Europ ean Solar Magnetometry Net w ork Rob ert J. Rutten Sterrekundig Instituut Utrecht WHY? Sola r magnetism � generated b y enigmatic dynamo p ro cesses in the sola r interio r � o rganised into highly complex patterns of sola r activit y � dominates the structure of the outer sola r atmosphere � regulates the sola r wind � a�ects the extended heliosphere
Europ ean Solar Magnetometry Net w ork WHA T? � Science Ob jectiv es { cha rt the top ology of sola r magnetic structures at all scales of emergence at the sola r surface { identify the basic p ro cesses underlying the dynamical b e- haviour of sola r magnetic structures { measure sola r activit y patterns to constrain the sola r dynamo mechanism � Implemen tation Ob jectiv es { imp rove sola r magnetometry to unp recedented angula r res- olution and sensitivit y { obtain comp rehensive high-resolution sola r magnetometry data in concert with space data { achieve observationally constrained numerical mo delling 25 20 15 10 5 0
Europ ean Solar Magnetometry Net w ork HO W? � Europ ean net w ork Sterrekundig Instituut, Utrecht Instituto de Astrof � �sica de Cana rias, La Laguna Osservato rio Astronomico di Cap o dimonte, Nap oli Institutt fo r T eo retisk Astrofysikk, Oslo Resea rch Station fo r Astrophysics, Sto ckholm Sonnenobservato rium Einsteinturm, P otsdam Observatoire de P a ris, Meudon Sola r System Division, ESA Space Science Depa rtment � Europ ean telescop es � Europ ean space mission (NASA to o) � Europ ean exp ertise { phase-diverse sp eckle interferometry { Stok es vecto r magnetometry { p ola rised radiative transfer { numerical (M)HD simulation
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