Richmond V's Fitzroy V.F.L. Game. Ironically they were beaten by the same team by 6 points.


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