evolutionary transitions and

Evolutionary Transitions and Top-Down Causation Hector Carrillo, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Evolutionary Transitions and Top-Down Causation Hector Carrillo, Frederick Lee, Pepper Marts Jumps in Complexity Ex: Single cell to multicellular life Bottom-up: low level mechanisms cause higher level behavior Top-down: high level

  1. Evolutionary Transitions and Top-Down Causation Hector Carrillo, Frederick Lee, Pepper Marts

  2. Jumps in Complexity • Ex: Single cell to multicellular life • Bottom-up: low level mechanisms cause higher level behavior • Top-down: high level organization constrains lower level interactions

  3. Toy Model Logistic Map Contextual Information • X i,n = population of subgroup i at time n • ε = global coupling strength • f n = discrete logistic growth function • m n = average logistic growth of subgroups • K = carrying capacity • r i = fitness • N = number of subgroups • M n = average population of subgroups

  4. Transfer Entropy

  5. Return Map

  6. Transfer Entropy vs Global Coupling Strength


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