every seed is sacred

Every Seed is Sacred Olivier Blazy Orr Dunkelman Saqib A. Kakvi - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

sacred seeds.py Setup Every Seed is Sacred Olivier Blazy Orr Dunkelman Saqib A. Kakvi Michael Naehrig Peter Schwabe The Ministry of Silly Talks EC2020 Rump Session sacred seeds.py Setup Setup sacred seeds.py Setup Introduction sacred

  1. sacred seeds.py Setup Every Seed is Sacred Olivier Blazy Orr Dunkelman Saqib A. Kakvi Michael Naehrig Peter Schwabe The Ministry of Silly Talks EC2020 Rump Session

  2. sacred seeds.py Setup Setup

  3. sacred seeds.py Setup Introduction

  4. sacred seeds.py Setup Introduction My name is Not Important Esq. OBE TLS13-AES128-GCM-SHA256. I am the Minister of Silly Talks.

  5. sacred seeds.py Setup Introduction My name is Not Important Esq. OBE TLS13-AES128-GCM-SHA256. I am the Minister of Silly Talks. We have had many hilarious, entertaining and well-prepared talks in this rump session.

  6. sacred seeds.py And Now for Something Completely Different And Now for Something Completely Different

  7. sacred seeds.py And Now for Something Completely Different Bands on Zoom

  8. sacred seeds.py And Now for Something Completely Different Bands on Zoom ◮ I am sure we have all seen bands playing on Zoom, e.g. ◮ https://youtu.be/DGwQZrDNLO8 ◮ https://youtu.be/ahlb52DRzpA ◮ https://youtu.be/wi8aMULUgVg

  9. sacred seeds.py And Now for Something Completely Different Bands on Zoom ◮ I am sure we have all seen bands playing on Zoom, e.g. ◮ https://youtu.be/DGwQZrDNLO8 ◮ https://youtu.be/ahlb52DRzpA ◮ https://youtu.be/wi8aMULUgVg ◮ So we thought “We can do that!”.

  10. sacred seeds.py And Now for Something Completely Different Bands on Zoom ◮ I am sure we have all seen bands playing on Zoom, e.g. ◮ https://youtu.be/DGwQZrDNLO8 ◮ https://youtu.be/ahlb52DRzpA ◮ https://youtu.be/wi8aMULUgVg ◮ So we thought “We can do that!”. ◮ So we did.

  11. sacred seeds.py And Now for Something Completely Different Acoustic Cryptanalysis of Zoom

  12. sacred seeds.py And Now for Something Completely Different Acoustic Cryptanalysis of Zoom

  13. sacred seeds.py And Now for Something Completely Different Acoustic Cryptanalysis of Zoom

  14. sacred seeds.py And Now for Something Completely Different Acoustic Cryptanalysis of Zoom IT DOESN’T WORK! IT’S ALL LIES!!!! I CALL SHENANIGANS OF THE HIGHEST ORDER!!!!

  15. sacred seeds.py Every Seed is Sacred Olivier Blazy Orr Dunkelman Saqib A. Kakvi Michael Naehrig Peter Schwabe [YOU] The Ministry of Silly Talks C2020 Rump Session?


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