
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) #EU_MARE BUDGET AND - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

EU Budget for the future European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) #EU_MARE BUDGET AND ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES Proposed budget for 2021-2027: EUR 6.140 billion in current price Shared management: EUR 5.311 billion (86.5%) Direct

  1. EU Budget for the future European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) #EU_MARE

  2. BUDGET AND ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES ▪ Proposed budget for 2021-2027: EUR 6.140 billion in current price ▪ Shared management: EUR 5.311 billion (86.5%) ▪ Direct management: EUR 829 million (13.5%) ▪ Definition of national allocations under shared management based on the 2014-2020 shares

  3. BUDGET AND ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES In addition to the EMFF, budget is earmarked for : ▪ Our international commitments (EUR 990 million) ▪ SFPAs, to cover market access and sectoral support under these agreements ▪ Membership to RFMOs and other international bodies, bound by the Convention on the Law of the Sea to participate in these organisations ▪ European Fisheries Control Agency (EUR 128 million)

  4. Delivering on the objectives of the CFP and maritime policy

  5. COMMON POLICY OBJECTIVES FOR UNION FUNDS 11 objectives simplified and consolidated to 5: 1. A smarter Europe (innovative & smart economic transformation) 2. A greener, low-carbon Europe (including energy transition, green and blue investments, the circular economy, climate adaptation and risk management) From 6 UP to 4 EMFF Priorities 3. A more connected Europe (mobility and ICT connectivity) 4. A more social Europe (the European Pillar of Social Rights) 5. A Europe closer to citizens (sustainable development of urban, rural and coastal areas and local initiatives)

  6. OBJECTIVES 4 priorities: 1. Fostering sustainable fisheries and the conservation of marine biological resources 2. Contributing to food security in the Union through competitive and sustainable aquaculture and markets 3. Enabling the growth of a sustainable blue economy and fostering prosperous coastal communities 4. Strenghtening international ocean governance and enabling safe, secure, clean and sustainably managed seas and oceans

  7. SCOPE OF SUPPORT (1) SHARED PRIORITY DIRECT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT - Achievement of the environmental, - Scientific advice (1) Fostering sustainable economic, social and employment fisheries and the objectives of the CFP - Control and enforcement conservation of marine - Support for small-scale coastal - Advisory Councils biological resources fishing - Voluntary contributions to - Management of fisheries and fishing international organisations fleets - Achievement of good environmental - Control and enforcement status in the marine environment - Collection and processing of data - Implementation of the European strategy for plastics in a circular - Integrated support for the outermost economy regions, including compensation for additional costs - Protection and restoration of marine and coastal biodiversity and ecosystems

  8. SCOPE OF SUPPORT (2) SHARED PRIORITY DIRECT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT - Aquaculture - Market intelligence for fishery and (2) Contributing to food aquaculture products security in the Union - Marketing of fishery and aquaculture through competitive and products sustainable aquaculture - Processing of fishery and and markets aquaculture products

  9. SCOPE OF SUPPORT (3) SHARED PRIORITY DIRECT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT - Community-led local development - Promotion of a sustainable, low- (3) Enabling the growth of (scope extended to the blue carbon and climate-resilient blue a sustainable blue economy) economy economy and fostering - Marine knowledge ('Habitats' and - Integrated governance and prosperous coastal 'Birds' Directives, maritime spatial management of the maritime space communities planning, EMODnet) - Transfer and uptake of research, innovation and technology in the sustainable blue economy - Maritime skills, ocean literacy and sharing of socio-economic data - Development of project pipelines and innovative financing instruments

  10. SCOPE OF SUPPORT (4) SHARED PRIORITY DIRECT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT - Maritime surveillance (CISE) - Maritime security and surveillance (4) Strenghtening international ocean - Coastguard cooperation - Implementation of the international governance and enabling ocean governance policy (international cooperation in the safe, secure, clean and context of UNCLOS, the 2030 sustainably managed seas Agenda for Sustainable and oceans Development and other agreements) - Fight agains IUU fishing at international level

  11. RING-FENCED AND CAPPED AREAS OF SUPPORT AREA OF SUPPORT CONDITION Control and enforcement + collection Minimum 15% of each national and processing of data allocation (except for land-locked countries) Outermost regions (including - EUR 102 million for the Azores and structural support, compensation of Madeira additional costs and action plan for the - EUR 82 million for the Canary sustainable blue economy) Islands - EUR 131 million for the French outermost regions Maximum 50% of these amounts for the compensation of additional costs Permanent cessation of fishing Maximum EUR 6 million or 10% of each activities + extraordinary cessation national allocation of fishing activities

  12. Simplification and flexibility

  13. A 'COMMON PROVISIONS' REGULATION (CPR) A common rulebook for the implementation of funds: • More coherent • Simpler to learn • Simpler to combine

  14. A MORE FLEXIBLE EMFF ARCHITECTURE: NO MORE MEASURES 2021-2027 2014-2020 ▪ No predefined measures at EU ▪ Prescriptive measures (rigid level description of eligibility rules in the Regulation) ▪ Broad 'areas of support' describing the scope of the ▪ Straight jacket for Member fund States ▪ List of ineligible and conditional ▪ Many interpretation operations (consistency with questions the CFP) ▪ Flexibility for Member States in the setting of eligibility rules

  15. EXAMPLES OF AREAS OF SUPPORT TYPE OF OPERATION ELIGIBILTY RULE POSSIBLE PROJECTS Achievement of the No eligibility rule in the Selective gears, health and objectives of the CFP EMFF Regulation safety, energy efficiency, quality of catches, etc. Permanent cessation of - Conditions in the Scrapping schemes, fishing activities Regulation (e.g. only in retrofitting for other unbalanced fleet activities than commercial segment and for active fishing vessels) - 'Financing not linked to costs' (conditions and results set in the programme) Construction of new Not eligible vessels Operations that increase Not eligible the fishing capacity or the ability to catch fish

  16. PERFORMANCE, MONITORING AND EVALUATION ▪ Performance framework based on output and result indicators (milestones and targets to be set) ▪ Monitoring and evaluation framework to be established by delegated act (additional indicators at programme level) ▪ Transmission of financial data by Member States every 2 months ▪ Annual performance reports ▪ Structured and dynamic policy dialogue between the Commission and Member States in the annual review meeting ▪ Discontinuation of the performance reserve


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