Third National Dam Safety Conference 16-17 February 2017, Roorkee EVALUATION OF EFFECT OF PMP ESTIMATION ON PMF ESTIMATES Sagar Rohidas Chavan and V. V. Srinivas Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Science
Introduction M ajor Hydrologic Structures (e.g., dams which are located upstream of thickly populated areas and/or nuclear facilities) Limiting case DESIGN PROBABLE M AXIM UM FLOOD FLOOD (PM F) DESIGN PROBABLE M AXIM UM PRECIPITATION RAINF ALL (PM P) PM P: greatest depth of precipitation for a given duration that is meteorologically possible for a watershed (WM O 1986, 2009) Source: Electronic media 2
Hershfield M ethod [Hershfield 1961, 1965] Frequency analysis of annual maximum precipitation records t i i env X X t t i M n 1 PMP t X k k i 1, , N n m n m i t -target location n 1 12 Frequency Factor (K m ) 10 (or) 8 6 4 2 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Mean annual maximum 1-day precipitation (cm) 4
Chavan, S. R., and Srinivas, V. V. (2017), Regionalization based envelope curves for PM P estimation by Hershfield method. International Journal of Climatology, Wiley & Royal M eteorological Society, doi: 10.1002/ joc.4951 A is introduced to increase proximity of the envelope curve to points depicting sites having ‘low M AMP and high FF’ as well as ‘high M AMP and low FF’ U L R +L +L +L ICWRCOE 2015 5
M ultifractal Approach (M A) (Douglas and Barros (2003) M ultifractal field : Precipitation intensity, � � Properties at different temporal scales described using scale- invariant M ultiplicative Cascade M odel Design Probable M aximum Precipitation (DPM P) Scale ratio Pr � � > � � ∼ � �� � � L ���� = 10 � � � � � � � � : codimension function 1 c ln p ln ln T ln e e 6
Test for presence of fractality in observed precipitation Figure: Empirical PDF of � � showing hyperbolic falloff, indicating large influence of extreme events on tail probabilities 7
Design Probable M aximum Precipitation (DPM P) ���� = 10 � � � � � Intercept=B M axima of accumulated rainfall 1,000 � � � : codimension function A λ (mm 10) 1 c ln p ln ln T ln e e Scale ratio L 100 1 10 Duration, τ (days) Figure: Verification of scaling relationship 8
Modeling hydrological response of catchments using geomorphological concepts t m 1 k t e 1 GIUH t ( ) (hour ) Ω Case S n T R a R b R l k k m (km 2 ) (km) where 1 0.9 5 756 2172 4.99 5.00 2.73 0.78 R 2 4.5 4 152 988 5.77 5.02 2.82 0.07 b m 3.29 R (adimensional) l 3 9 4 74 694 4.85 4.18 2.15 R a 4 22.5 3 29 432 6.68 5.39 3.45 0.48 R L a k 0.70 (hours) R R v b l
Time (hour) 0.07 GIUH (1/hour) 0.035 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (hour) 10
Self-similarity properties of channel networks Moussa (1996) derived the following formulations for n (number of sources) and T (total length of stream network) A typical channel n S S network for S = S A 0 1 2 S T OE S S 0 0 S A burnt_ASTER burnt_SRTM SRTM ASTER 7 10 3 10 T (km) n 2 10 6 10 -4 -3 -2 -4 -3 -2 10 10 10 10 10 10 S/S 0 S/S 0 11
Equivalent GIUH 1 1 2 2 2 Equivalent H-Sratios: 2 R R R le ae be t 0.78 m 1 k t e R 0.07 be E-GIUH ; where m 3.29 R le k k m R ae 0.5 0.48 R R S R L 0.5 1 be le ae e L OE S k 0.70 e 0 2 S R R R v 0 be le le Scaling properties: � , � � � : Equivalent length of highest order stream (km) � : Representative peak flow velocity in the catchment (km/ h)
ASTER DEM based GIUH H SRTM DEM based GIUH SRTM DEM based E-GIUH ASTER DEM based E-GIUH burnt _SRTM DEM based E-GIUH burnt _ASTER DEM based E-GIUH Time (hour) Time (hour) 0.07 0.05 E-GIUH (1/hour) GIUH (1/hour) 0.035 0.025 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (hour) Time (hour) Figure: GIUHs and E-GIUHs constructed for stream networks 13
Case study on Hemavathy dam Catchment area : 2810 km 2 Location: Gorur (near Hassan) in Cauvery river basin, Karnataka Dam features: Height: 58 m; Length: 4692 m Gross storage capacity: 964 M CM Spillway capacity: 3624.5 cumecs 14
Description of data and methodology SRTM DEM Daily Streamflow(1977 to 2011) Daily rainfall : 49 rain gauges (1970-2011) Nine major flood events for calibration of velocity � -index technique to determine effective rainfall hyetographs (ERHs) Areal average PM P estimation (Thiessen polygon; Kriging) 15
Flow velocity corresponding to PM P Range-1( i 35mm/ day) Range-2 ( i >35 mm/ day) Representative velocity v corresponding to each of the 9 major flood events in the catchment was estimated through calibration by genetic algorithm (GA) 17
PM P estimates obtained based on HM and M A (mm) 1000 2-day PM P 800 600 400 200 0 y y y HM M A-100 M A-500 M A-1000 (mm) 1000 3-day PM P 800 600 400 200 0 y y y HM M A-100 M A-500 M A-1000 18
PM F hydrographs obtained based on HM and M A 1.2E+4 1.8E+4 1.6E+4 1.0E+4 1.4E+4 PMP duration = 3 days PM P duration = 2 days 8.0E+3 1.2E+4 PM F (m 3 / s) PM F (m 3 / s) 1.0E+4 6.0E+3 8.0E+3 4.0E+3 6.0E+3 4.0E+3 2.0E+3 2.0E+3 0.0E+0 0.0E+0 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 Time (hours) Time (hours) Existing spillway capacity of the dam: 3,624.5 m 3 /s PM P(HM )>> PM P(CWC) 10,000 m 3 / s >> PM P (M A) 19
Table 2. Dam breach Data Breach method Froehlich (2008) Top of dam elevation 894.81 m Breach bottom elevation 850 m Pool elevation at failure 894.1 m 1050.6 M m 3 Pool volume at failure Failure mode Overtopping Dam Crest Width 2.44 m Slope of U/ S Dam face Z1 (H:V) 3:1 Slope of D/ S Dam face Z2 (H:V) 2:1 Water surface elevation that triggers failure 894.81 m Breach formation time (h) 4.05 Breach section side slopes (H:V) 1:1 Final bottom width of breach 270 m Final bottom elevation of breach 850 m Breach weir coefficient 2.6 20
Average Breach Width V w : water volume above the breach bottom at the time of failure which can be considered as volume of water in the reservoir at the time of failure (1050.6 M m 3 ) 21
Breach Formation time H b : Height of water above the breach bottom at the time of failure (Height of the dam=44.81 m) ICWRCOE 2015 22
Inundation map corresponding to 2-day duration PM P HM M ultifractal
DBA_hema_Hersh_2day Plan: Plan_25km_Hersh2day 2/17/2017 Hema_25 1 950 Legend EG Max WS WS Max WS 900 Crit Max WS Ground Elevation (m) 850 800 DBA_hema_MA_1000 Plan: Plan_25km_MA1000_2day 2/17/2017 Hema_25 1 900 Legend 750 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 EG Max WS 880 Main Channel Distance (m) WS Max WS 860 Crit Max WS Ground 840 Elevation (m) maximum height/ depth of 820 water reached during the 800 flood event based on HM 780 760 740 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 ICWRCOE 2015 25 Main Channel Distance (m)
Conclusion Uncertainty in PM P & PM F estimates cannot be ignored in dam break analysis studies. Implications of the uncertainty on area inundated downstream of dams is worth investigation Acknowledgements Directorate of Economics and statistics, Bangalore Water Resources Development Organization (WRDO), Karnataka Central Water Commission (CWC) 26
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